
Lucien Loves Kenndy

2021. The Second Lockdown was announced and the world took a great hit. Many became jobless and many homeless as the need for money started to show up. But amidst all of that penury, two people were enjoying their time together. Two people who were secretly in love with each other. This is their love story. A loving story concerning a nerd in suits and a mendacious gal. Please, enjoy !

Hobi_Ta · Realistic
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13 Chs

don't go crushin'

I don't know what he wants but 'UNO'. I feel like there's something behind it.

"(Lucien)..Sweet ! Its been so long since we played this. And I never really got a chance to search for it. Thanks to the lockdown, I could. Enough talking now and let's play."

"(Kenndy)...So up for it...Does the winner get a prize ?"

"(Lucien)...Well, I didn't really think about it but okay. If I win, your body's mine for the night or vice versa.."

"(Kenndy)....As if I wan--"

"(Lucien)....START !!!!!"