
Lucky draw that’s all

The MC got three choices while in the process of recreation Easy Mode: life is easy you have a system blah blah blah…. Hard Mode: you just need to put more work On your own: you only get your origin talent unlocked and explain and that’s all. And imagine what the Mc chose… —————————- I-am just bored and putting my ideas

M0011 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Status screen and the disappointment

I don't know how long it passed but after waking up I checked my condition other than tiredness nothing else is wrong with me.

"Status" after saying it out loud nothing appeared

"Status!" Still nothing appeared i sigh and look down I saw a card.

'Huh' I go down to pick it up I see that from one side it is blank the other side seems to be an image an some writing.

Seeing the image it seems to be a status screen and the description for it.

Card: status screen


Type: consumable

Amount of use: 1

Description: it is a status screen that show your health and general condition in a numerical form

Use: think of the word status

Note: it is only the status no increase in level and that type of stuff

After reading this I was ecstatic I mean now I have the status screen but it seems I can't level up or anything which is kinda fair but oh well.

'So do i eat it' first thought after seeing that it is consumable.

I tried to or hoped to eat it but the moment of thinking to use it it disappeared.

I looked around confused I didn't feel any difference so I tried to call out in my head 'status'


Name: lucky

HP: 100/100

stamina: 10%

SP: 100/100 (soul power)

MP: 1/0


'That's it? I mean where is the STR OR INT where is the status point?'

After realising that it was only status or you can say my health and that is it.

After remembering what was on the card I remember seeing that it was a general seeing of status not specific one like how fast or strong I am.

Sigh I check my status again and I see the only abnormalities was that the MP was 1/0 and that means I gained MP but from where.

I remember it said that it will send me with my original body so I know mama or this type of stuff. So the question is what did I do to gain that MP? It didn't take long before I laid my eyes on the fruits that I ate from this trees.

'Are this fruits magic fruits?' Asking that question I go take a bite I feel a warm feeling again I look at my status screen again and I see it became MP: 2/0 I was happy I ate another one i felt that warm feeling and I ate another one and another… tell it became MP: 10:0.

I couldn't eat anymore I mean I was full I didn't feel hunger but more like a balloon that was about to Bob.

I think of it again and I remember that some anime or novel where the character get too much energy he got potentially explode if it is too mush energy.

'I need a release' just thinking about exploding just from too mush eating feel quite shameful.

Thinking of something quickly I do another lucky draw this time I choose two choices. And specifically choose the amount of energy I will put in

Lucky draw

World: unchosen

Category: magic , method

Energy required 1*2 + 1*2 = 4 times

Energy: MP

Energy amount used: 2.5

After confirming my choices I didn't faint or anything I just felt relief because I don't feel i am going to explode.

After a 5 seconds of waiting what appeared in my hand was a card. Reading the description I almost cried.

Card: tattered mana refine method

Tier: 1

Type: method

Amount of use:-

Description: it have nothing really it just a useless book with a good name

Use: press the card hard to summon it

Note: it can be used as fuel?

Reading the note I almost cried.

I sigh go back to the cave and go to sleep.