
That is all this can be described as.

           Virtual bodies littering the ground, disappearing as quickly as they fall; everywhere you look people fighting for their lives. This 'show' has been going on for quite a while, though the crowd seems only to be into it more and more as time goes on. It is hard to focus as they continue to cheer; only one word being chanted from hundreds of thousands of people around the world. It sounds to be a name, possibly one of the final contestants that stand. 

There are two left, so why only one name? It is evident as the other is nowhere to be found, therefore losing the observers support. "Coward", some are now hollering; others exclaiming profanities at the scared dreamer's absence. There is only one person currently present who seems to understand his fear, and that would be the other dreamer in that hell the humans refer to as entertainment.

"It is better to get this over with now,''uttered the man to himself, " it will be the first time in a while since any of us have rested." And with that, he readied his blade, carefully attending to his surroundings. Searching, not ever letting his guard down in the slightest. There is a shuffling noise, and in an instant it was over. The man turned, plunging his knife into the chest of the other. It happened quicker than anyone expected causing the crowd to silence. 

The momentary tranquility quickly ended as cheers erupted from mobs of people, and the world on the screen below began to fade away. That's when they awoke. All the people who previously were forced to kill one another, awake in these... capsules…

The capsules opened, and all that were in were forced out; many people shoved into a too small room, some crying, others screaming in the pain of their recent 'death'. That's when a voice called out to the victor. One simple, mute word.


He didn't need to look to know who it was. He turns to the tall, softly spoken man.

"Right, lets go. Veil and the others must be waiting".

With that, they pushed through the crowded room to their small chamber of a living space, where the few they could call friends resided.
