
Lucifer system: Becoming the Devil in an Apocalypse

An apocalypse that happened in 2024 threatened all of humanity, unifying the Earth to be governed by the same laws and oppressive government. Alien captives from the apocalypse were exploited by humans for their knowledge and power to advance buildings as well as technology. It is the year 2044 and humans don't know is that there is a second apocalypse that I have been dreaming about. Afraid of being classed as an alien for having these dreams, I choose silence. The second apocalypse leaves me prisoner in a land where humans can practice magic. However, learning magic is the least of my concerns for if anyone learns what I am, I will die. I have no idea how it happened or what to do about it. All I know is that I can't trust anyone. [Congratulations, you have unlocked the Lucifer System. You will become the devil. Would you like to accept?] [Yes and live as the devil/ No and die] [You have 48 hours to choose or else you will die] *********** Welcome to the best story ever!! Enjoy it. Cover credit: i.pinimg.com on Pinterest. The cover is not mine.

SoulSnatcher · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Roman's girl

Levi had to look around to see if he could see Roman anywhere. The last thing he wanted was to end up dead because he was talking to Roman's girlfriend. 

"Why are you talking to me? " He asked Cora harshly. 

Despite how rude Levi was acting towards Cora, she knew that he found her attractive. His eyes kept lingering on her chest, lips, and hips. Hell if it had been appropriate to go behind her and check out her ass he would have done so.

"Come on, Levi. Chill out. " She said as she gestured for the bartender to get her another drink. 

Levi couldn't stop staring at her body. She was wearing a leather outfit that included a crop top that Levi thought was too tight. 

It showed off her ample cleavage and toned stomach. The matching pants showed off her sexy body and had everyone else at the club staring at her and envying Levi. 

"Your boyfriend tried to kill me. I can't chill. " Levi defended weakly. The truth of the matter was that he didn't want to stop talking to Cora. He liked her.

"He's not my boyfriend. We broke up." She said solemnly.

'All the more reason to kill me, ' Levi thought but he didn't tell Cora that. It was clear that she was hurt and she needed someone to talk to. Even though playing shrink was the last thing he wanted, he would do it to please Cora.

"What happened? "

"He is a jealous and insecure maniac who thinks every boy out there wants me. He is violent and controlling and I can't take it anymore. I am tired of the toxic dynamic. "

As stupid as it sounded, Levi understood where Roman was coming from. Cora was every boy's wet dream no doubt. It was reasonable that he thought every boy wanted to be with her.

"You realized that after two years of dating? " Levi asked. He had asked around about Cora and Roman out of curiosity. Those two had been together since they joined the Academy for Magic. 

Unlike on Earth where the days in a year were three hundred and sixty-five, in Sunaru they were five hundred. 

In his timeline, Cora and Roman had dated for three years. 

"You're judging me. "

"I'm not judging you, Cora. I'm sorry if my words hurt you. I'm just trying to understand why you're leaving him now. "

"Are you saying that I should stay in a toxic situation because I have stuck it through for two years? "

Levi fought the urge to groan. It was like every time he talked to a girl he seemed to always say the wrong things. He just wanted to be there for her and she was already mad at him. 

"No. I'm asking what triggered the breakup. "

"Oh. " Cora blushed in embarrassment for misjudging Levi. She cleared her throat and continued. " I guess I finally realized that I was in love with the idea of a Roman that doesn't exist. "

Levi nodded his head and pretended to understand what Cora was saying. He was smart but not when it came to girls. They were very complicated. What did she even mean by that statement? 

He lifted his drink to take a sip but he couldn't do it because of the smell. When he saw Cora looking at him, he closed his eyes and let the liquid into his mouth. He made an expression of disgust which made Cora laugh. 

Turned out it was as disgusting as it looked and smelled. It was refusing to go down his throat. Hopefully, it would get him batshit drunk. 

"Don't worry, it gets better after every sip. "

There was an awkward silence between the two. Levi didn't know what to say to Cora while Cora looked heartbroken all over again. She was sadder than she let on about her break up with Roman. 

All that drinking made Levi forget he had no money and he was relying on pickpocketing as a means to pay for his drink. The more he drank, the more drunk he became. Soon he was slurring out words and pulling Cora to the dancefloor to dance. 

The two laughed and had fun on the dancefloor unaware that there was a student from the academy there spying on them. He was planning to tell Roman that his girlfriend had already moved on barely twenty-four hours into their break up. 

When Levi and Cora went to sit back down, the bill was placed in front of Levi.

"Will you pay for her too or will each of you pay separately? "

"I'll pay! " Cora said at the same time Levi said those exact words. 

"Levi, it's okay. I have money. You're only a first-year. You haven't figured out how to earn that yet. "

Levi's ego was bruised. He wanted to measure up and become an ideal man for Cora. His ego couldn't take such a huge blow. He wanted Cora to see him as more than just a first-year.

He wanted Cora to look at him and see a man who could pay his bills.

[Don't do it]

"Cora, what kind of a man would I be if I allowed you to pay the bill?"

Cora giggled after this and put her hand on top of Levi's. Levi for a moment there forgot to breathe or speak. No one had ever expressed the need to touch him like that. It was making blood rush to certain areas that he wanted to hide.

"I didn't know you were such a gentleman. "

"I am. Order another drink. I'll be right back. "

"Okay. "

He got off his seat and went to the bathroom hoping to score a drunk idiot who would not notice him stealing from them. On his way there, he saw a man walking out. He was tipsy and his wallet was loosely hanging from his pocket. 

Levi's only excuse for stealing from that man was that someone else was going to do it. He was only beating them to the punch. 

He purposely bumped into the man and took the man's wallet without him noticing. 

"Watch where you're going before I kill you! " The man threatened and stumbled away. 

Levi rushed into the bathroom and hid in a stall where he could see if there was money inside the wallet or if he had stolen it for nothing. 

Luckily for him, there were fifteen gold coins inside. The bill was only three gold coins, meaning that Levi had some to spare. He threw the wallet in the bin and went back to Cora. He took out the coins in his pockets and gave them to the bartender.

Unbeknownst to him, there were other thieves like him watching how he was acting. They saw him with money and they wanted it. 

Levi and Cora left the club and stood outside deciding where to go next. 

"I had a really good time tonight. As much as I would like to end it with a walk back to the school, I can't. "

Levi was disappointed to hear this. He wanted to get to know Cora better. His first assumption was that she didn't want Roman to see her with someone else. 

"It's okay. I'm drunk anyway. I might end up saying something stupid. "

"Goodbye, Levi. "

With a peck to his cheek as a goodbye, she was gone. Levi blushed and stuttered out his goodbye and walked the other way. Despite how the night had ended, he had enjoyed himself.

Only three blocks away in a street with very few people, he was tackled to the ground and pulled into an alley by three guys. Their jumpers had the Academy for Magic logo.

"What do you want? "

"All your money, punk!"