
Lucky draw that’s all

The MC got three choices while in the process of recreation Easy Mode: life is easy you have a system blah blah blah…. Hard Mode: you just need to put more work On your own: you only get your origin talent unlocked and explain and that’s all. And imagine what the Mc chose… —————————- I-am just bored and putting my ideas

M0011 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

First blood and is that a loot?

Leaving the place that I called home I started walking to the forest this time i am quite sure of myself that nothing will stop me.

Just by looking at my skills they are powerful. And my actual magic 'lucky hit' I can do serious damage.

After 20 minutes walk I started to hear roars of beast and the sound of fighting. I wonder how strong i am compared to the humans in this world.

Looking at my surroundings I try to find any life to test my skills on it.

I finally after searching I found a boar or so I hoped this boar was as big as a house just looking at it I knew that this world power scale should be high.

Leaving some distance between me and the boar. I first got insurance casted lucky hit with 1000 MP I wanted to at least get a 7 multiplayer.

Waiting for a while to regenerate my mana again to cast a spell.

But Just looking at this huge body I think for it and I casted my only earth element skill that I have I simply want the spinning exploding earth bullet to blow up inside it.

Aiming at the legs so it can't catch me. I point my finger and shoot.

The effect was 9 multiplayer. I found something quite interesting and that is I can make the multiplayer decrease as mush as I want so I can control the power but I can't increase it in anyway.

Casting the spell it landed…. It land on the ground it is not that the boar dodged it is that I just missed.

After the spell hit the ground not even a second Later I hid behind the tree I mean after missing the shot the boar but its guard on I can feel it looking at my direction.

Mustering some courage I cast my lucky hit again this time I only got 7 multiplayer this time I try to stay calm and take aim at the head I cast both 'spinning metal arrow' and 'spinning exploding earth bullet' this time one of my attack hit the right eye the other hit the body.

The spinning metal arrow hit the eye and it started to dig into the huge boar eye's the 'spinning exploding earth bullet' hit the shoulder but it seems that the damage is not even that high i was lost for a second then I realised that I only casted lucky hit once so only one spell got boosted by 7 times. Then I realise without that lucky hit effect. I will not be even be able to harm the boar.

It seems that it have high defence and mana defence. But looking at the body of the boar that now having it is last breath I can see that it is more defensive toward the physical defence.

Seeing that even after sneak attacking a mindless boar I barely did any damage.

Taking a Sigh at my weakness I took a look at the corpse in front of me and to my surprise I see a card in front of the boar. "Huh? Is that loot?"

Thinking that my ability was very close to the gamer I go check on the card and i am surprised because it actually is a loot. And damn it was OP

It is a card that gave me choices the choices are:

1: be able to summon the monster

2 take one skill (random)

3 sacrificial (you can sacrifice the card to get the equivalent of 4000MP lucky draw)

4 take it's luck origin.

Looking at all of these choices I only see two that i might need and two that sound very interesting.

The first and third option are quite good because with this two I can have a something that can protect me. And have a higher chance to get a good item.

The second and fourth one is very interesting I mean if I get skill from this boar what will it be can I choose or will it be random. And the one that confuse me is the fourth option because I have no idea and it doesn't explain what will happen if I get the lucky origin of the boar.

Taking a deep breath I chose….