
chapter seven

Over the next few days, Maya kept to herself. Luche was worried about her as she went day by day not talking to anyone. She was training herself and she kept her focus all on that. He hated that she had quit the Glaives. Then one day he walked down to the dive they went to and saw her talking to the man behind the counter. He handed her a piece of paper.

Maya turned and saw Luche walking over to her. "Hey baby what are you doing?" he asked as he kissed her head. She showed him the hunts she had picked up and he looked shocked. "When did you become a hunter and why didn't you tell me?" he asked. Maya could hear the concern in his voice, and it hurt her, but she was still hurting as well. So, she shrugged and walked off. She sent him a text as she left the city. "We will talk when I get home I promise. I love you Luche." She didn't want to worry him and knew she owed him answers. "Okay baby. Just please be careful. Call me if you need help." She smiled at the text then closed it. She saw the photo of her and him kissing under the setting sun. she had made it her home screen photo. She loved him so much.

When she got home it was late and she was in pain as she went into the bathroom. She took off her leather coat and shirt she had cut and claw marks everywhere. She knew she had to get the gravel out. "Maya what the hell happened to you?" she turned to see Luche in the doorway. "Can you help me clean these while I explain?" she asked him. "Yeah come sit on the stool in the kitchen." She took his hand and stopped him. "Luche... I'm sorry." He lifted her chin and kissed her. "I understand baby."

As he helped clean her wounds, she told him how she didn't want to keep being put in the spot where she had to pick sides. "But I knew I couldn't just sit around doing nothing. I'm a warrior after all. So, I trained and became a hunter." He looked over at her as he wrapped her arm. "I was worried I had overstepped and pushed you away." He tells her. "No baby you didn't do anything wrong neither did Nyx. You both were just trying to help me. Nyx will always see me as the baby sister he carried out of Galahd. I understand that but it doesn't mean it won't hurt like hell."

They were sitting on the sofa when she turned to Luche. "I forgot to tell you I got another tattoo."He looked down at her. She stood up and lifted her pant leg on her right leg. Luche traced the words and smiled at her. "It suits you well baby. You are the strongest person I know." He told her as she laid back in his arms. "He will come around Maya. He's just stubborn a trait both Ulric's have." She looked up to see him smile at her. "Sorry I pushed you away Luche. I just didn't know how to get past my own pain." He kissed her. "No need to be sorry. We all hit that point at some point in our life."


Luche was fighting when he saw a group of hunters had joined the fight. "Glaives fall back the hunter have the rest." He looked closer and saw Maya was with the group. He smiled as he saw her fighting like she used to. The girl was truly deadly when she wanted to be. None of her movements were rushed. It was like watching a dance she was graceful in her moves and it made him proud.

Maya slide under a behemoth cutting it open as she went. When she stood up she came face to face with Luche. "Hey baby nice to see you. How was your day?" she asked jokily as she blocked a saber tusk. He shook his head at her laughing. "Still as reckless as ever Maya." He told her. She winked at him then skipped off. He watched her. She skipped like she was just going down to the local store. "Be careful baby or I will come after you." He yelled out to her. She turned running backward smiling to him. "Is that a promise baby?" she asked as she killed another monster. "I believe you are disobeying an order my dear Glaive better go before you get yelled at." She yelled out as she turned running back to the other hunters.

She was killing a bunch of other monsters when she heard Dave yell at her. She turned to see a saber tusk about to hit her. When it didn't, she looked up and saw Nyx standing there. "Next time watch you back. I won't help again." He said without looking at her. "Thank you, Nyx." She said but he just warped away. She was getting tired of this.

When she walked into the Glaive camp people just moved out of her way. She was covered in blood and cuts. They all could tell she was pissed off. Luche saw her eyes and stayed back he wasn't dumb enough to get in her way when she was like this. She grabbed her brothers' arm and turned him to face her. "Listen here, Nyx Ulric. You may be my older brother, but your acting like a spoiled brat. I'm sick of this shit. I didn't do anything wrong. I will not say sorry to you when you know dang well you were pushing me too hard."

Nyx looked shocked for a min, but it didn't last long. "You choose the person your sleeping with over your own blood." He yelled at her. Maya slapped him across the face making the whole camp go quiet. "You will not talk to me like that. I didn't pick aside. Shit, I even left the only place I ever felt like I belonged so I wouldn't have to. Grow up Nyx. I hate fighting with you but I will not let you treat me like this." With that, she turned and walked away.