
Lucifer's horrors circus

WARNING! By starting to read this story, you are taking the first step towards signing a pact with Lucifer. There will be no turning back, and by the time you finish the story, the deal will be sealed. You have been warned. Jonah is a 12-year-old boy who has the head of a parasitic twin that failed to develop. At a very young age. Jonah is humiliated, and rejected by all the inhabitants of the village, who give him a fatal beating. Jonah ends up in a circus that is brought from the depths of hell and whose owner is Lucifer. The monsters, who live there, were normal person, who were forced to sell their souls to the Devil and now must spend all eternity as deformed circus monsters. INSTAGRAM: alefaxis

Esther_Heredia · Horror
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40 Chs


"You must make a dying old man decide to give me his soul. That will be your first challenge, once the time is up, I will give you another challenge that you will have to fulfill completely," then with a twisted smile, she said. "You have one week." After that, Lucifer started to disappear among the flames of the fire.

"Long live to Lucifer!" "Thank you very much, Master!" shouted all those present with effusion. They seemed to be very happy and anxious to fulfill that first mission.

As soon as Lucifer disappeared, the noise that was heard before was completely extinguished, and everybody felt desolation. Honestly, all that happiness was faked. Their beings had already been exposed to too much pain, and most of them were unable to experience any positive feelings. They had long been tortured by Lucifer and did not trust his sudden goodness. If she was offering them something, surely something was terrifying behind it. They were aware that with Lucifer, they would be able to get anything they wanted, but they must be prepared to lose everything else.

Jonah was disconcerted to see the change in his companions. For a moment, he thought that they were happy. He thought everyone would participate in the challenge to have a chance of winning. Jonah was very naive, and for a moment, he forgot that some had been there so long that they had completely forgotten the meaning of dreams.

Little by little and crestfallen, all the freaks went to their respective rooms, and Jonah was left alone. From time to time, you could hear the croaking of the frogs that were on the bank of a nearby stream and the shrieking of the crickets, which desperately sang until they exploded.

An old legend said that frogs should not be killed since they are in charge of bringing water to souls that burn in hell. Jonah remembered this, and following the sound emitted by the frogs, he managed to reach the stream. The whole bank was infested by these disgusting little animals, with cold and slimy skin. When they saw him arrive, their bulging eyes fell on Jonah.

"You could bring some water to my sister Alma," whispered Jonah. The frogs stood still, seeming not to have heard.

"Please, little frogs, I have heard that you are in charge of alleviating the torment of souls that burn in hell," the boy exclaimed in despair. Yet the frogs remained inert.

"What should I do?" asked Jonah in despair.

One of the frogs finally reacted, jumped on Jonah's shoulder, and from there, whispered something in his ear.

"I must make someone feel hopeful," said Jonah in confusion. 'How could I convey something I didn't feel?'

"Only then can we give your sister comfort," said the frog as it made it's way back to the stream.

"Wait, don't go. I have questions. He insisted on seeing her leave.

"The hope you give to another will be passed on to your sister," said the frog before it was completely submerged in the water.

Before Jonah could say anything, all the frogs were gone. Only he and the darkness remained.

'It's crazy. There's no way I can bring hope to anyone in this circus. Their spirits are destroyed. They cannot accept comfort from someone who lives in the same circumstances.' Jonah's thoughts discouraged as he headed for his tent. Out of nowhere, an idea came to his mind. Evangeline, she had so little time in the circus. Perhaps she could still have hope. He had to encourage her to enter the competition. Jonah was sure that the possibility of meeting her beloved again would bring her happiness.

Evangeline stood at the door of her tent looking up to the sky, there were no stars, but still, she admired it with fervor.

"Will you participate in the contest?" asked the boy shyly.

"Of course, I will. If I don't, I'll be a fool. It's the only chance I have to see my beloved again," said Evangeline.

Jonah was not disappointed that he was not responsible for giving hope to Evangeline. He felt good because, for the first time since he was in the circus, he saw someone experiencing real hope. He would also participate in the contest, both of them longing to be able to meet again with a loved one, but only one would make it.

Jonah left the place and left Evangeline enraptured, looking at the sky. A star had appeared.

"Why me? I was a good person all my life. I always helped everyone who needed my help. It is not fair." The worm man lamented under a tree, as he wept disconsolately.

Jonah approached the worm man. He knew that the wounds of that poor freak were very profound, so he decided only to sit by his side and keep him company. When the worm-man noticed his presence, he approached Jonah and laid his head on his legs. He needed to feel human warmth.

"Calm, calm, calm," said Jonah as he gently passed his hand over the poor man's head.

The worm-man could no longer hold back. His crying became a deafening scream. Jonah said nothing. He knew that feeling. To have so much inside and to cry in the hope that the burden will become less heavy. Yet, no matter the tears shed, the pain did not subside.

"I would like to participate in the contest, but I am terrified of what Lucifer will ask of me." Finally, the worm man could say.

"You shouldn't be afraid. We have nothing to lose anymore," said Jonah.

"You're wrong. If Lucifer is offering us something, it's because we have something she needs.

"I know, but we must take a chance. I cannot imagine a fate worse than this. As the burned man said, we have an eternity to try to escape our condemnation.

"You are very naive, my boy. If I tell you this, it is because I know what is behind this contest. Many years ago, when I had just arrived at this place, I had only one friend. At that time, Lucifer announced the same contest. No one wanted to participate because the challenges were too ruthless. However, my friend fulfilled all the challenges. He was desperate to return to his family. Everything seemed normal, but one day he disappeared, and we never saw him again. It's been too long, but I still wonder what terrible fate Lucifer has condemned him to..." said the worm man with a choppy voice.

"You've never stopped to think that maybe he managed to reunite with his beloved"

The worm man was silent for a few minutes.

"No, I never thought about it. I've been so full of despair that I never thought of that possibility." Replied the worm man, who now looked at Jonah differently.

"I know there is still room for illusion in your heart. I will participate too, so will you. As I told you, we have nothing left to lose."

The worm man said nothing and began to walk away. However, as he was about to enter his tent, he turned and shouted at Jonah. "I will do it! I will participate!"

My Instagram: @alefaxis

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