
Luckiest slime with the greatest equipment.

I have no idea who I am or how I’m here. I don’t know why I’m intelligent. I’m a slime, and evidently, I should be dumber than a jellyfish. Fortunately, I got this great equipment. She teaches me things, carries me places and I love squeezing her. We had a rough start, but now we’re working on an impossible goal. It’s the journey that matters anyways. ******* This story does contain rape so warning. It’s a world with monsters and not nice people. Nice people are trying to change that though. They’ll at least change the way you see their world. I’m not a writer by any means, but I think I have pretty good grammar. This is just something fun for me to do. I do love constructive criticism though. I don’t even mind opinionated criticism most of the time. I like to try to get better at things and know how and what people think. I’m just posting everything I have. I do have more; it just needs to be reviewed before being posted. I’m just really not sure though. I just need to feel better and... yeah. So, Webnovel sucks, and isn’t notifying me for most of the stuff regarding my novel. I still like comments and such. Tell me your thoughts. Tags: Rape, Ntr, Yuri

rechon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Day 15- Take a big bite.

"Are you ready to go, Master?" She said as she sat on her knees.

'Huh, oh, I wonder if you're an early riser or if I just really like sleeping. I didn't even realize she moved despite the fact I'm completely coating her. I guess I'm a heavy sleeper.' "Give me a second. There's something I want to do today first. Climb the tree." She stood and walked to the tree.

"Huh, alright, are you going to give me another fruit?" She asked as she began climbing.


"Yay! Oh, if you absorb abilities, why don't you eat the folly tree?" She sat in a high branch.

"It has a lot of weird abilities and fruit. Like the other day, you tried to eat a death fruit." I began stretching through the tree searching for the fruit I felt the other day.

"A-Are you serious?"

"Yes, that's why I took it from you and gave you a life fruit instead. Some of the abilities and fruits might do strange or bad things to even me. Here it is. Now, eat this." I handed her the fruit that I thought could be good for her.

"Uhh, alright, here I go." She took a breath and hesitated before taking a bite and eating it.

'It's not going to kill you, I think. Quit being dramatic. Good, finish the whole thing, then I'll check your body. I think you should have grown from the pixie too actually. You're still my bait. I'm going to eat a lot thanks to you. Finish all that fruit. I don't know when you'll get anymore.'

"Well, it tasted pretty good. What was it supposed to be or do?"

"It's just supposed to help you. Give me a second."

'What is that? It looks strange. It feels eerie. What does that even do? It seems related to spirit. What would she do with spirit? I wonder if she could mess with another being's spirit. Could she steal or control someone's spirit? Did I just turn her into a monster?'

"Did it work Master? I can see a strange light in you now. It's like I could grasp it in my palm."

"Don't do that! I don't think it was exactly what I expected."

"Oh, ok, what happened to me? Am I ok?"

"You're fine, you just have a new ability."

"What is it? You are not allowed to hide things from me either, e-especially when it is about my own body."

"I think you can grab or take being's spirits now."

"... Master! Why would you think it was ok to feed me something like that? That is not alright! Oh gods, I am like a demon now. I am going to become a monster."

"Just wait, it wasn't supposed to do that."

"What do you mean? Do you know what the fruit is?"

"It seemed to be related to energy. I thought you could absorb my energy as well and have more stamina. I didn't think you would be able to siphon souls."

"Alright, what should I do about this ability?"

"Just ignore it for now and fight normally. You're not a demon or a monster. Even if you learn to use it, that doesn't change you. It's just an ability."

"Alright, please be careful about what you do to me though. Oh gods, my last name was only ever supposed to be a name. Ahh, I will be fine. I am still Kira."

"You're still my slave. I will try to be more careful too. I made a mistake this time. I apologize fervently."

"I forgive you, Master. I know you just want to make me strong. Are we ready to go then?"

"Almost, I want to eat a fruit. I think it's tied to growth. Let me find it." 'There it is. Fruit goes down pretty easy. Now, I just need to see what it did to me.'

"Woah! This fruit was great."

"What happened?"

"I almost quadrupled in size. This will make me stronger in a lot of ways."

"Oh, that is really good. Are you eating anything else?"

"No, this tree is still pretty scary. I'm ready to go into the caves now." Kira simply dropped twenty feet to the ground. She landed softly and quietly thanks to me.

"Are we continuing this way?"

'Actually, we're going back the way we came, so I'll just give you a tug that way.'

*Tugs nipples*

"Oh, my gods! You can talk now. Can you leave my nipples alone?"

*Boldly shakes nipples side to side*

"Oghh, my poor boobs are never going to get a break."

*Squeezes boobs*

"I hate you. Why are we going back?"

"We're going to kill those spiders."

"Why do we have to kill them? Can't we leave them alone? I hate spiders."

"I couldn't tell. I wasn't able to eat them the first time though. I'm not wasting energy like that and losing my meal. Even if I have to eat that mother."

"Are you sure we can take her? I can't see well in the caves. I still have to follow your lead; which you could guide me with a finger or my head too."

"No, I'm content directing you with your nipples."

Kira gave a heavy groan and began walking back through the cave. "Why are you so perverted? I mean seriously, because you are a slime."

"I said I don't know. I do know I love your body though. I can't get enough of it."

"I could tell. Do I have to be naked? You can still reach everywhere even when I am wearing clothes."

"Yeah, I like you like this. You don't need any coverings other than me. I'll even darken my color so others can't see you if that helps. I can give you some tails too. I'll add ears and make you a cat."

"You are so weird. I guess it helps a little. I still feel really naked. Being naked in a dungeon is very... discomforting. Even if you have a slime suit making you super-powered. I guess I do look pretty good though. You can control your colors pretty well. The black really makes me look like I'm in a leather suit. The purple lines shaping with my body really make it look like it was made for me. It is weird feeling so vulnerable and powerful at the same time."

"Yeah, this is just how things are going to be. I like having you naked, because I may use your body at times as well."

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"The other day, you distracted those goblins quite well. I may want you to do it again. Maybe, I can make peace with another monster by exposing or offering you."

"That... Would you really do that? I thought I was supposed to be yours."

"You are mine, but I might be willing to share my things."

"Nnng, can you be a selfish monster? It's very... unsettling."

"You want to wholly belong to me."

"Suddenly, that doesn't sound so bad. I don't know what I want."

"You still want to go home. I don't suspect that you're going to accept being a monster's slave so easily. I do want to use you for all your worth though."

"My worth to you is degrading though."

"That's why I want to change your pride. Disgracing you sounded fun, but I want you to be proud to be my slave. I don't want you to be a crazed addict. That wouldn't be something that would make me proud. I want to have the greatest woman as my slave."

"That's a grand goal considering what you want to do with me."

"Well, of course, you'll still be my slut, but to everyone else, you'll be a goddess. If I actually turn you into an angel, imagine how great I would be to have you as my slave."

"I guess that's one way to look at it. Would you still share me then?"

"Well, if you became an angel, it would cost a lot even to just see you. So, I guess the more valuable you become, the harder it will be for me to share you."

"I guess I just need to become priceless."

"Exactly, fighting those spiders will help get you to that point. We're going back to that nest, and we can take that mother too. I'll have to cover your eyes. They can paralyze you with them, but it seems a barrier can protect you."

"Yeah, people that delve deep carry glasses or goggles with them for that reason. It is a terrifying ability, but it can be beat pretty easily. Am I going to have to touch them?"

"You'll have to hit them, but I'll be coating you, so you shouldn't really be touching them. They won't have the element of surprise this time either. We might actually be able to surprise them."

"Oh, yay, I feel so much better."

"Just don't get scared stiff."

"Yeah, I will try." A tear slowly started to trickle down her cheek.

"Hey, it's not your fault."

"Yes, it is. None of this would have happened if I didn't freeze then. I wouldn't be a slave, and they wouldn't be dead. It is all my fault."

"Hey, do you think you could have stopped me with your shield or blessing? Nothing was going to stop me from having you. The moment you stepped beneath me, your fate was sealed. We ate your party, and I took you. I had to eat the other slimes too. I wasn't going to share you. I wasn't going to let you go. You couldn't have stopped it, so don't think it's your fault."

"Ok, I am sorry."

"You're fine. I knew you would think that. It's why I wanted to tell you as soon as possible. You don't need to be burdened with those thoughts or feelings. I didn't choose you directly, but I chose to take you. I chose to make you my slave."

"I understand, Master."

"Good, then get ready to face these spiders."

"Uugh, I take back what I said. You are mean, and you have no kindness. You are a cruel monster."

"Don't be dramatic. It's not that bad. You're completely protected. Shoot, you're scarier than me now that you can eat souls."

"That is not my fault! We don't know if it does exactly that anyways."

"I know. Oh, shouldn't we train your other abilities?"

"Uh, I guess we could somewhat. My abilities stem from the goddess Laelyse though."

"So, even though you have the ability, nothing will happen without her."

"Basically, in exchange for worshipping her, she grants me her power. I doubt she will grant me power ever again though. We are supposed to follow a strict code, and well... I have broken the code in several ways."

"Ahh, that's a shame."

"Ha, it is alright. I have a new power. He makes my whole body feel a hundred times stronger. I have a tail now too."

"So, are you a priestess of sorts?"

"I was. Without Laelyse's blessing, I don't think I will be able to get anything. With you, I have been doing a lot more hand to hand fighting though. I would need someone to shield me if I were going to concentrate on praying."

"Why not use that shield if it still works anyways?"

"That's not from Laelyse. Using certain abilities uses vipul, and if you run out of vipul, you will go unconscious. If you use your vipul in training then use it all in a fight, it could be dangerous."

"Ahh, I was actually wondering about that. How do you increase your vipul?"

"You just have to use it. At the start, it is hard for everyone, because you are basically guaranteed to go unconscious."

"Wow, that's harsh."

"It is the sacrifice for greater abilities."

"I guess. Do you know why I don't lose my vipul?"

"Uh, slimes are really unique. It might just be something you do. There are theories that you practically are pure vipul. Normal slimes don't really use vipul, so I don't know about that. Does your vipul increase?"

"No, it seems to just work forever."

"That is weird. It is interesting to know too. People have used slimes for a lot of experiments because of how strange you are though. People also want slime jello, and if you don't manage to fall on people, you're typically very weak and easy to handle."

"Are you calling me easy prey?"

"Typically, you are sort of easy prey. If you were found in a field, kids with sticks would play with you."

"That's demeaning. I can't disagree with you. If it weren't for my size and title, I think you would be able to escape me pretty easily."

"What does it look like for you to get stronger?"

"When I absorb a being's spirit, I get a strange pool of vipul that just stays until I put it somewhere."

"Wait, you actually decide what part of you gets stronger."

"Yes, I've put almost everything in toughness. I did it so I could take hits and protect you."

"Really, that is sort of sweet. You are really weird."

"I think we already know that. Does vipul just spread itself through you when you absorb spirit?"

"It tends to fill your strengths and weaknesses. If your naturally fast, it will make you faster. If you run a lot, it will reward your work. Am I very balanced?"

"You're definitely faster and more agile than anything else, but you're definitely more balanced than me."

"Are you really only tough?"

"Uh, basically, a title increased my strength once, and dominating you increases it too. I am as weak as the day I spawned in every other aspect. I learned I can't just grow my vipul pool, so abilities that mix with that will never get stronger."

"How tough are you?"

"Uhh, I'm tougher than anything else we've seen now. Overall, you have more vipul than me, but my durability doubles your best trait."

"That is really amazing. You did that to protect me."

"As long as I wear my slave, I don't need to do much. You move and attack for me."

"So, you have planned on just having and using me. What if I rebelled or died?"

"I don't know. I would have had to make new plans then. I did everything I could to keep you alive though. I'm pretty sure you could have gotten us both killed a few times."

"You stayed though. You protected me even when I wouldn't move."

"Why did you decide to move?"

"I don't know. I tried fighting you, but you overtook me."

"You were a lot weaker then."

"Yeah, I was ready to quit. I thought I was going to die. Everyone else had just been killed. I was really scared. A few of the slimes had already started to burn me. You ate them to stop them though. I thought you were going to eat me. You just started touching me instead. I hated it. You ate all my clothes and left me naked. I didn't understand why you wouldn't eat me. My head felt so blank and dizzy if I was ever conscious then. I didn't start thinking again until the skeletons came. I felt scared and helpless again. I think I just wanted to die. I knew I was weak and useless. I let them die. You just kept buzzing my body though. I didn't like it. I noticed that I wasn't getting hurt when they hit me. I don't know why exactly I started moving, but I know I started thanks to you protecting me and pushing me. I just couldn't sit anymore, and I finally attacked them. I don't want to be useless."

"I certainly won't let you be useless. You're my slave now. You don't need to worry. Are you alright? I thought you might break down crying a few times there."

"I think I am fine. I feel cowardly for freezing like that."

"I can't say it isn't a cowardly thing to do. You've changed though. Standing and fighting is a big change from just standing still. You've progressed since that even. You're walking to fight spiders right now. I don't know if you'll ever forgive yourself for not helping them, but you're being strong for me."

"I think you are trying to encourage me, but that just makes me a traitor."

"Maybe, it does, but you're not a coward anymore. You're not a traitor either because you're my slave. You don't get to choose if you obey me."

"I guess that is true."

"I don't want you feeling bad serving me, and I don't want you to be riddled with regret. Both of those feelings will ruin us. You're free to cry anytime you need, but I don't want you to always be sad. I'll talk with you whenever you need."

"I am really glad that I can talk with you now."

"Well, I'm always here, and I'll always listen."

"I thank you, Master."

"I was wondering about your shield. How did you do that? It actually looked like it came from your amulet."

"It did. This was a gift from my mom. She wanted me to be safe, so she gave me this necklace infused with a shield. It uses my vipul, but it is still nice. Vipul infused equipment is pretty rare and can be costly. I am really glad you didn't take this from me."

"You don't need to worry about that. I'll make sure it always stays with you."

"I thank you, Master."

'This cave has felt pretty empty on our return to the spiders. We did walk for a few days after running from them, but we had fights too. I think we'll reach them tonight.'

"Master, we have been walking for a while now. Can I have something to eat?"

"Yeah, it's been a few hours. I'll make it sweet too."

"I thank you. Does it hurt when I eat you?"

"Not really, it doesn't bring me much pain, but if I didn't eat, I would eventually die if I kept feeding you. So, in a sense, you fighting is just you securing food for yourself."

"I guess if it is that easy for me to get slime jello, then I am quite blessed."

"You are blessed by master slime. I'm glad I can give you royal meals and a royal bath every night. Ha, your whole body gets filled with royal slime."

"I am so lucky~. Now if you could give me royal clothes, I would be set."

"Hide this royal body, never."


"You really have adjusted to being naked well despite the discomfort."

"I guess. When you are covering me, it helps. You support me and even clean me, which is sort of gross, but you eat everything. It is sort of convenient in a way too. I can barely even see my body in these caves, so it is even better in here. Knowing no one is around to see even helps. I felt really weird in that room when the goblins could see me. I can't believe I did that during the first fight too."

"Ha, I was really proud of that. It's not surprising you hated it, but you really do have a royal body. If I can help keep it beautiful, you could have men in lines waiting to give you their spirits."

"I am not so sure I want that."

"Hmm, that's understandable."

"I don't really like everyone staring at my body. It was just convenient for the fight. I guess I will use it though if I have too."

"I'll always try to ensure that you have options."

"I thank you. Um, can you actually tell me more about what you see in me? What abilities and titles do I have?"

"Absolutely, so, you've become very quick to start. Your reflexes and agility are your strongest points. You're also very flexible. That got some help from eating me and being done by me."

"Wait, what do you mean? You stretching me has improved my flexibility."

"Some, probably, you also gained titles after eating me and after giving yourself to me. I've been calling them slime eater and slime slut. They increase your speed and flexibility."

"I am even titled as a slime slut! Are you sure?"

"Well, this title came the night after you gave yourself to me. You got that one and 'slave' that night, so I can only guess it's because you're a slut. Could it be anything else?"

"... No, I think you're right. I am completely a slut."

"It's not that bad. I'm pretty sure you're only a slime slut, so at least it's just because you're mine. You seem ashamed of these things, but I feel like you're very loyal, and that's why you're like this."

"I guess."

"Well, I certainly appreciate it. You're also becoming a talented fighter very quickly."

"I did really enjoy my dad's lessons. I practiced them a lot as a daily exercise. It is kind of nice actually putting them to use."

"That's good. You also have your barrier ability. I haven't mentioned it much, but you're technically not completely naked."

"I don't think an amulet counts as covering. If anything, it just adorns me to be even more erotic. I really am grateful that you let me keep it, and hold it so close to me. It was a gift from my mother. It is a very special amulet."

"I guessed that. It does look good on you too. You were right about it giving you an erotic charm."

"That is just what I need."

"Well, in addition to that, you also have a title that seems to make you more desirable. I've been calling it bait. Even I started to want you more, and it seemed like spirit was split between us even if you didn't do anything. I think you got it after being attacked by the eel."

"Are you serious? I'm monster bait. I shouldn't be surprised. I guess I really am irresistible here. Are those all of my titles?"

"Yes, that's it. You just have your skills after that."

"Alright, hoh, I am a slut. Even if everything wants me, can you please keep me safe."

"I'll certainly do my best."

"I thank you, Master."

'So, you're definitely still human. I don't think I want to change that though. I'll be the monster, and you can keep your personality. Diversity is good in a team. I don't think I want you to change either though. Your pleasant the way you are. I think you can kill me now too. You said you could hold what I'm going to assume is my spirit in your hand. If you decided to just take it one day, I don't think I could stop you. I don't think I need to worry about that though. We just need to focus on killing spiders.'

"We've been walking for some time now. We should be coming up to the nest soon, so keep quiet."

"Yes, Master"

'You're still nervous. I can feel it. I think you're ready though. You feel different. You even said it yourself. You have a new power. I'm here to protect and enhance you. I'm going to cover your eyes now. You can't see much anyways. I can see them. Seeing their energy makes them quite clear. Even their heat is low, so every other sense makes it difficult to find them.'

"Master, I can see something. I think it is their spirits."

"You can see their spirits. That will help you detect them then. Move up silently on the closest one and kill it. That will give us a head start on them." 'Good, you're surprisingly good at this for having been a priestess. The fact that all your sounds are dampened by me probably helps too. Guiding you step by step has gotten easier. You've become more receptive to your nipple guidance. You can climb this jagged wall pretty easily. You're mostly just using my stickiness, but it works. We're at the first spider. It hasn't noticed you, and you're right above it. I think it's sleeping. If it just waits all day for something to fall in it's web, this probably helps it conserve energy.'

"Good job, now run your hand right into its head." 'Why are you hesitating? I guess this is still new for you. You said you hate spiders too. You need to do it though. I'm going to help. You're hand is already covered in acid. Just run your hand right into it.'

She finally drove her fingers right inside the center of its head. My acid helped send her finger right into her head. I didn't let any of its fluids leak or stick to her. She really didn't need that yet.

"Good girl, that was quick and clean. There's nothing else moving, so they didn't even feel you kill it. Now, wait one minute while I eat this." 'It seems like nothing else is coming still. This is a really nice nest they have. I'm eager to clean all of it. There was also the loot beneath. There's a strong smell of death emanating from the pile of remains though. I'll have to clean everything for her.'

"Alright, we can move on now. Oh wow, you feel lighter. Actually, I don't think I'm stronger. I can cling to walls much more easily. You could move or dance along the ceiling now. I just need a little foot to completely hold you upside down. Use it as you sneak to the next one." 'She's crawling effortlessly along the ceiling. This is great. Movement like this gives her numerous options. She's crawling along the ceiling on her fingertips. It's sort of sexy. I need to focus though.'

"We're at the second, and it seems to be sleeping too. Just do the exact same thing. Shit, it's awake."

It screeched at us, but Kira drove her fingers into its eyes. I burnt it quickly to help her hand delve into it and to keep the kill clean. Things were about to get messy though.

"Not quite as clean, but get ready. There's about nine coming for you now. Go ahead and initiate."

She started crawling along the ceiling before standing upside down and taking a defensive stance.

"Strike the first one." She did as I said and swung at it. She only hit its legs though. It fell off the ceiling while trying to guard itself though.

"Good, you didn't kill it, but that gives you time. Don't let yourself get surrounded."

She continued to hold her ground and move as she needed to strike at the spiders. She wasn't hitting hard, but she knocked the spiders off the ceiling too keep herself from getting surrounded.

'I can't believe she's fighting on the ceiling like this. It's like she's a natural. These spiders don't stand a chance. I think the goblins were worse. It might be because of the paralyzing glare though. It seems some creatures get their strength from tricks or traps. She just got hit, but it seems that spider regretted it. My acid is working. She's not killing them quickly, but they don't want to touch her. They're still biting if they think they can get her. She's knocked several off the ceiling, but they keep coming back. She's going to get surrounded. She wants down. Alright, we're going back to the floor, and you're hitting harder now. Landing on that one crushed it. There's only six left. The problem is that mother is still holding back. She hasn't shown herself. She doesn't seem to care yet.'

"You were right Master. We can definitely do this!"

She landed another hit right into a spider's eyes.

"Careful, the mother hasn't come yet. Yes, these seem easy, but you need to be careful around her."

She kicked another spider and knocked it into the wall. Coupled with falling a few times, it died from the kick.

"I got it. There is only four left now."

"Yeah, we've killed six, and now she's coming. She's angry. Here's the real fight."

"We have this."

"Yes, we do. Keep moving."

"Where should I-"

The mother shot a thick spread of web at us. It was blinding until I melted it. The mother was already darting at us as I finished.

'Wow, that's a lot of web. Fortunately, I melt it just as fast. I could see how a whole group of people could be trapped by that.' "Go right. Get close to her. Avoid her mouth at all costs."

"Got it!"

Kira began bouncing to the side and wall as the mother bit at her. Despite how big she was, she was still very fast and aggressive. It was taking everything Kira had to just avoid her.

"You're pretty fast. Watch it!"


The mother stopped biting and sent a leg at Kira. She jabbed her and pinned Kira to the wall.

'Oh shit, she was right about it the first time. This thing is stupidly strong, and she's fast too. I'm going to need to use a lot of acid.'

"She's got you pinned. Keep struggling. Aaaaaugh! Burn, you stupid freak!"

The mother bit Kira but pulled back and shrieked angrily at getting burnt. Her mouth and foot were disfigured from my acid.

"She couldn't keep us pinned, but do not let her bite you again. That hurt. She almost went right through me. Always be moving. Even if you can't attack, just move somewhere. She's strong, and she's even been biting through rock. She'll go right through you if she gets another good bite. Keep doing everything you can. Every time she pokes you, I'll burn her."

Kira had continued to bounce and retreat around the nest and cave. She even ran up the ceiling. The mother could reach the ceiling from the floor and didn't even bother climbing. She just continued to swipe at Kira from the floor.

"I'll get on her back."

She immediately lept for the butt of the mother.


She didn't even touch the mother before he spider's whole body seemed to disappear.

"Where d..."

Kira lost sight of her, but the mother was already striking to pin her.



'She pinned you again. She has to let go, but she's going for a bite.' "Move! Good, don't let yourself get bitten."

Kira managed to evade as the mother bit a chunk of rock out of the wall.

"I know! How did she do that?"

"It was an ability. I told you she's fast though. You need to avoid getting pinned. She's going to use that to bite you."

"How do I hit her?"

"You may not be able to hit her. Just don't get hit hard, and I'll burn her."

"Fine, I can do that."

Kira continued to bounce everywhere, struggling to avoid all of the mother's attacks.

'Damn, those hurt. You're dodging well, but she's still scratching us, and she's knocked you over a few times. She almost bit you, but you managed to dodge and get a good hit instead. It's dark, but my glow has been helping. I might start burning soon too. You're moving along the walls well. I can feel her shadow strike or whatever that is, but I can't say fast enough for you to respond. Fortunately, you're trusting me and just going where I lead. Your nipples really are quick controls. It seems you understand there's something strange about her hits. You tried countering one of her strikes, but you learned about her double strike that way. She can hit twice every time she goes for you. These abilities are certainly strange and strong. I'm eager to eat her. Despite her superiority in skills and power, your holding against her really well. My traits have helped some, but you're still doing the greater work. You haven't been hit hard, and you've even landed some hits against her. You took out two more minions too. Really, they just practically got in the way. We're going to win at this rate though. We'll slowly weaken her until we can finish her. I'll be able to get my health back from that bite.'


'What happened? How did you slip? Some rock on the ceiling flew out beneath you. This is terrible. You're falling right in front of her. This is a disaster. I want more defense. We're going to get bit. I've got to put everything into this.'

Inevitably, the mother snatched Kira out of the air with a bite into her stomach.

"Don't let her go."


Kira was grabbing at the fangs that were sinking into her.

"Raaagh! Don't let her go!"

"It hurts!"

"Hurt her worse!"


She began punching at the mother's eyes.

'Eat acid, you freak! It's hard holding back her fangs. I know she's pouring poison into Kira, but I can't stop it. This bite is too strong. We need to kill her and find a cure in the loot. Mother should be dying fast from this. I'm coating her head and mouth in acid and fire. How much more can she take? Everything hurts. I've got to put all my mass into this bite. Kira's hand is deep inside her eye. Just die already!'

The mother finally collapsed as her fangs stopped pressing into Kira.

'She stopped.'

"Did we do it?"

"Yes, we did it!"

"Oh, thank the gods. Ow, ow, ow~"

"Careful, don't move anymore."

I pulled the mother's mouth and fangs off Kira and slid her away from the corpse.

"I think I am-"

"I said don't move!"

"Yes, Master"

I stretched towards the remains of people that the spiders left.

'Where's that pile? Got it. Where are their bags? There's got to be another cure in here. One of these bags has to have a cure. What are these vials? Health potions will help.

"Drink these."

"Master, the last two are coming."

"I know! Stop talking, don't move and drink the potions. I'll handle them.

'Stupid fleas, you can bite me all you want, I'm going to eat you in return. I'm living fly paper to you gnats. I've got to keep searching. Why are there no cures?'

"Master, my stomach is starting to hurt."

I knew she wasn't doing well.

'No! There has to be another one. Oh, this is a bandolier. They filled it with vials. This one's a cure!'

"Drink this!"


"Just drink. You don't have to acknowledge everything I order, good girl. Just drink."

"Master, am I alright?"

"You are now. She poisoned you, so that's why I was in a rush. You should be fine now."

"My stomach still hurts."

"It's partially open. I tried stopping her, but she had so much power. I knew I wouldn't be able to completely protect you. I even boosted my defense again. I still need more to protect you. I can help your stomach heal at least. Just don't move too much. You're still very hurt. You're too hurt."

"Master, we just defeated a mother spider and her nest by ourselves. Teams of people would group together to face such a feat. You are a great guardian. She bit holes through solid rock, but you stopped her from taking out a chunk of my stomach. How much did you get hurt protecting me?"

'I lost a lot. What good is this ridiculous amount of defense and toughness if it's not going to protect my slave or me? Maybe, she's right. We destroyed a mother spider and her nest. We were outmatched and outnumbered too. The abilities I gain should be great. Raaagh, I still hate this feeling.' "You don't need to worry about it."

"Yes, I do. I am your slave. I should take care of you too. Without you, I am going to die. Together we can destroy a spider nest, but alone, I would... I would die to a slime."

"Why are you sweet, especially to me?"

"You are my master and guardian. I don't want to lose you either. If you found another stronger or prettier girl, would you leave me for her?"


"Why wouldn't you? Don't just comfort me. You are a monster. If you like women and power then why wouldn't you upgrade from me?"

"There's more to it than that. You trust me. You're obedient. You're mine. I don't abandon my things. You've given yourself to me. I can't replace what you've done for me or what we've done together. You've managed to make yourself irreplaceable. You really do cry a lot."

"My stomach hurts."

"I know. I'm sorry. We're going to rest here today. I'll do my best to help you heal. I'm going to eat too. I need to get my health back."

"I am sorry, Master. I should have been more careful. You got bit again because of me. You shouldn't have been bit at all. It is my fault you got hurt."

"Stop talking. You're going to strain yourself. You have holes in your stomach from where a mother spider tried to grind you in half and you're apologizing to me. You did fine. You did great. You couldn't have avoided what happened. I'll get my health back eating her."

"I am sure I will be fine now. You could go eat her."

"I said stop talking. I'll do what I want with or without my slave's permission. I'm taking care of you first. Then I will eat. I'm not sure crying is good for recovery."

"I was really scared, and my stomach hurts, and you are sweet, and you got hurt because of me."

"I got hurt because I made a naked woman fight against a mother spider. You did well. You stayed alive. You kept me alive, and we won. Now get some rest."

"I will try. Whatever you do to me makes it feel a lot better."

"That's good."

"Master, can I still ask a few questions?"

"I guess. It seems like you're restless anyways."

"What happens to me when we absorb monster's spirit?"

"Did you see us absorb them?"

"I did. Their spirits split into us. It was strange actually seeing it."

"As far as I can tell, you just get stronger or faster. You've gotten a few abilities, but they don't seem linked to the monsters. They don't seem to do much that's very special either. I think they're part of the reason why your hits are more effective."

"That is nice. I guess that is good. It's really interesting that you can choose how you get stronger. It is also really amazing you absorb abilities just by eating something once."

"Yeah, I guess it is. You've created abilities just by training though. I don't know if I can learn anything myself."

"They say that the only limit is what we can imagine to create."

"Interesting... are you sure you're fine? Shouldn't you be getting rest?"

"My stomach hurts some, but you're helping a lot. I wanted to answer your questions too."

"I should have held my questions for later. You should get some sleep."

"Uhh, alright..."

"Is something wrong?"

"You were really worried for me, so I was sort of scared to sleep. I wasn't sure I would open my eyes again."

"You're going to open your eyes again. I promise. Now, go to sleep."

"Alright, protect me, Master."

'I will. That was rough though. I'm glad she ran the first time. We definitely would have died. I'm so going to enjoy this though. I just need to keep my slave still while I eat. That's not hard at all. It's nice being able to move myself any way I want. It's going to take a while to eat this mother now that I'm smaller again. I wonder if she's right. I probably should worry about myself some too. Losing all my mass just feels like an inconvenience.'

'Her power jumped a lot. Compared to that mother, she's still pretty weak, but she did say it would normally take teams of people to take down a nest. An average mercenary would probably struggle with a normal spider. The way she described it made it sound that way. If that's the case, she's rather super. I guess my enhancements are good too. She was able to keep pace with the mother. These spiders had some sort of danger sense. It actually proved really useful for me. I could feel things before they even happened. Since she started to automatically respond to my movements, we were able to quickly dodge a lot of attacks. She did well, and now she's been rewarded. She talked about another theoretical woman being stronger than her, but that would be a scary woman. I think it'd be hard to find a woman prettier than her too. Oh, let's finish up this mother and these spiders. I'll check myself while I'm at it.'

'Woah, I really jumped. I've been rising a lot faster than my slave. My defense is ridiculous. These other beasts haven't been anywhere near me when it comes to that. I've got even more raw vipul now too. It's funny that I keep holding it until dire situations. I'm going to keep it though. These skills are wonderful too. I have a lot of abilities I need to learn now. It should be easier with my slave's help. That mother was kind enough to demonstrate several of them to us. We'll have to see if I can use those abilities through my slave though.'

'Alright, I'm done eating all those, and I'm mostly replenished. I'm going to sort through this rotting mess the spiders left. It's a good thing my slave is asleep for this. First, I'm going to eat most of it. I'll sort through their gear second. They're pretty easy to eat. Most of their stuff seems useless. I wonder if she'd want any of these weapons. I wonder if I want her to have any of them. I'll let her look through this loot tomorrow too. I've found a couple more vials. There are actually four more cures in that bandolier and two more health potions. It looks like this nest was pretty good at catching teams. That trap was probably really effective. They probably have several traps leading here. That's sort of good for us now. A fine collection of gifted equipment has been amassed. There's even some nice armor, but I still don't know. She doesn't need that.'

'This seems like an odd arrangement of accessories. I didn't realize vipul could be infused in such small items too. I guess people could be quite diverse. Again, I'll let her pick through the gear. It's been cleaned of the previous owners, so she doesn't have to deal with that. I think I'm going to get some rest too then. I've cleaned and looted most of this nest. I've got the things I want to offer to her. I'll experiment more later, but for now, I want to find somewhere tight to hide. The walls in the back of the nest are secluded and riddled with cracks. I'll squeeze up here with my slave. If she didn't have teeth marks lining her stomach, I'd squeeze her too. I really need to take better care of her. I keep saying that, but we have to take risks too. We have to run into something that won't wreck her one of these days. We need to fight more fairies. Even at their strongest, the goblins wouldn't be much of a threat to us anymore. Those little spiders couldn't affect me while I was frantic. Maybe, they hurt a little, but I was able to grab them like I did the fairy. It doesn't matter how strong I get. I can only hope I can protect her as we grow. I've got to be careful not to challenge opponents that are beyond our capabilities. I'm leading this cute warrior now. It will be interesting to see how you change. Sleep tight, my slave.'

This was a long day. They killed the spiders though. Kira nearly got a hole bit into her, but Master stopped it.

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