

Slumped over blondish-red hair, ticked her palms. Swaying her gaze from left to right, two options laid before her. On the left was a rollercoaster that led you to your own personal dream with a man in pinstripes ready to pull the lever at your mark. Now on the right stood a gigantic canvass of Mountains, hills, trees, and even large glowing technological constructs with only one thing separating them and that was a giant wall.

Holding her attention on the beautiful painting posted before her Samantha felt a lightness overcome her along with a burst of energy. Hopping off of the golden fountain she sat on everyday day before making her grand decision she scurried towards the opening in front of the bridge wall.

A tingling sensation trickled down Samantha's body, telling her that she made it safely into the Dream State. Taking her first footsteps onto the stoned courtyard people hustled and bustled throughout Dream Market. This is where every one starts before either teleporting to their dream homes use of the egg shaped clear domes at almost every corner. Peering up at the sky people glided by some of them even blocked the gentle warm sun from kissing her arms as they passed by.

Iirrt. Shaking her head from a glitch performance in her eyes a light blue barrier sat on the edge of Samantha's peripheral. Shifting her attention on the barrier a glass building sat inside of it. Watching newcomers walk through the field in slow motion she put two and two together. "I'm the only one who can see this glass building. I wonder what it is?" Thinking of her dad she assumed it must have some to do with him considering he is an Executive at G.O.S.E. Strolling towards the glass doors they slid apart presenting a small office with a robot in the right corner behind a counter.

"Welcome to Dimentia." it said. "Would you like to play?"

Scrunching her face thinking about her answer a perk bounced to her when she came to the decision. "Yes."

Walking over to the wall a black door faded into view. "You may begin your experience."

Weeewoosh, booosch! Weeewooosh, boosch! Bombs plummeted to the arth and lasers sliced through the sky. Caught in an explosion an intoxicating sensation filled her body. Scanning her environment with shaking, blurry eyes and ringing ears Samantha noticed she was in a tumbled over bird cage. Glancing up at the opening above her the word Escape in yellow letters popped into view.

Before crawling to her feet, Samantha surveyed the strange platform before her. Coming to conclusion she must be on a floating city due to the abrupt end of street to air on each side. Locating the closest edge she then crawled over the opening toppling on to the pavement. Staggering through the red field the world continued to spin and vibrate as spanned the red light barrier watching bodies drop in slow motion.

Breaking through the barrier her senses jolted back into life. "Die" Booosch!

"Don't give up!"

"Exterminate them all!" Voices screamed from every direction as the war between humanoid birds and humans in mechanized suits contaminated the air.

Weeeuup! Booosch! A bomb crashed into the ground a couple yards away from her. "Aaagh!" she screamed before slamming into the tar pavement. Hurt from the impact the word Escape blinked before her eyes again. Sprinting towards the ledge she didn't know why but she felt like that was her only friend.

Piiizump! Piiizump! The shots of lasers being fired from their masters rung on her right. Kawissh! A humanoid bird slashed through a mechanized human before retrieving his rifle. Crossing a park she watched two humanoid birds perched on top of the jungle gym back to back bust round after round of lasers at the enemy soldieers before jetting off into the sky.

Breaching into an alleyway Samantha found it was safer to travel through them for she could see the flashes of action in the maze of alleys and buildings stretched out before her. Envisioning the edge of the platform in her mind she navigated through the maze using the map of her mind.

Finally making it to the end of her maze an opening expanded before her showing her a path of violence and destruction. Weeewup, booosch! A human crashed into the pavement before her. Kawiish! Spiraling down a red bird humanoid slashed through the suit of his rival before plunging its sword through his chest. "Run hurry!" It told her.

Exploding out of the alleyway Samantha dashed across the street diving through a flaming car before a stream of lasers could land. Crawling out of the other side she somersaulted onto the ground. Springing up to her feet she cleared ten yards before a mechanized human swooped down trying to slash through her. Diving to the ground, evading a second slash Samantha rolled to the left a third swipe kicked up mortar from its blade slicing through it. "Die..." Watching the man suddenly drop she scuttled to her feet clearing the last five before the word Leap entered her vision.

Shift Activated. Staring at the green words before her as the wind howled at her for going against their uplifting shoves on her body. Experiencing a feeling of small bursts of air erupting from her every pore black and white plumage spread across her body. Darting her eyes from one wing to the next Samantha flapped her arms allowing some pure instinct to take over her slowly pushing her into to control. Once she had the hang of flying she began to twirl, spiral and swoop through the air.

New Objective: Roariks Isle. Peeking over at the green writing in the far left corner of her eye an arrow popped up before her showing Samantha the way to go. After flying for about an hour a burning sensation enveloped her innards. Slowly descending towards the ocean stretched out before her, she could feel her talons parting the water causing it to splash upon her bird legs.

Struggling to get herself higher into the sky her background slowly drifted into black. Opening her eyes a digital alarm clock with 1:11 glowing in the middle of it greeted her. "I wonder how far away I was?" she mumbled to herself before turning around, drifting back to sleep.