
Lucky draw that’s all

The MC got three choices while in the process of recreation Easy Mode: life is easy you have a system blah blah blah…. Hard Mode: you just need to put more work On your own: you only get your origin talent unlocked and explain and that’s all. And imagine what the Mc chose… —————————- I-am just bored and putting my ideas

M0011 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Getting stronger and tier 6 lucky draw

Next day I wake up and I see that I gain one point of mana back without doing anything I was happy because now I don't need to sit down and recover my mana back without doing anything.

Getting up and converting my mana to my mana upper limit. Making it 0/1.2.

After finishing i got up left the cave and going straight to have a a fruit and summon again this time I will not choose a category or anything I will just summon all of it with all my mana.

Surprisingly after eating the fruit my mana reached 10 points but still I didn't feel I was going to explode or anything. After eating a bit more the MP points reached to 17 points it became 17/1.4

After feeling that I was a bout to blow up again I did a summon this time a got something that can be considered helpful to me right now and that is food.

Card: stack of bread

Tier: 1

Type: food

Amount of use: 64

Description: it is food that from the world of Minecraft that satisfies your hunger by 33.333%

Use: eat it for the taste integrate it so not using time

Note: it is just food.

After seeing it was food and I don't even need to eat it I was happy because this will last me for about 21 days so I don't need to worry about food currently.

Thinking of it again I collect about 60 fruits and I start to gamble because now I have food that last me for quite a while.

Using my origin talent to do a specific summon on a world.

The world is the gamer

I use all the 60 fruits at once

Lucky draw

World: the gamer

Category: skill + assimilate + board.

Energy required (1*2 + 1*2+1*2) *10= 60

Energy: fruit

I used all of them and I got the image for the skill board.

Not surprised I try it again this time I got the picture again. I was happy because this means I can get what I want.

But it seems I was dreaming I saw the fusion section I wanted to see the results of the fusion and that what I got.

Fusion: skill board pic + skill board pic= shard of skill board.

Confused after confirming the fusion a new card appeared and this was the result.

Card: shard of the skill board

Tier: 2

Type: shard

Amount of use: 1

Description: it is one out of 10 shards to make the skill board

Use: after collecting ten you can fuse all of them to get a new card

Note: it is just a shard nothing else.

After seeing that I need 9 more shards I was almost crying I mean I need about 18 more pictures and that means minimum of using 1080 more fruits and I don't have this many.

I look around collect all the fruits which took my around three hours.

The total amount of the fruits were about 700~800

I just didn't care anymore I used it again but this time I got what wanted.

Card: skill board

Tier: 6

Type: skill board

Amount of use: once

Description: it is the same as Han Jihan because you can upgrade the skills and gain them.

Use: integrate it with a thought

Note: it is 100 time slower upgrading skills and gaining skills because Han Jihan was helped by Gaia so he did it one time it is as if he did it a hundred times the work.

Thinking of this I don't mind I mean Han Jihan was helped by Gaia and he is the main character so it will be easier for him.

After a thought I integrated the card and now I can see my skill and I only have one.



Magic cultivation method

Type: active

Lvl 1/99

Allows the user to increase his magic power by ration 20:1.


After seeing this I was happy because eventually the ratio will increase so it can become 1:1

Looking around I see the entire place is empty or barren I go back into the cave and I will be getting to leave this place tomorrow.