
Luckiest slime with the greatest equipment.

I have no idea who I am or how I’m here. I don’t know why I’m intelligent. I’m a slime, and evidently, I should be dumber than a jellyfish. Fortunately, I got this great equipment. She teaches me things, carries me places and I love squeezing her. We had a rough start, but now we’re working on an impossible goal. It’s the journey that matters anyways. ******* This story does contain rape so warning. It’s a world with monsters and not nice people. Nice people are trying to change that though. They’ll at least change the way you see their world. I’m not a writer by any means, but I think I have pretty good grammar. This is just something fun for me to do. I do love constructive criticism though. I don’t even mind opinionated criticism most of the time. I like to try to get better at things and know how and what people think. I’m just posting everything I have. I do have more; it just needs to be reviewed before being posted. I’m just really not sure though. I just need to feel better and... yeah. So, Webnovel sucks, and isn’t notifying me for most of the stuff regarding my novel. I still like comments and such. Tell me your thoughts. Tags: Rape, Ntr, Yuri

rechon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Day 43- It is still bad.

"Wake, sleeping beauty."

"Mmmmnnn, no, I am dead."

"You're not dead. I can prove it."

"Nyooo! That is not nice. Everything hurts. I am at least broken. Ow-... Why are you so relentless?"

"You told me to push you to your limits yesterday."

"I know, but you know me too well. You cheated."

"Is keeping you just below climax for that long cruel?"

"Yes! My world was spinning. Did you use tricks on me too?"

"Just a few"

"You really are mean."

Kira started trying to rise.

"Oh my gods, you are not allowed to do that again for a while. That is not supposed to normally happen to the female body. I can't believe I asked for it. Please, be gentle with me tonight."

"Haha, that's fine. I'll be nice to you tonight. You do need to rise though. We should get moving."



"What was that?"

"I don't know. It sounded like a gun though. Hurry, let's go see what it is."

"I am going."

"Be careful though. If they shoot at us, it could be bad. Don't be seen and don't startle them."

"Fembur, stay. Camouflage me, Master."

Kira changed and carefully moved through the brush as Master changed colors to match the surroundings. Some local beasts gave some great camouflaging techniques.

"I am. Yeah, definitely don't spook him. He shot a boga. Those are herbivores, but they're still big and tough. His gun has to be pretty powerful to kill it in one shot."

"You can show yourself. I know you're there."

Kira stayed silent and still. I knew I was only talking to her.

"Yes, I'm referring to you in the bush behind me. Come here, or I'll shoot you."

He didn't even turn, but Kira chose to slowly rise and step towards him.

"It's a person, so you speak with him."

"H-How did you know I was here?"

"I have great senses. Why were you hiding?"

"You have a big gun. I wasn't just going to approach you. How did you get here?"

"I used my big gun. How did you get here?"

"Well, it was a series of unfortunate events."

"Did you just come to investigate me?"

"I came to investigate the sound, yes."

"Did you want something from me?"

"Um, no-"

"Then I guess there's nothing else to discuss here. Have a good day."

"Uhh, wait, I guess I am curious about you."

"How do I know you're not a demon?"


"You could be a demon in disguise to allure me right now."

"I am not a demon. I am a silth, a panther silth specifically. I am not alluring you either."

"I don't know. It doesn't take much for you to allure someone." I said to her.


"Did you just tell me to shush?"

"No, I was... talking to my suit."

"Is your suit intelligent?"

"Yes, I am not a monster, but my suit is a monster."

"Your suit is a monster."

"Yes, he is how I got here. I have been working with him."

"Is it a mimic? Why wouldn't it just eat you?"

"No, he is a slime. He is an intelligent slime."

"That is a new one. Again, why wouldn't he just eat you?"

"He wanted to use me. He can speak. He just had me greet you."

"So, you're suit can speak."

"I can speak, but only telepathically. As she said, I am a slime." I said for everyone.

"So, you have just taken the form of a suit."

"Yes, I have."

"Did you want anything from me?"

"We were just investigating the noise."

"Now that you know it is me, did you need anything else?"

"No, we don't really need anything else."

"Then I guess we are done."

"Wait, I... uhh... are there others with you?" Kira continued.

"Why does that matter?"

"Um, I don't know. Do you think I could just talk with you, I guess?"

"What do you want to discuss?"

"Uh, are you going to hunt here forever?"


"Are you going to go deeper into the system?"


"Maybe, we could travel together."

"I am not looking for a partner, and I am not a tour guide."

"Are you going to destroy this system?"

"Possibly, someday, I am going to become the greatest hunter first."

"Why do you want to be the greatest hunter?"

"That is irrelevant to you."

"Oh, ok, I guess we will leave you alone then. Oh, do you know the way to progress from here?"

"If you don't know the way, then you are not ready."

"Ahh, I guess that is probably true."

"Do you hate monsters?" I asked.

"I hate everyone."

"We can't leave you."

"Why can't you leave?"

"For the same reason you can't join us. If we leave, you'll hunt us. You don't care that she's a person. She's either a traitor or a demon in your eyes."

"If I get friendly, you'll stab me in my back."

"Yes, that's why you can't join us."

"We wouldn't stab him in the back." Kira added, but she was ignored.

"I won't hunt you or the titan worshipper."

"I am not a titan worshipper."

"I don't care."

"I do. How would you feel if I called you a forager?"

"That would just be annoying. Why is this relevant?"

"I am a priestess of Laelyse. It is insulting to be called a titan worshipper."

"I don't care. Just leave me alone."

"Master, we don't need to stay here."

"Yes, we do."

"You two should leave."

"I don't want to stay either."

"That doesn't matter. He wants to kill you."

"If I wanted you dead, you would already be dead."

"I still won't trust you either. What if we make a trade?"

"Why would we make a trade?"

"An honest trade could create a reason to trust."

"I doubt you have anything I want. Do you even have anything to offer besides her body?"

"Would you like slime jello?"

"You would give me slime jello."

"I would exchange slime jello. Do you have extra meat?"

"How much would you give for this boga?"

"Once you're done with it, probably a few pounds of jello."

"That's a lot. How do I know it won't be poisoned?"

"Why do you believe everyone is against you?"

"Because, they are against me."

"No we are not. We won't poison you or hurt you. I promise." Kira interjects again.

"You're really not that special." Master adds.

"Why would I trust your promise?"

"Because, I am not lying." Kira defends.

"Why does this matter to you?"

"I don't know! You are the only other person I have met in over a month down here. I don't know what I wanted. Maybe, I just wanted to meet someone other than a monster and know I wasn't alone, but I am very sorry for disturbing you. Master, can we please just leave?"

Kira didn't wait for an answer before turning and walking.

"Alright, wow, you're just going to storm away now."

"I don't want to talk about it. He is stupid, and who wants to be alone like that? Come here, Fembur. Why would he think everything he hears is a lie? That is just dumb. The world isn't against him."

"What if it is against me?"

"Waah! How did you do that?"

"I just walked up next to you. You have poor awareness for a silth."

"Fine, why is the world against you?"

"Everyone only ever works for their own interests. They don't care about anyone."

"What if it is my interest to care about you?"

"That... why would you care about me? You said yourself that I'm not important. You don't know me. You didn't deny that people are only obsessed with their own interests too."

"People can be utterly self-obsessed. I care about you merely because I want to end self-obsession."

"How on earth did you make it this far? Were you betrayed as well?"


"You weren't abandoned here?"

"No, were you abandoned here?"

"No, I was abandoned elsewhere. So, you want to end selfishness. How are you going to do that?"

"I-I am not quite sure, but I will certainly be a start."

"Hm, you're just going to be selfless and hope it spreads. How much have you said simply to get me to pay attention to you?"

"I-... I do wish I could change things."

"People's hearts will never change."

"You can change a person's heart though."

"Maybe... why are you here?"

"I came here with the slime."

"Why are you helping a monster?"

"Well, he is my Master."

"The slime is your master."

"I was caught, and he enslaved me."

"Have you sought to escape him?"

"He is not that bad."

"Are you a traitor? You would side with a monster that has enslaved you."

"Are you simple minded? I said he is not bad. Are you just like the people too?"


"Then don't be self-obsessed. Only self-obsessed people assume all monsters are bad."

"Fine, was that offer for slime jello still available?"

"Yes, you have to sit with us and eat though." Kira answered.

"Why do I have to eat with you?"

"Don't just go offering me to people." I warned.

"See even the slime doesn't want it. Isn't he the master anyways?"

"You already offered yourself, and we are going to sit and eat together! I want to talk to a person, even if it is a shrimpy brat."

"Hey, I am not that small."

"You are shorter than me."

"That doesn't matter."

"It does if you want to impress people." I quipped.

"What would a slime know about impressing people?"

"Enough! I am sorry for calling you short. Will you eat with us in exchange for slime jello?"

"Yes, I can eat with you. I have to take care of the boga first."

"Do whatever you need to do. We can wait."

The hunter went to his kill and began cleaning it. Kira followed him.

"What do you do with your prey?" Kira asked.

"I butcher them and skin them. I collect certain parts of them for materials or trophies. If you're going to be eating with me, I'll let you see my place."

"I thank you."

"I would prefer you left the slime and wolf though. You shouldn't have a monster touching you so much."

"U-Um, I can't leave my Master."

"Why can't you leave him?"

"I am not exactly decent without him."

"He touches you freely."


"You're disgusting. He can come too. I guess he is the one giving the jello. Wait here until I'm done with the boga."

"I thank you."

'I feel bad for my slave. The first free person we meet is this twat. She feels conflicted. She likes people and wants to be with them, but I'm also a monster. I'm going to be making it harder for her to interact with anyone. I did hide myself, but she mentioned me. I wonder if she wants to be her own strong fighter.'

The hunter finished cleaning the boga and carried it back to his shed.

"This is my home. You can take a seat there."

"This is a cozy shack. It is so close to the volcano. Is it near the entrance to the next area?"

"I live alone, so I don't need much space. The volcano doesn't bother me either. It is relatively close to the next area, but the volcano has nothing to do with it. Beasts tend to avoid it though. How much slime are you going to give me?"

"That depends on how much meat you have for me. I'll give you an eighth of a pound of jello for every pound of meat you give me."

"That seems rather generous."

"It benefits me too."

"How much does it benefit you?"

"Enough that I am still willing to give you my rare jello at this trade." 'Jello really is rare. I probably could have sold it at a pound for an entire beast.' "Do you have any compost as well?"

"Yes, once the meat starts going bad, I throw it in a pit behind the shack. Come with me."


The hunter led us to another shack nearby.

"This is my storehouse. There should be about a hundred pounds of meat here."

"How do you eat all this?" Kira asked.

"I won't deny that a lot gets wasted. I use a lot in hunting, and I keep all of the parts. They are just monsters anyways. Most don't even use this much of them."

"Aren't most monsters deadly to eat?"

"Beasts aren't as bad, and some require special cooking. I have been careful with them and done a lot of research on them. I haven't studied slimes though."

"I have learned a lot about slimes since being with Master."

"How much can I eat?" Master asks.

"You can eat all of this. I have another small stash."

"Where would you like your jello?"

"You can leave it on the table in that shack once you are done eating everything. Should I leave you two alone?"

"No, I will come eat with you. Master can eat and keep me covered at the same time. Do you mind if I have some of your meat as well? If you would like some jello now, I can prepare that, and we can swap meals."

We headed back to the main shack. I stretched and continued eating as they walked back to the main shack.

"Uhh, I thought he was the master."

"He is. I know where I can step. I can give you jello."

"This wouldn't be a part of the deal."

"Nope, this would just be me giving you a gift."

"That is a valuable gift."

"You are saying that to the girl that swims in slime daily."

"I see. I will cook some of that boga for you. I have some spices and fruit that go well with it."

"Yay! How would you like your jello?"


"We can make your jello taste different. It could be sweet or hearty or sour."

"Can you make it bitter?"

"You want bitter jello."

"Yes, make it bitter like coffee or cocoa."

"You like chocolate too! Master hasn't eaten any yet, but he can mimic anything he has eaten, and he is pretty good at creating new flavors. He has got some good bitter flavors. Master-"

We arrived at the shack and Kira took a seat at the table.

"I heard. There you go."

Kira cut a blob from Master and left it on the table.

"This is ready whenever you are good to eat."

"Uh, I will cook your meat first."

"I will be waiting."

The hunter stepped outside and butchered part of the boga.

"I think you're wearing down his defenses."

"What are you saying?"

"You're getting to him. If you keep that nice facade, you'll be able to eat his soul soon."

"Shush. Unlike you, I want a friend."

"I'm sure you could make him really friendly."

"Shush. Eat your meat."

"I am. There really is a lot here. So, what do you want from him?"

"I don't know. I think I wanted a person companion, but I know that is not going to happen. Just making a friend would be nice. Just talking with a person would be nice."

"You don't want to tell him goodbye. If you had an option, you would probably join him on his quest."

"I don't know. I might be willing to join him, but I don't have an option. I am your slave, and you have a quest too. You are not going to give me to some brat like him."

"You got that right. Well, enjoy your time with him anyways."

"I will."

It took about an hour for the hunter to prepare and cook the meat. He prepared the finest cuts of the boga for her.

"Your meat is finally ready. I overheard you talking with your master earlier. What was the topic?"

"Do you hear everything?"

"Your master speaks telepathically, so I can't hear him."

"I guess that is good. We were just taking about things."

"Talking about things leads you to wanting me as a companion."

"That was... I don't know. I told him that I don't know too. I don't know what I wanted from you. Maybe, I just wanted to confirm that I will always be called a traitor. Yes, I am slave to a slime, and I am not resisting him. I am grateful that he has kept me alive, and it even feels like he has doted on me since he made me his slave. Yes, he still uses me, and I fight for him, but he has made me a hundred times stronger than I was and is taking me on an adventure I could have only dreamed in my last life. I am not sorry that I have given myself to him. He is not a bad monster."

"Do you feel better now that you've gotten that off your chest?"

"I guess I feel a little better."

"So, what makes this slime not bad?"

"Well, he is not as cruel as he could be."

"If you wanted him to stop raping you, would he stop?"

"N-No, I don't think he would."

"If you didn't want to fight, would he let you relax?"

"No, he needs me to fight."

"You really think he doesn't have the strength to face monsters by himself now. He seems very capable to me."

"I guess he could fight by himself. He makes me fight to keep me strong."

"Just because you have accepted his vices, it does not make him good. It is what makes you sickening. I would have no problem killing the both of you. A way to get slime jello is rather valuable though, so killing you would be a waste. Killing a slime would be difficult for me anyways."

"Y-You don't know what choices I had. I basically had no choice."

"Do you still have no choice? If I said I would help you, would you go against this slime?"


"Then you are a traitor. You have chosen to side with a monster. You think you are fine because you have accepted its evil, but that just makes you just as evil."

"I am not evil! I still fight monsters. I still fight evil. If my Master wishes to use me for other things, then I won't fight him. He is going to do it whether I like it or not, so I let myself like it instead of being miserable forever. I don't need your acceptance. I like what he has done for me. I like my new life. I am glad I am a slave to a slime rather than a slave to tradition. I don't care if you see me as evil, and I don't need your judgment. I will eat with my Master."

Kira tried to leave the table.

"Sit down!"


"You are not so innocent or weak that you are forced into this. That may have been how you started, but now you choose to stay in this life. You choose to work for a monster and to please it by letting it touch your body. You choose to be a traitor, and you wanted to eat with me. Now eat."

"... Fine, why do you want to eat with a traitor?"

"I don't. This was your request to eat with me, and now I am fulfilling it."

"So, are you just a monster hunter through and through?"

"Yes, there is nothing good about them."

"I see. You are the reason we are at war."

"What was that?"

"Your blind hatred kills anything that might be good. You won't be satisfied until you kill everything."

"You are right. I won't be satisfied until I destroy this system."

"You won't be satisfied even then. You are the reason I fight. Well, your grilling is actually pretty good though."

"This flavor is good too. Did you doubt my ability to cook?"

"No, I guess it is not actually that surprising. I just haven't had anything but jello for a while."

"Eating through tears probably doesn't help the taste."

"It doesn't. Hoh... Would you consider people who worship titans to be monsters?"

"No, I would still call them evil, but they're not monsters."

"Are monsters worse than evil humans?"


"So, if my master were to save you from a cultist, you would still kill him."

"Yes, a monster wouldn't do anything selflessly, and I am not going to be used by one. Has your master done anything selfless?"

"Yes, he has saved my life several times."

"Your his lifeline. Without you, he would still be a groveling slime back in the caves. That is assuming he would still be alive. You have a symbiotic relationship despite the fact that you call him master. He needs you and uses you. Has he ever gone out of his way for you."

"He gave me magic jewelry."

"Was that just something you stumbled into then?"

"Even when he touches me, he cares about my feelings and is careful not to hurt me."

"That just means he is careful not to break you himself. Again, you are his lifeline. He can't have you break or rebel against him. The place you are with being content in your evil is exactly where he wants you. He has turned you into a vile evil. You don't even realize your faults. Crying is going to ruin your meat."

"I-I do know my faults. I know I have turned into a slime's slut. I know I obey and fight for a monster. I know I have let myself become his slave. I know I like it too. I am sorry. He almost died protecting me while I was weak. I am sorry I appreciate that. I don't want to be bad, but I like it. I like exploring. I want to destroy this system with him. I want to be a hero. I know he could be lying and using me, but I believe in him. I know it is dumb too. I am dumb. He is probably lying to me about everything, but I do believe his aspiration, and as long as he wants to achieve that, he will need me. You even said it yourself. So yes, I let myself be his slave, so that I can ride to power along with him, and if he betrays me, then I will be betrayed by a god slayer."

"By a what, I think you said that earlier. What is his aspiration?"

"I'm going to destroy the gods." I chimed.

"You can't destroy gods. They are immortal. That is like destroying a law of this world."

"That's exactly why I'm going to kill them. I hate the laws of this world. I hate that people and monsters have to fight, and I hate that people can hate as much as you. Therefore, I'm going to kill the gods and titans and end this war."

"Is that the lie you have told her? It is a pretty nice fantasy. I see why it appeals to her."

"It's not a lie. I'm going to destroy this dungeon, then I'm going to return to the people's world. I let Cait speak with you for the most part, because she's going to be the one speaking with people. I could easily control everything, but you've seen how easily she makes me give you jello. I'm going to make her a hero, and she's going to be placed in the limelight. From there, she can do what she wants. I know she wants to end hatred, and after that, we'll have to see."

"If you destroyed this system and all the monsters, you could create peace that way."

"That would last until the people decided to separate each other. Humans and elves would fight karera and silth like her, and then humans and elves would turn on each other. Even the peace I mention would require work to keep. Technically, the peace I mention is a dream, but destroying the root of hatred would be good enough for all intents and purposes. Destroying the blind hatred between monsters and people would put things in the direction we want. We would go from there."

"That sounds like a pretty intricate lie. It is absurd, so I would have gone with something a little more simple, but I guess absurd lies are more believable to some people."

"I guess it is technically more likely that I'm lying. I could also be insane and believe that I could actually defeat the gods. I see there's nothing that would change your mind though. Is there a reason you distrust everything so much?"

"If people are willing to stab you in the back for self-interest, monsters are going to be significantly worse. Every intelligent monster uses some sort of deceit."

"I don't know much about intelligent monsters, but goblins, ogres and oni don't seem to be deceitful. They just bash or slice things."

"Demons, fae and nagas work off of deceit. Even the oni can be good at lying."

"Hm, I guess we have seen that. I'll keep that in mind."

"So, you plan on becoming a hero."

"Uhh, yeah, I wasn't too eager for the attention at first, but Master wants me to become a hero. I think it could be good too. I might become more that just a bride to better my family."

"Is that why you think this life is better? You hate the idea of just being married to some guy."

"I didn't hate it. I was fine with it. That option went away though. If my old self were given an option to get married or be a slime's slave, I would never even consider being a slave to a monster. Being with Master over time has made me like this."

"How long have you been with him?"

"I have been with him for forty-two days. How long have you been hunting?"

"I have been hunting here for about three years."

"You must have seen everything in this jungle."

"I have killed a lot of different beasts. I will show you the materials I have collected when we are done eating."

"I would like that. You said you were going to progress through the system, so when are you going to do that?"

"I have wandered into the next level, but the environment is extremely hazardous. I haven't found a way where I can safely traverse it yet."

"Is it that dangerous?"

"The monsters themselves aren't terrible, but the environment is what makes it difficult. You might actually be able to survive it better than me. A slime suit would be pretty convenient."

"What is so dangerous about its environment?"

"You will see when you get there."

"Is there anything you would suggest for us to do to prepare for it?"

"You will be able to prepare when you see it for yourself. Shouldn't your master take care of you anyways?"

"I can't always rely on him saving me. He would get hurt and be weakened. I need him to survive too. Although, I guess I might be able to get back out of this system by myself. I know personally I can be too trusting. I should heed your word about being doubtful of beings, but Master says he appreciates my openness. I probably shouldn't trust you, but here we are."

"People aren't as bad."

"You said it was people that betrayed you in the first place. Have you ever actually been betrayed by a monster?"

"I have never given a monster my trust."

"Well, Master distrusts everyone too. There is plenty of distrust between the two of you, so I may continue to give everyone chances."

"Why did he let you meet me?"

"He may have just been curious about you. I was the one that wanted to meet you."

"I think I was happier not knowing a monster harlot."

"I know. I am evil. I have made my choices, and they are traitorous to people. Still, this thought may be considered evil itself, but I don't think monsters are inherently bad. Beings that choose to be bad are bad. Slavery is legal, so a monster that protects and cares for the person it chose to enslave rather than eat or torture her, isn't bad. People that betray each other are bad. More than a companion or acceptance, I think I needed to know whether I was evil or not. A lot of things change once you know you are considered evil."

"So, you will believe me when I say you are bad, but you won't change."

"No, I have chosen this, and I am going to stick with it. I just needed to know how I would be seen, but I am alright with being seen as bad."

"Filthy whore"

"Yes, I am a slime slut, and I am going to be rejected by any person that learns of that. I may use deceit and keep my Master hidden, but I have chosen to be his, and now I am going to serve him. If that makes me evil, then I will be evil. I am basically his witch anyways."

"Are you going to kill me then?"

"Why would I do that? You think every evil would target you. Don't flatter yourself. We have our own goal, and even if you get in the way, I would try to solve the situation without violence. You are the violent barbarian. We will be on our way after we see your trophy room."

"I guess there are different types of evil."

"There are. I am done eating now if you are ready to show us your materials. Master has finished eating too."

"Follow me."

The hunter led us to another shed nearby. It looked like a workshop. It was possibly bigger than his home shed.

"What is this? I thought there was going to be a few shelves of trophies, but there are piles upon piles of things."

"I have been hunting for a long time, and I collect all parts of monsters."

"I see. This is amazing. It is like you singlehandedly control the monster population in this place."

"This jungle is much to big for me to control the population."

"You have to at least put a dent in it. You have killed so many."

"I guess. I am just a hunter."

"You are an amazing hunter."

"I thank you."

"Is that a multicolor pelt?"

"Yes, it's from a high fox. Do you like it's colors?"

"The green, blue and purple are really pretty. You made it into a cape. It is beautiful. You have so many necklaces made of teeth and claws. You even made horned helmets. This is all amazing. The woodwork and leathers are beautiful too."

"Would you like a weapon?"

The hunter offered her a dagger made from a claw.

"Wow, this dagger is beautiful. Did you carve this from bone?"

"There is a beast who's bones extend from its fingers. It sharpens them to use them like claws. I carved this one to be usable as a dagger."

"You are really talented, but I don't use a dagger that often."

"You can have it. Maybe, it will be useful someday. You can keep the cape too."


"Yes, it sort of matches your suit despite you being a panther. I don't need those and I have plenty more. I am going to sell most of these someday, but you were already generous with your jello, so have them."

"I don't know what to say. I want to hug you."

"Don't touch me with any slime."

"I can leave to give you a moment alone." I whispered to her.


"Is something wrong?"

"No, everything is fine."

"Was your master going to let you go?"

"... Yes"

"So you will whore to a slime, but being exposed to a bigfoot is wrong. You really are a traitor."

"What, you would rather I be a whore."

"You already are a whore. Now, you are saying you are just a monster whore too."

"It is different. Wait, you said you are a bigfoot."


"You are so tall though."

"What's a bigfoot?" I asked.

"Oh, they are a race of people that look pretty similar to elves. They are normally pretty short though. It wouldn't be surprising if he only came to my waist. They typically have big feet for their size, and they like going barefoot most of the time."

"It is not very safe to travel in the jungle or anywhere in this system barefoot. I have gotten used to shoes."

"You are really tall for a bigfoot too."

"See, I am not a shrimp. I am just going to put away some things, and I will..."

The hunter turned, and Kira went to hug him. He said not to be touched, so I pulled to her back before she hugged him.

"You didn't want me to see you, but you don't mind hugging me without your master."

"It is personal. Don't think too much into it, and don't turn."

"Is your master that small? How does he cover you? How is he considered powerful?"

"He can condense himself. His real size would probably eat your whole house."

"Ah, I would rather not see that."

"You would rather just see my body."

"I can feel you pretty well. You still had gear under your master."

"Yeah, he gave me magic items."

"It seems you have quite a few... piercings too."

"Th-That was Master. Don't look."

She pulled away from the hug, but I just sat on her back.

"Master, why are you waiting? Please, cover me."


I promptly covered her, and the hunter turned.

"So, the slime pierced you."

"Uhh, yes, do you know Esmeralda Dinalia?"

"Yes, what about her?"

"I think we found her corpse in a spider's nest. There were several magic piercings, and she was a rather eccentric explorer. Master ate everything in the spider's nest, so I am only guessing, but I can't imagine there is a lot of explorers with as many piercings as her."

"You are well on your way to being just as pierced. I would certainly call you eccentric too. I am glad you have her piercings though. Karma finally caught that bitch."

"You knew her well. Was she one of the ones that betrayed you?"

"Yes, I hope the whole lot of those idiots rot. I am sorry. It doesn't matter. I actually have some more for you. These earrings are magic. I am not sure what they do, but I found them on adventurers."

"I think they would help with stealth. I'm guessing they silence sound more than hide your figure. I can pierce your ears again. I'll be sure to take care of it."

"You can identify things despite not knowing what they are?"

"I think it's just a slime thing, but I can feel a lot through the things I touch."

"All the more reason to keep you away from me."

"Umm, I think those earrings have something to do with glowing too. I thought I read of something similar, but I can't remember exactly. I guess I am already pretty pierced. I might as well accept that I am going to be a pincushion. I remember now. I was right about the glow. They make all of my movements unnaturally silent, but they glow at night. They are sort of double edged."

"We have a lot of ways to glow now. They'll still look good on you. I'm not just going to stick you unnecessarily. Do you want them?"

"... Is it bad that I want them just because they are cute?"

"No, hold still for one second. I can cover them at night if it's necessary too."

"Don't worry. You don't look as terrible as Esmeralda. I am surprised you don't have her nose ring."

"I forgot about that. Why didn't you want to pierce me with that?"

"It had something to do with breathing. I can provide your breath, so unless you wanted a nose ring, I apologize. I'm sure he could make something for you, and then I'll pierce your nose too."

"No, that is really alright. I didn't need that, and I don't need any nose ring."

"Aren't you worried about getting an infection? What if that jewelry is dirty?"

"Oh, Master cleans all of it. He will make sure my new piercings don't get infected too. He is very clean, and grows from it too."

"You eat dirt."

"I can eat waste. It doesn't do much for me though. The benefit is almost negligible for most dirt. I can't even eat normal plants that well. I'm not sure why, but I barely grow at all from eating them. It takes a while to dissolve those things too. It's good hygiene though, so I keep Cait clean."

"So, you would benefit by eating from my outhouse too."

"Technically, yes, I would pass on that, but I want to get stronger in any way possible."

"It's interesting that you find it gross despite it being your food. I have one more thing. There's this garter."

"What is it?"

Kira took it and expected me to know what it was. It was rather unique though.

"I don't know exactly what it is. You are the one that studied magic items."

"Is this going to be cursed?"

"I don't think it will be. I haven't been able to see curses though. It looks somewhat similar to the ring though. I don't think it would hurt to try it." I answered.

"Ughh, why do I feel like a garter is just going to turn me into more desirable bait."

"I'll let you decide if you want to wear it."

"I'll try it. We have to take risks if we're going to get strong enough through here."

"Have you already been cursed by something?"

"This ring made me charming. Unfortunately, I can't remove it."

"So, you were alluring me when we first met."

"Not intentionally, I have sort of been made into Master's bait. Monsters come for me, and then we kill them."

"So, you are a monster enchantress. You certainly have a lewd enough body for it."

"It isn't my fault."

"I am sure it isn't. I can remove that ring for you though."

"What! How do you do that?"

"I can purify it long enough to remove it. You probably won't be able to use it again though. It seems the curse was designed to make you permanently alluring. Monsters will always be drawn to you."

"Bigfeet too"

"Would you like it removed?"

"... I think I'll keep the ring. I thank you for offering though. I will do whatever it takes to conquer this dungeon."

"You are still disgusting. Follow me. I will show you the pits so you can eat the meal you hate. The meat pit is over there, and my outhouse is there."

I stretched to the buildings and started dissolving the crap.

"Um, I want to thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?"

"You were honest. I needed to know all that. I just needed to know what people would really think of me."

"I am sure you would be able to convince people that you are not bad. You are very good at acting kind."

"You are not that bad once you start trusting a bit too. I promise that once I fully embrace my evil, I will punch you in the face rather than stab you in the back."

"You are not a violent evil."

"Then I guess I will just be kind. Maybe, I will become a bigger slut and seduce you too someday."

"I should kill you."

"I already know you want my body. I haven't even done anything to you."

"You are not ugly, but I will never trust you."

"Alright, well, I am not evil enough to want to try anything either. I think Master is done eating, so we will be going now."

"I suspect we will meet again. Don't die."

"I thank you. Good luck with your hunting. You are the best hunter I have ever met. Learn to trust someone. Come, Fembur."

I had finished eating, and Kira mounted Fembur. We moved towards the volcano.

"Did you enjoy your visit with him?"

"Yeah, it wasn't that bad. I am glad I got to meet someone, even if it was him."

"He did only make you cry twice."

"I didn't cry when he gave me the gifts though."

"No, you just rubbed your body against him instead."

"I gave him a hug. He didn't want to be touched by you, and you don't let me wear any clothes. I have this cape now though. Are you going to let me wear it?"

"Yes, I'll let you wear it."

"I can cover myself without you."

"On second thought..."

"No, I have been freed from your curse. It wasn't the rape, enslavement or mind games that kept me with you. It was the crippling nudity. I couldn't bear to be bare."

"You're quite the poet. Do you want me to add more tails again?"

"Uhm, sure"

"Do you want your cape to be on the outside?"

"Yes, will that be a problem?"

"No, you'll just be wearing a cape over me. Maybe, I'll start leaving the belt and chains visible too. Oh, everyone definitely needs to see your collar."

"You know. I don't even mind anymore. If you want, you can display my collar or show me in any way that you want."

"How about like this?"

I shrank or thinned to basically just act as panties and tails.

"If you want me to strut through the jungle with my breasts exposed, then so be it."

"Your heart rate is ridiculous. You're going to have a heart attack if I keep you like this."

"Then cover me already. I am trying to be bolder."

"I guess that's good, but you don't need to take my nonsense. There are times I just enjoy torturing you."

"I know that all too well. Will it ever become boring if I get used to it?"

"Never, I'll always find ways to torture you, and I just genuinely enjoy some things."

"I guess I will just be honest then. You can cover me how you would like, but please keep me decent."

"What if I really did want to parade you?"

"As a hero, a slave or even worse"

"All of it"

"Uhh-nno, I like your possessiveness. I like just being yours. The thought of others seeing me like that is..."

"You were able to hug him without me. That seems rather risky."

"Maybe, I am turning into a slut. I know I never would have done that before meeting you. I don't know what is going to happen to me, but it is alright. I really am happy to be with you."

"I know. It's why you don't have to prove yourself to me. If you don't want something, then say so."

"I thank you, Master."

"Let's find somewhere to stay for the night. I have a feeling we're going to be in this jungle for a while."

"I can't say that is bad. There is a lot of deadly things here, and it would normally be very uncomfortable to find food and shelter while traveling everyday, but you are my food, shelter and protection. I can enjoy the beauties of this jungle without any worry."

"I'm glad you can see things that positively."

"You are really lucky to have me."

"Yes, I am."

We wandered for a while before resting for the night. I did take it easier on Kira that night. I only made her orgasm for a few minutes. She was really getting into holding me too. I think she really wanted a partner.

They met a bigfoot. He was sort of a jerk though, but Kira is more confident in her role now.

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