

It had been 10 years 3 months and 18 days. Since Insomnia fell, not that Maya was counting or anything. She woke up covered in sweat. Luche looked over at her. "Noctis has returned we must get to the gate." Was all she needed to say. The two quickly made it to the gate and saw the king and his three friends.

As they walked closer, she bowed. "Welcome home your majesty." Noctis came over to her as Gladio shook Luche's hand. "You're the Glaives Libertus told me about?" Noctis asked her. She shook her head. "He is the only glaive here. I'm an ex Glaive turned hunter." She said as she pulled her still silver hair up and tied it with a purple ribbon. "Holy crap. Noct she's Nyx's sister." Noctis turned to look at her. She nods to him. Her brother's weapons were still strapped to her as she lead them down the city streets.

"We will let you take it from here your majesty. For hearth and home." Both her and Luche bowed as the four went inside. "Are you ready Maya?" Luche asked her. She kneeled and looked up at the sky as she felt her power building up in her. "Gods of old I call upon you." Luche was floored at the power coming off her. "Your call has been heard child of the old line." They watch Shiva walking over to them both. "I give up my immortality to bring back all that died from this useless war." Maya bowed her head in respect. "It shall be done on one condition." She rolled her eyes as she looked up at Bahamut. "And why does that not surprise me. You guys are the reason for this mess. Yet we are the ones that must suffer for it, but that's not good enough for you is it?"

Bahamut looked amused by her outburst. "You will become a Glaive once more and forever serve the line of Lucis with the man you love." Before she could answer Luche moved in front of her. "Deal." She looked at him in shock. "I told you Maya I will be forever at your side." She felt her tears as she smiled. "So be it. Live long lives young Glaives." And with that the Gods where gone.

Maya took a step towards Luche when she stumbled forward. Luche pulled her into his arms as the doors to the palace opened. They turned to see Noctis and his friends walking out followed by the past king and shield. Next was Luna. They stopped in front of her and Luche then bowed. "Thank you, Maya, for all you have done."

She smiled at them. "Hey, little sister." She turned to see Nyx leaning against a wall. She ran to him and threw herself into his arms as her tears once more fell. "Love the new look, Maya." He said playing with her hair. "Nyx, I missed you." She cried out. Luche walked over and shook Nyx's hand. "Thanks for keeping her safe," Nyx said still hugging his sister.

Maya finally pulled away when she hands Nyx his weapons. "No, you keep them there yours now. My fighting days are done. It's time for me to go home." She laughed. "You know they will be waiting for you right?" she said with a smile. "Yeah, I can't wait. I can go back knowing you can slay your own monsters. You don't need your big brother anymore." She hugged him. "I will always need you Nyx." She said.

Noctis and Regis walked over to her. "So, I know you must serve our line, but I hear you have a wedding you need to plan for. So, go with Nyx and get married come back after." She looked at Noctis and smiled. "Thank you, your majesty. We will return as soon as we can." He shook his head. "Take your time you been fighting for ten years take a few months off. That's an order from this king to his two bravest Glaives." So they did just that.