
chapter eight

Luche walked inside their apartment to her feeding Enyo. The cat was laying on the floor waiting. She looks up at him. "Hey baby, so shower dinner should be done by then." She says turning back to the stove. When he got out of the shower his place smelled great. Walking out he saw she had made steak. He went and sat on the sofa as she placed a plate in front of him.

He looked up at her as she sat down next to him. "You know your eyes turn silver when your pissed?" she nods to him. "It's a family thing only the females have." She said as she ate. They watched tv and Maya fell asleep in his arms. When she turned, she let out a small whimper. "Baby where you hurt?" she opened her eyes slowly. "Just a few bruised ribs they will heal in a few days I promise." She told him standing up. She removed the bandage around her ribs and showed him. "Damn girl you are going to feel that tomorrow." He says helping her put the bandage back. He walked with her to the bedroom.


Over the next year, Maya had become a well-known hunter earning the respect of other hunters. Her and Nyx still weren't talking, but she refused to let her brother see how much it bugged her. Her and Luche were still dating. He had become her rock when she needed it. There were many times his deployment had them crossing paths with her hunts. He loved how strong she had gotten, but tonight he was taking her out to dinner.

"Maya are you ready yet," Luche yelled from the living room. He was waiting for her to get down. She had kicked him out of the room not wanting him to see her till she was already. He had on a suit and tie as he checked his watch. "Yeah, sorry baby. I couldn't find my heels." Luche was floored when he saw her walk out of the bathroom. "You look amazing Maya." He says as he kisses her.

Once he pulled into the parking spot. He got out and walked to her side. Opening her door, he held his hand out to her. They were showed to there seats and Luche and her ordered. "How was your time at HQ?" he asked her. "Trying. We where fighting nonstop for three days. How was your deployment?" she asked as he was rubbing her wrist with his thumb.

"We pushed the Niffs back for now." He tells her as their food got there. They were eating when she looked up at him. "Luche how is Nyx doing? I seen him a few times but." She couldn't finish. He could see the hurt in her eyes, and it tore at his heart. "He almost got himself killed but Luche and Crowe got to him in time. He's getting reckless." He told her. He knew she missed her brother. "Do you think he will ever come around?" she asked. Luche took her hand once more. "Yeah, I think he will. Walk with me, Maya."

They got up and he paid as he led her out to the center of town. "This is where we had our first date Luche. I can't believe you remembered this." She says as she sits at the very bench, they had eaten take out on so many years ago. He kneeled in front of her. "Yes, and it's here where I want to ask you Maya Ulric would you do me the honor and become my wife?"

She felt her tears fall. "Yes of course I will. I love you so much Luche." She looked at the ring on her hand and smiled up at him. "Purple for your family and silver for mine." He tells her as he kisses her.

The next morning her phone went off telling her she was needed back at HQ. she kissed Luche. "Sorry baby duty calls." She heard him groan as she got up. "How long will you be baby?" he asked sitting up on one elbow. "No clue, but I will let you know what's going on when I found anything out." She says leaning down to kiss him.

She had been fighting for two days now nonstop when she finally had time to call Luche. "Hey baby how's the fighting going?" he asked her. She let out a sigh. "Nonstop this is the first break I have gotten." She sat on a rock as the other hunter was doing the same. "Maya you sound tired. Are you okay?" she knew he was worried. "I will be... Shit I have to go monsters and daemons are back." She quickly hung up and pulled her weapons-free.

"We can't keep this up, Maya." She looked at the man. "Maya your hurt." She looked and saw an imp claw in her arm. She pulled it free as a behemoth ran at her. She was slower than normal from her lack of sleep. The behemoth tossed her into a wall, and she laid there trying to catch her breath. She tried to stand up, but she was so tired her body wouldn't listen.

Maya saw a flash then the monster was dead in front of her. She looked up to see Luche running over to her. "Maya look at me, baby." She tried but was having a hard time. Her eyes closed as she went limp in his arms. "Maya." He saw she was severely injured. He picked her up and carried her back to HQ. grabbing a potion out of his car he broke it over her and saw her body start to heal.

"Luche why is everything spinning?" she asked as she looked up into his eyes. "Because you damn near got killed." She slowly sat up mumbling about dumb behemoths. He couldn't help but smile at her. "Here drink this baby." She took the bottle of water as he helped her stand. "Dave said you can head home once you woke up." She reached into his coat and pulled out his sunglasses making him laugh.

He was driving as she had her head against the window. "What brings you out this way baby? Not that I mind." She asked looking over to him. "You sounded really bad on the phone and I was worried." They had pulled into the city and he parked helping her out. She was sore so she lends on him as the went up to there place to rest.

No one knew that in just a few days everything they knew would be taken from them. Maya would lose so much as would everyone that called Insomnia home.