
Lucky draw that’s all

The MC got three choices while in the process of recreation Easy Mode: life is easy you have a system blah blah blah…. Hard Mode: you just need to put more work On your own: you only get your origin talent unlocked and explain and that’s all. And imagine what the Mc chose… —————————- I-am just bored and putting my ideas

M0011 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

First real battle

A day went by and I only found normal animals but after Marching for another day I started to see more frequent animals with magic. But this animals could be considered strong by normal human standards but they are actually quite weak.

After 2 days of looking for monsters and upgrading my only summon. I have maxed it using my mana to lvl 100 but unfortunately it doesn't have a hidden bloodline. But the good thing is after it reached max level it's size and all of its status increased by 50% and then 5% because the summoner skill. So over all, the power of the boar increased.

And another problem I found and that is my summoner skill is not increasing in level. Even though I keep summoning the boar but I don't see any increase on the level at all.

Looking around for any I finally found one or it found me. It was a an eagle or a golden eagle because it have golden feathers.

It's size is quite big for a a normal human but compare it to the max level wild boar it seems to be quite small.

It staring at me from up high i feel shiver down my spine and then I see it to start to dive down towards me. with out any hesitation I summoned the wild boar i mean with its big size it can be used as a meat shield.

Just after summoning the wild boar I casted lucky draw this time it was my lucky hit and I got 8 multiplayer just after I got the multiplayer I see the wild boar starting to disappear which indicates that it has died.

"So soon" seeing that a card appeared in my hand I knew that it was killed. Looking at the confused eyes of the eagle i without any hesitation use condensed fire ball.

My goal was to burn its feather so it will not fly any longer

Casting condensed fire ball 5 fire balls with extreme heat appear but this time I found something that made me happy and that is if I casted the speed and say it produces 10 attacks then the multiplayer will still work and the reason is simple it was one move that created many.

After Seeing that 2 of my attacks missed and three hit the target wings and peach I was happy feeling success.

But for some reason I tripped down on… nothing but it seems because of this i am saved because the tree behind me I see golden feather that goes through them like nothing after the fire comes down I see the eagle with burned body staring at me with vicious look.

'Damn i am dead' was the first thought then while hiding behind a tree I casted lucky hit this time seeing that I got 5 multiplayer I was getting desperate falling again on nothing I see myself dodge again.

'That's weird… think about this later'

This time waiting for my mana to regenerate I casted it again this time I get a 9 multiplayer seeing all my skills and thinking which one was the best to use i used the branch of life simply because it small term it is the deadliest.

Casted the spell for the first time I see a branch comes out of the ground and entangle the eagle.

Seeing that the eagle was about to breach free I used the previous lucky hit which was a 5 multiplayer then casted again then another branch which is relatively smaller appear and entangle the eagle this time I just kept casting until I couldn't even see the eagle any more.

Not sure if it is dead or not I casted condensed fire ball to burn the branch but the branch seems to have like a regeneration ability I see it heals what is burn.

Thinking about it I finally understood this branches absorbed the life force of the eagle to become more resilient.

Now I was sure that it was dead realising the spell I finally see the eagle this time I see it shrivelled up like all the meat was gone or something seeing a card on top of its body I go check in it and I choose the first option which is a summon and seeing the result I was shocked to the core and I felt that luck was literally on my side.