

It was dark in hell and the gates of Lucifer's castle fell. A rebellion was happening and a blonde man with blonde twin brother were leading the rebellion. The man was called Tyler Wright and his brother was Max Wright.

They eventually took control of Lucifer's castle. Tyler sat on Lucifer's throne and gain all of his powers.

Tyler then called the royal family to his room. A red dreadlocked muscular man with a medium dark beard entered the room along with a blue haired beautiful woman who was the man's wife. The man was Trevor Lucifer Morningstar and the woman was Martha Heart. "Trevor,Martha ,since you have no use for me now I think it is time you died."said Tyler. Max then foolishly refused."Tyler death is not the answer."said Max. Tyler was furious at how Max questioned him. He ordered it and at once his brother was killed in front of him. "It was a sad way for him to die but now for you."said Tyler focusing on Trevor.

Martha then did something shocking she said a few chants and Trevor disappeared. "Martha what did you do?"

asked Tyler."I sent him somewhere safe." replied Martha. Tyler angrily punched Martha making her lose her unborn child. She was chained and ordered to be caned until she told them where she sent Trevor.

Little did they know, he was on Earth in an underground tomb resting.