
Luck or Lust

Gwen is a straight 19 year old female. She doesn't care how she looks, she dresses in what makes her comfortable. Her friends think she is hiding her true feelings. Make a date with this story. Will Gwen reveal how she truly is? Will her friends get to her? Or will she discover that love isn't about body parts but instead what is in the heart?

DaddysLittleKitKat · Teen
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5 Chs


After I had left it started to storm and everyone I would normally stay with didn't have room so I parked outside of the nearest convenient store and tried to get comfortable for the night. Little did I know but Tanya actually worked there in her spare time. So when a knock on my window woke me up I was a little surprised. She motioned for me to open the passenger side door and I did. We talked and I told her everything that has happened with my parents earlier that day. She was understanding and listened well granted we are little more that acquaintances. She said that if I wanted I could stay at her place till I got my life in order, but I was hesitant knowing that it might be a while. "No matter how long it take you are always welcome, I live alone so I do get lonely." Her kindness was almost too much to handle. So I went and she gave me my own room and helped me move in and get settled. She then made a phone call or two then came to check on me. "So I know this is short notice but I got you a job and you start tomorrow at 5." I was shocked what job, where? "Umm Tanya? What job is that?" The one you were just at, I quit." I had no words. If I died I would have been more than happy. "Oh and my photographer wants to meet with you on Monday." With that she turned and left. It was late so I just went to bed, today was too eventful for me to handle.