
Lucifer system: Becoming the Devil in an Apocalypse

An apocalypse that happened in 2024 threatened all of humanity, unifying the Earth to be governed by the same laws and oppressive government. Alien captives from the apocalypse were exploited by humans for their knowledge and power to advance buildings as well as technology. It is the year 2044 and humans don't know is that there is a second apocalypse that I have been dreaming about. Afraid of being classed as an alien for having these dreams, I choose silence. The second apocalypse leaves me prisoner in a land where humans can practice magic. However, learning magic is the least of my concerns for if anyone learns what I am, I will die. I have no idea how it happened or what to do about it. All I know is that I can't trust anyone. [Congratulations, you have unlocked the Lucifer System. You will become the devil. Would you like to accept?] [Yes and live as the devil/ No and die] [You have 48 hours to choose or else you will die] *********** Welcome to the best story ever!! Enjoy it. Cover credit: i.pinimg.com on Pinterest. The cover is not mine.

SoulSnatcher · Fantasy
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76 Chs

How did you get out?

Levi stared at his watch over and over again wondering what he was going to do. Evaluation week was over and he was among the level 0 students. It was displayed on his watch for everyone to see.

He could have taken off the watch to hide his embarrassing capabilities but the watch refused to come off. Whatever technology or magic they used in the watches made it impossible to leave the students' wrists.

Maybe it had a tracking device to monitor the student's movements. Everything was going the wrong way. If he proved his inability to learn and practice magic he would be taken to do physical labor like other apocalypse survivors.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Levi got up from his bed and went to answer the door.

"Idiot!" His roommate must have lost his key for the fifth time now. It was starting to annoy Levi.

He opened the door ready to tell his roommate to get a new key already when he saw Dickie standing on the other side of the door. He pushed Levi inside and invaded his room.

"How did you get out of that building? " Dickie asked.

Levi was sick and tired of Dickie and his bullying. The guys had conspired to have him killed. Maybe he was planning something else right now.

"Fuck off! " Levi yelled.

Dickie was surprised that Levi had talked back. He took his time assessing Levi and his eyes went wide when he was done. Levi was different. His hair was different and so was his body.

"Have you been going to the gym? " Dickie asked.

"Get out of my room and stay away from me! "

Dickie was a little scared of Levi but he wanted some answers. Roman was blaming him for the escape of Levi from the building. He had been given twenty-four hours to get to the bottom of his escape or he would get thrown in there himself.

He wasn't leaving without answers.

"Tell me how you got out of that building and maybe I won't beat you up. "

Levi laughed and stepped forward to intimidate Dickie. Since his height had increased, he was almost the same height as Dickie and just as big physique-wise.

The only problem was that Dickie had already mastered a level 2 ability and Levi hadn't.

"You should leave before I beat you up, " Levi retorted.

Dickie pushed Levi and took a swing at him. Unluckily for him, Levi was too fast. He ducked the punch and pushed Dickie.

"Leave me alone, mahn! "

"I will fucking beat you up Jackson. Tell me how you got out of that building! "

"You left me there to die. Why would I fucking tell you that? Leave my room before I decide I'm looking for a fight. "

Levi was growing a pair. It must have been because his confidence levels were high.

"You think you're so high and mighty because you have grown a little muscle. You have no idea how dangerous Roman is. If he left you to die, imagine what he will do to me when I don't get the answers. "

Levi opened the door and used his finger to point outside.

"I think you should go and never talk to me again."

"C'mon, mahn…"

"You are the one that chose to involve yourself with Roman. What he does to you is not my problem. I'm not telling you anything so go fuck yourself. "

Dickie got angry and kicked Levi's bed before walking towards the door. He paused to look at Levi.

"You are nothing but a pathetic level 0 ability user. My father will ship you to do hard labor with other slaves. That is if Roman doesn't murder you first. "

Dickie walked out leaving Levi angrier than before. He slammed the door closed with enough force to shake the room.

"What the fuck am I going to do?"

Reaching into his pocket, he removed the red pill that he refused to take every night. The red pill that every single student from Earth was given to take by force.

"Inspect. "

Levi was only trying his luck. He wasn't sure that the system would inspect objects as well.

[guerdon - a red pill used to mutate the cells of a human being to enable them to perform magic]

[Side effects: It can have a negative effect on a person's cell, turning them into mush and then slowly killing the organism taking it. Cells can also mutate in a way that can cause irreversible damage such as brain death and deformities in certain body parts]

"Are you sure?"

[Are you questioning the credibility of the system? ]

"No, it was a rhetorical question. "

The school was feeding the students drugs that could possibly harm them. Levi felt conflicted.

He could either warn humans about the effects of taking the pills and die or stay quiet and live. Only one sounded like a disadvantage to him.

"Are there more side effects?"

[Premature balding, premature aging, weakness in the body…]

"Okay, stop. I get it. Mahn this is so fucked up! " He shouted. Only he would land himself into so much trouble.

"Eliot! He's taking the pill! I can't let him take it. "

He put on his hoodie and left to look for Eliot. Levi knocked on the door three times before it opened.

"What do you want? " Eliot asked when he opened the door.

"I want to talk to you about something. It's important. "

"I'm busy–"

"It's about the red pill. I know what it is. "

[The system advices the host to stop what he is about to do]

Eliot closed his bedroom door and met Levi outside where they could talk in private. His roommate was in their room at the moment.

"What about it?"

sorry for the short chapter. The next one will come will come in a few hours and will be longer

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