
Chapter two

Maya walked into Luche's place and paced the living room then went to the kitchen. She poured herself something to drink but dropped the cup. Her hands were shaking as she tried to clean up the mess. When she cut her hand she just stared at the blood on the floor. "Baby come here." Luche pulled her to her feet and into his arms. "It's okay I got you." He pulled her to the sink and cleaned her hand. After wrapping it he looked at her.

Luche hated it when she got this quiet. "I will clean this mess you go sit down." She just turned and went to his room she laid down and curled up on her side. "Maya what happened?" she opened her eyes to see Luche kneeled on the floor next to the bed. "I think Tredd set me up." He looked shocked. He knew the man hated her for some reason. "Why would he do that?" he asked as he moved the hair from her face.

Maya let out a sigh. "Because I wouldn't sleep with him." She tells him as she sits up. Luche pulled her into his arms. "Maya I'm so sorry. Do you want to stay here for a few days?" she looked up at him. "Only if you have ice cream." He laughed. "For you baby, I will go buy some." She nods. "Drautos put me on leave." Luche kisses the top of her head. "I know I read the report. You will be off for a week. You can stay with me."

Maya was sitting on the sofa in his shirt as she watched tv. Luche walked into the apartment then the kitchen. "Here baby as promised. Cotton candy ice cream." He hands it to her and a spoon. She smiled at him. "You're the best boyfriend ever." He sits on the sofa and pulls her against him taking a bite of the ice cream she offered him. "That's because I spoil you, Maya." She giggled. "No that's just a bonus."

They were watching tv when Luche looked down at her. "Maya how long has Tredd been bothering you?" she sat up and turned the tv off. "A few months now." He looked shocked at this news. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. "One because we said at work, we were just coworkers no special treatment. And two because I thought I had it taken care of last week." She tells him looking away from him. Luche turned her chin gently to look at him. "You're the reason he had a black eye last week, aren't you?" he had a smile on his face. "Yeah, that was me." She grinned. Luche kissed her. "Remind me not to piss you off babe." He joked.

The next night Maya was asleep when Luche came home late. He stopped at his doorway and smiled. She was asleep in his shirt. She had taken off her pants and kicked off the blankets. He found he liked coming home to her in his bed. He knew he was fallen deeper and deeper in love with her as the days went on. He went to the kitchen.

Luche looked around and saw the little things she left behind at his place. Like a candle in the kitchen or a toothbrush in the bathroom. A bottle of juice she liked in his fridge. He found himself buying stuff at the store he knew she liked. "Baby you just getting in?" he turned to see a half-asleep Maya rubbing her eyes. "Yeah go back to bed I will be there soon." She shook her head and walked over to him.

She removed his coat and hung it up. "Go shower while I make you something to eat okay." He knew better than to argue with her. "Thanks, Maya." He leaned down and kissed her nose. When he got out, she had made him tacos. he sat down as she hands him a plate and a beer. She went and cleaned up the kitchen before heading back to bed.

They woke up the next morning in each other's arms. "Can I check your side and hand Maya?" he asked her as he kissed her shoulder. "Yeah." He checked her hand first it was healing great. Then he looked at her side. He felt her tense up as his hands trailed the now scar on her side. Potions worked fast. "Maya do you know how hard it is to watch you fight in battles and not run to your side when you get hurt?" she turned over and looked into his eyes. "We don't have to keep it a secret you know." She says her hand drawing designs on his back. "What about your brother?" she shrugged. "I'm a big girl I don't need his permission." She said.

Later that day she couldn't get her mind off the attack on the village it was just like when they attacked Galahd. She was walking over to the bathroom when her vision dimmed. She staggered a little. "Maya what's wrong?" she felt him holding her but her mind was back to that day at home.


Maya was walking home with Nyx and Libertus when blasts where heard all over the place. Nyx grabbed her hand and they ran home to see imperials attack their house. "Selena get down," Nyx yelled out as he ran towards their little sister. Maya ran to help her mother. She was tossed into a wall and stabbed in the side making her blackout.

When she next woke up, she was in Nyx's arms as he carried her to safety. "Nyx where is momma and Selena?" she saw his tears and knew they were all that was left of their family. "Maya I will not let anything ever happen to you again I promise." Her big brother told her as she cried in his arms.


Luche felt her body shaking as she cried out for her family. He had a feeling this would happen when he read the battle report from the attack on the village. "Come on Maya your okay baby." All he could do was hold her as she cried. He picked her up and laid her down on his bed.

When Maya woke up, she was in Luche's bed in his arms. "Why didn't you tell me you were having flashback Maya?" she looked up to see a worried Luche. "I had hoped it would just pass. I'm sorry Luche. Are you mad?" she asked as she looked down. He lifted her chin to look at him. "No baby I'm not mad at you." He kissed her softly.