
Luck of the King

What would you do if you had 99 luck in stats? Jin has the highest luck stats in the world, if he scratches a lottery card he will win, if he forgets his umbrella the rain will stop, if he decides to rule the world somehow he'll find himself commanding an army with Cthulhu as his first general, those who go against him will fall, those who aid him will live and none may harm the worlds King.

99nil · Fantasy
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In this world, anyone can be a hero, it's actually very easy.

You just have to save someone or something (animals and pets included) and poof you are good!

Add a mask and some ill fitting tights that leave nothing to the imagination and you become a vigilante, defender of the weak and such like...

Becoming a superhero isn't as easy, but it's clearly feasible all you need is a superhuman ability, some magic, a tragic accident resulting in radiation poisoning... but the good, kind not the kind that gives you cancer and if you lack the above what you need is a shit tone of money for fancy gadgets, that works just as well,

Get that and proceed to align yourself with a guild, this will ensure you workers rights, now all that's left is accomplishing some feat and presto you're a legend.

Mothers sing your praises, children idolize you, women throw themselves at you... that last one sound dangerous, are they okay?

So yeah, anyone can be a hero, that doesn't mean everyone should.

There are some people who genuinely suck at it, I've heard stories where some idiot with super speed ran over a cat, disintegrating it to dust before the poor child's eyes that child was five years old, imagine the trauma! That's a super-villain back story right there, I bet in a couple of years we'd hear some shit like, "Super villainess Felina takes over District nine and murders The Red Jet in vengeance for the death of Mr. Whiskers, fourteen years ago" or something like that.

You laugh but it happens more often than you'd think.

Bottom line is, you wouldn't trust any random Joe with brain surgery or even driving a bus, so you shouldn't let any random guy just start taking the law into their own hands.

They need licenses and competency tests and psychological assessments so that we never have cases like Bobo the Brain Surgery Bus driving psychopath

An evil genius who converted a school bus into a Neuro-operating theatre and Kidnapped people for an unrequested, extremely unwanted and probably unhygienic, brain tune-up.

Going off to create a small horde of zombies that obeyed his every command, which was basically to go and fetch more patients, this resulted in the world's smallest zombie apocalypse... but it was still a zombie apocalypse, currently being investigated by The District 9 police Guild, stopping the scourge before it got out of hand.

I was the front-man of this case and let me tell you, you will never know true fear until your face to face with a dead-eyed half-naked man drooling unidentified fluids all over as he stumbles towards you screaming, "BRAINS!!!"

Yeah, this was by far the weirdest case I had ever been assigned.

I had been tasked a simple enough assignment Locate an unregistered school bus, super easy right?

Just watch a couple of surveillance clips find the car and go to the location to poke around, There's no way you can mess that up

Not at all when you're me, super-effective defective Detective Jin.

Nothings that easy.

Oh, I got to the site alright, it had taken me fifteen minutes to get there from the precinct, logically there should have been a minuscule if any chance of running into Bobo; The Brain Surgery Bus Driver, any psychopath with commonsense would have been gone by the time I got there but nope, he was right there surrounded by a mini horde of about five zombies trying to fix a flat tire…

If this was a novel you'd blame the author for skipping through the whole investigation process because there was a pretty high chance they didn't research how an investigation actually works and just had the main character spot the car and the assailant within three minutes of reviewing footage and head off armed with only a gun, to face a psychopath who enjoyed drilling holes into peoples skills and turning them into mindless drones who obeyed his every command.

I mean it would be good to look into how that actually happens right?

They should have at least explained how Bobo used a two-inch hex drill to sever the connection between the brains prefrontal cortex and the anterior frontal lobes of the brain before rewiring the served nerves, hard wiring the host to recognize him and only him as their master as well as losing basic cognitive function …But nope being pressed for time they'd probably skip over all of that and head right into the action.

So there I was on this fine morning the coffee still fresh on my breath facing down five zombies as the mad scientist in the back tried to fix his flat tire…




Yes, but actually no.

Not when it comes to my cases. Because I always get the bad guy no matter how strong they are, how many they are or how stupid the situation is, I always got my man whether I want to or not, that's because I am Jin, the Luckiest player in this world.

And no one can escape my luck.

Gah the editing sucks but Onward

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