
Lucifer's true love

A fanfiction from Tv series Lucifer After Chloe is killed while trying to put a mafia boss in jail,Lucifer is devastated. He doesnt leave his bedroom,he doesnt eat or drink anything and he seems to have lost his will to live. But his life is about to change when he finds a letter from his father,God. "Son,while I was on Earth,me and your mother had a little 'reunion'.The result is my final gift to you.". I will also post this story on royal road

eyaggelia146 · TV
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21 Chs


WARNING :Torture in this chapter

The first thing he acknowledged when he woke up again was his splitting headache. What had they given him? Alcohol in a syringe?The next thing he realised was that he couldnt move. He tried to stand up but he felt that his hands and feet were tied up.

He had been kidnapped. Again. David sighed. The truth was that he had been captured twice before,one by American soldiers thinking he was a terrorist and one by terrorists thinking he was an American soldier,in South Arabia and Iraq respectively. Thankfully,he managed to escape but when he returned home he immediately started missing his captors.

Lucifer was furious. He gave David a LONG talk about allowing himself to be kidnapped, about how dangerous his job was,about how he proved that he didn't know how to protect himself. David started shouting at his brother,telling him it obviously wasnt his fault that he was captured and that if Lucifer was so concerned about his safety maybe he should handle it from now on.

Later on,David would regret these final words because Lucifer grounded him for three months and he wasnt allowed to go anywhere but school. But thats not all. David waited patiently for his punishment to end so he could get back to work because the paperwork that had piled up was a nightmare.

However,when he was finally allowed to go back to collecting souls Lucifer would text him or call him every half an hour to check up on him. And if David didnt respond immediately,he was greeted with more yelling.

It was ridiculous. After all,even if he got injured he could...

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door that opened. Two people stepped into the room. The man must have been around his thirties,tall and muscular,with pitch black hair. It was obvious he was the kind of guy who couldn't solve any of his differences without hitting somebody. A type of modern barbarian who considered fighting a sign of physical and medical health. He was looking at David with eyes full of anger and hate. He couldn't wait to start torturing him.

The woman however was his complete opposite.Shorter than him with a thin and slender figure.Her skin was white as milk which matched with her black brown hair and crystal blue eyes. Her hair was carefully drawn back and tied at the back of her head in a classic ponytail.She didnt seem mad or revengeful,instead she was calm and collected but the determination wasnt absent from her eyes.She was the one that spoke first.

-Good evening. Are you comfortable?

-More than I should be,in fact. Im a prisoner aren't I? Next,you will bring me a cup of coffee.

The man made a threatening move against him but the woman stopped him.

-I see. You dont get scared easily. I respect that. Unfortunately for you,that is of little concern to us. In truth,you should consider yourself very unfortunate. You are paying for someone else's mistake.As you must have noticed,we arent wearing masks. That is not because we are idiots,as you may think,but due to the fact we dont expect you to be in good physical or mental health when we are done with you.

-I havent heard such a long speech since the time my nephew explained to me the importance of gymnastics.And yes,I believe you are idiots.Because obviously you didnt conduct the proper research before you chose to do such a huge mistake.

The woman sighed. It was obvious that she wouldnt get the responce she hoped for out of him.She turned to the man.

-George. Deal with him.

-I have been waiting to hear this all day.

The woman turned around and left the room. George had a sadistic smile on his face but David wasnt afraid.

-Is this what you have been waiting for? And I thought my social life was non-existent.

George punched him in the face. The hit was so hard that David spit blood.

-Is that you best hit? What happened? You were bullied at school for being weak so you decided to prove them otherwise? Pathetic.

If George wasnt angry before,he sure was now. He kicked David on the ribs so strongly that he heard them break but David didnt let any sound escape him despite the pain. He would let him enjoy it for a little while before scaring the life out of him.

After a few minutes David was covered in bruises,cuts and other injuries.George seemed quite pleased with his work.At that moment,the woman re-entered the room. She looked at him satisfied.

-I see our little "guest" has started enjoying himself? Do you have anything to say before we proceed to the main course?

Daivid started laughing loudly and his two captors looked at him puzzled. Then almost immediately all of his injuries started healing themselves and in a matter of seconds his body was back to his healthy state.Both of his kidnappers looked at him in shock and terror and David was enjoying every millisecond of it.

-Im sorry. I didn't know you wanted a second round. I would have healed myself sooner. This poor weak-spirited man has only one fun in life.Who am I to deprive him of that?

David laughed again but George looked at him in an empty and deadly way.

-Carolina. Get out.

-What why?

-Do as I say. And dont come back inside until I tell you to. No matter what you hear.

Carolina reluctantly obeyed and she waited a few meters outside the door. A few minutes later she was hearing soul-piercing screams that were occasionally muffled by the sound of a cloth inside the mouth.After a moment she couldn't stand it any longer and she burst through that door.

David was still tied up on the chair with no injury visible on his body. But something was different. Tears and sweat were running down his face. He wasnt looking up proudly but down,like he was ashamed of something. When she ordered him to look at her,he silently obeyed with no sneaky remarks or mockery. The look in his eyes was one she would remember for as long as she lived.Dead blue eyes like a sea with no life, like a sky with no birds. Beautiful but without purpose or focus. She turned to George terrified who was looking at David with a big grin of pleasure on his face.

-What did you do to him?

-Its of no importance. He will not cause us any more trouble nor will he interfere with the "courses" again.

He laughed maliciously and he left the room,with Carolina following him,leaving David alone in the dark room but the moment they exited the abandoned warehouse Carolina grabbed George's shirt angrily.

-Answer me,now. What did you do to this man?

George started laughing so hard he nearly choked

-A man? He isnt a man,anymore. I made sure of that.

Carolina was petrified.

-You didn't.

I did.And it was also his first time. For a boy his age to be a virgin. What a freak.

Carolina was going to be sick. She let him go and started moving away from him slowly like she was backing away from a monster, her eyes never leaving his. She blindly put her hand in her back pocket,praying with all her might that her gun was there,so she could shoot him but alas God didnt answer her prayers anymore. She had left the gun at home,in fear that the prisoner would take it,if the opportunity was given.

-Why are you looking me like that sister? This is what we wanted,isnt it? To take revenge on Lucifer for killing our father?

-NO. This is what you wanted. I hated our father. The only reason I agreed to this is because our mother was murdered by the rest of the family because they thought she killed him. I hate Lucifer for the death of our mom but I will be forever grateful to him for killing our father.

-I know he was a bit strict with you but it was only because he loved you.


-You are overacting,as usual. What I did to him has nothing to do with what our father did to you. You were a little girl and you confused things.He never raped you.

-I dont care what you think or how you feel anymore. And after what you did tonight,I refuse to continue being part of our initial plan

-And what are you going to do?Call the police? Lucifer?

-If you dont back down as well then yes

He started walking to her direction slowly,in an attempt to intimidate her but she stood her ground bravely.

-I think father was right about you. You are just as weak as our mother and you deserve to be treated like her.

The last thing Carolina felt before she lost consciousness was the pain in her skull from where the back of her brother's gun hit her.