
Loyalty: Obey Me

She had fallen into a novel she disliked and became the side character, Faenia Lutatia Roscius. To prevent her unreasonable death, she had to change the plot, but how easy was it inside of that piece of garbage novel? With no strings attached and no intention to take revenge for the original character, she planned to get out of the piece of garbage novel and go back home. But something was terribly wrong with the novel. She couldn't change her fate of death no matter how much she tried. Succeeded to prevent the original death of the side character? No need to worry, that wasn't the end. There would be a second strike, a third strike, a fourth strike... It was as if the novel refused to let her stay alive.

Xivo · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Sigric and Luis

That bratty voice, Faenia recognized instantly. Esmae flinched from the sudden interruption. It was the same boy from the emperor's birthday party, Sigric Asher Cowill. This time, there was another boy beside him.

"Hm? Did you get bigger than the last time I saw you?"

Faenia patiently smiled, she reached out her hand and gently held Esmae's. Looking at her puzzled face, Faenia said, "Big sister Esmae, let's go somewhere quiet where there are no noisy bugs to disturb us."

Sigric stiffened, shocked at Faenia's words. The boy standing beside him stifled his laugh, seemingly to enjoy the misery of his friend.

Esmae nodded. "If that's what little sister Faenia wants."

Sigric gritted his teeth and pointed his finger at Faenia. "How dare you call me a noisy bug?! Piggy, stop ignoring the great me. You should be happy I'm even talking to a pig like you!"

Faenia inwardly rolled her eyes. 'Kids, such a pain.' She didn't intend to pay attention to a bratty child like him, it was better to pretend she couldn't see him. But, Esmae had other plans.

She frowned at the insults thrown at her little sister, so she walked up to Sigric and spoke up, "Why are you so offended? Little sister Faenia only mentioned noisy bugs, she didn't call you one. Or maybe it's that you are a bug? And stop calling yourself great, have you no shame? Piggy this and piggy that, do you have a pig obsession?"

"What?! You—!"

Faenia was surprised, she didn't expect young Esmae to be outspoken. This also seemed to be the last straw for the boy next to Sigric, as he burst out of laughter. Meanwhile, Sigric was drenched in embarrassment, so much he didn't know what to do other than being quiet with a sour face.

The boy composed himself and stepped in. "I'm very sorry for my friend's childish behaviour. I am Luis Ashton Sanses, second son of the Sanses family."

A bit startled, Esmae cleared her throat slightly before she properly introduced herself. "Apology accepted. My name is Esmae Priya Rosamund, the only daughter of the Rosamund family."

Sigric crossed his arms and pouted. "You don't have to be friendly with them, Luis."

"Don't be like that." Luis sighed, then he looked at Faenia and Esmae. "This is Sig–"

Sigric proudly interrupted, "Sigric Asher Cowill, the great son of the Cowill family."

Esmae gaped, "Cowill? The son of the count of Wita, the brave knight who helped the emperor win the winter battle between Viterra and Sewal?!"


"Oh, so it's your father who's great and not you."

"Hey! My father is great and I'm his son so that makes me great too!" Sigric exclaimed.

"That doesn't make sense. It doesn't work like that."

"Yes, it does!" Sigric argued.

"It does not!" Esmae argued back.

"It does!"

"Then you are stupid!"

"No, I'm not!"

Faenia, who stood and watched them fighting, couldn't help but think they were being silly. 'They sure have a lot of energy to argue pointlessly.' In the end, she wasn't interested to continue watching them so she left and went to the dessert table. Luis noticed her actions and followed her with curiosity.

Seeing Faenia take a plate of sliced cake, Luis asked, "You're just leaving your friend alone?"

Faenia glanced sideways at Luis and took a bite of the cake. "She's not alone."

"But you left. Is that what a friend would do?"

"If we go by your logic, Honourary Luis," Faenia took another bite and swallowed it before she continued, "you also left your friend. Is that what a friend would do?"

Taken aback, Luis chuckled and said, "You're funny, Lady Faenia."

'How did that make me funny? I swear, the kids here are weirdos.'

"I am nine years old, how old are you?"

"Is that so? I am five."

"You act older than you are, Lady Faenia. It's a bit funny," Luis said.

Finishing the cake, Faenia looked at him and said, "You know what else is funny? Your friend running away from mine, in tears."

Luis shifted his gaze away from her to where Sigric had stood and laughed in embarrassment. "Oh, this is unsightly. It looks like I have to leave now before Sigric gets lost."

The last thing he saw before he walked away was the mysterious smile on her face as she said, "Beware of the flame hiding in the house of the Sanses family." It sounded like she was warning him about something, but he didn't understand what she meant.

Esmae smiled triumphantly and ran up to Faenia. "Little sister Faenia, don't worry, big sister chased him away. If he bothers you again, I, Esmae Priya Rosamund, will make him go away!"

Faenia chuckled and thanked Esmae. "I will count on you, big sister Esmae."


Faenia looked at the direction Sigric and Luis had disappeared to and let out a sigh. Sigric Asher Cowill would become the personal knight of the emperor in the future, just like in the novel. Luis, however, would no longer exist, for his death was the reason for Sigric's big change and turned him into a powerful knight. The arrogant, bratty Sigric was left alone, with no one by his side, and walked on the lonely path ever since. To think the famous captain of the Silver Order had such a personality as a child.

In the novel, Sigric was described as a formidable and fearsome knight, he went to battle after battle and came back victoriously each time, but he was always covered in blood, only revealing his cold and steady eyes. That was how he gained his title as Sigric the Red. In her opinion, the title sounded terrible, but what more could she expect from a garbage novel?

In any case, she had warned Luis of the danger without sounding too suspicious. Whatever he would do with it now was up to him. That was the best she could do, as she didn't know much other than his death was caused by a fire in his own home and that it happened before Sigric became a knight. It could happen any time, so she had to warn him before it was too late. It would be good if he survived, then Sigric wouldn't change into a bloodthirsty knight grieving the death of his friend. This change might make the next emperor lose his greatest pawn, which would also be advantageous to her in any way possible.

"Say, little sister Faenia… My mother wants me to be talented in a musical instrument but I don't know what to choose. Do you have any suggestions?"

The voice of Esmae brought Faenia back to her senses. She looked at Esmae who seemed to be struggling. "Hm… Big sister Esmae should pick an instrument that you really like. But, I think the piano would suit you a lot."

Esmae's eyes twinkled instantly. "Really?! I did try the piano and I love the sound it makes. I also tried the violin and I liked it too. I just couldn't decide which one of them to choose but thanks to little sister Faenia, my life has become easier."

"Then, can I hear you play the piano in the future?"

Esmae smiled happily and said, "Of course, I would love to play for you, little sister Faenia."

"Okay, I can't wait for that day to come."

Unfortunately for Esmae, the tea party ended and she had to reluctantly leave. At the end of the day, Faenia told her mother about Esmae, and she was surprised to hear about it.

"Look at you, I take my eyes off you for a moment and you have already gotten yourself an older sister. Little Fae, I'm happy you made a friend so quickly. Your mother can now stop worry." Her mother wiped a tear in joy. She saw the confused face of her daughter and she sighed dramatically. "You are so mature for your age, Mother was afraid the other children would be too scared to approach you."

"Oh, mother… You don't have to worry about me at all. I'm after all your daughter!"

"Ah, I knew it, little Fae is so cute, yes, who wouldn't approach someone cute like my daughter? You're my baby girl, always the best!"

Lady Orephia hugged her daughter as she squealed over her cuteness. Not feeling like letting go of her daughter, she kept her in her arms and continued talking. "Your sixth birthday is soon, how do you want to celebrate it? Perhaps, inviting the other noble children?"

It was a great way to get to know people around the same age and cultivate relationships, but Faenia rejected the idea. She shook her head and said, "I want to celebrate my birthday with mother and father, everyone working here! I want to spend it with you all. Is that not okay?"

In the sweet words of her daughter, Lady Orephia didn't know what she had done to deserve to have the child. Poking her child's nose, she confidently said, "Of course it's okay, why would it not be? Just watch, little Fae, Mother will bake the best birthday ever!"

After the traumatic experience, she never entered the kitchen again but this time, she wanted to make something for her daughter. It was something she should have done a long time ago.

... I uh—I have almost used up all the chapters I stacked up so far. The update will get slower since uni is abusing this poor af author. Feelsbad.

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