

Foxwork_YT · Fantasy
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A brand new world

As the moon rose up to the starry night, many large figures came close to one small little child that only looked around 2 years old. The boy had dark gray hair like the shadows in the forest, the boy had mysterious purple soulless eyes that shined when staring at the moon. He had pale skin….to pale to be a human, the boy had small dull fangs. There was only one thing that it could've been, the boy was a small vampire. A tall scary guy was there staring at the child with disgust knowing it was his since it resembled him clearly, the only thing that was different was his eyes, the man had grey emotionless eyes while the little boy had purple soulless eyes that shined brightly like the stars in the sky in the moon's reflection. The man grabbed the child by the neck and took a piece of the tree bark knowing he would kill the child. The man tried swinging the bark into the boy's little chest but before he could a cold shiver went down his spine knowing someone was behind him. A slim woman was there giving the man a dirty look, the woman took the boy away from him and holding him properly but as the man tried taking him back the woman spoke to him with a cold voice. " The child is mine and I'm keeping him one day he'll rule this world and he will try to over power your reign and thus create a new era!" The man was shocked knowing this might be true so he stood straight and asked the young looking woman, " ah yes, but with that comes great responsibility, I may be on the contrary what will you name this boy?" The woman looked at the boy seeing his eyes shine and seeing the joy of him then decided calling him a name standing for light then she knew the perfect name. " I shall call him Lucien, yes, his name is Lucien and he 'll be mine to take care of until he's old enough to be crowned king," said the woman firmly. The woman left with the boy to meet his big sister and the woman cared for both of them and loved them equally. Thus a new prince was born.