
Lovingly In Love

"Why do you always create stories that end happily? Are you blind, hypocritical, or a woman living in a high-walled palace who can't see the suffering around you? Don't you think you've exaggerated the meaning of the word 'love'?" - Aron Henderson ***** "Do you know what your problem is? You lack patience. Be patient! Let love come to you and bring you happiness." - Juliet

violetpayne · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 11

"Aron, where are you from?" As soon as Aron and Aleeza arrived in Henderson's family yard, Carter bombarded them with questions. Besides Carter, his stepfamily was already waiting on the porch. Their faces looked very anxious, certainly not because they were concerned about Aron. They were worried that Aron would find out about their actions before the big meeting.

Aron didn't even look at Carter. He directed his cold gaze at his stepfamily, especially Keiran. "Tell her to stop whining and asking for strange things from me." Aron nodded his head in Aleeza's direction. "And don't try to embarrass me again just so you can get what you want." This statement was also directed at Aleeza, but Aron didn't look at her at all. For everyone in the house, Aron's attitude like this was not unusual at all.

"If that's the case, let them take care of this woman. I'll take you to your room so you can rest," Carter began pushing Aron's wheelchair into the house.

Aleeza, who was now the center of attention for Keiran and Ines, bit her lip with an annoyed expression. In her heart, she grumbled because Aron intentionally made her explain their departure.

"Aleeza, we're waiting for an explanation," Keiran said, folding her arms across her chest.

This time, Aleeza didn't need to pretend to be annoyed because she was genuinely annoyed with Aron. "He's the most annoying man in the world. Our relationship hasn't changed at all since we got married. Even though Keiran says she doesn't care if I get close to Aron or not, the fact is I have to win Aron's favor to get that damn signature." Aleeza sighed. "That's why I tried to take him out of the house, even if I had to beg and plead."

"You shouldn't have to take him out of the house. We've already succeeded in making sure he can't leave the house anymore," Ines said.

Keiran immediately nudged Ines's upper arm. When Ines looked at her, Keiran glared at her warningly.

It was at that moment that Aleeza realized they were hiding something. She needed to find out about this secret before the big meeting because after the meeting, they would surely know whose side Aleeza was on.

"What's going on?" Aleeza asked, curious.

"We should talk in my room," Keiran suggested, turning around and walking toward it. Ines and Aleeza followed silently.

Once the bedroom door was locked, Keiran spoke firmly to Ines. "You need to watch what you say. The ears and mouths of all the servants here can't be trusted."

"Alright, alright," Ines replied, feeling irritated to be admonished like a child.

"So, what's the real story?" Aleeza asked impatiently.

"In reality, Aron's paralyzed leg is only temporary," Keiran explained briefly, making Aleeza's heart race. But she tried to act normal and only showed curiosity.

"Is that true? But why is he now bound to a wheelchair? He can't even move from the wheelchair to the bed or anywhere else on his own, let alone walk."

Ines chose to remain silent and let Keiran explain. "It's because of the medication he takes every day. Instead of making it better, the medicine makes his leg even more difficult to move and painful. I bet he has to endure excruciating pain every time he moves, even with assistance." Keiran smiled wickedly.


Aleeza felt like her heart was being stabbed with a machete. Her fingers clenched, ready to strike Keiran's face. But once again, Aleeza restrained herself. If she lost control now, Aron's plans would be ruined. That's why Aleeza had to endure no matter how much it hurt her.

"So, should Aron be able to walk if he doesn't take those medications?" Aleeza asked to confirm.

"Two days after Aron's accident, the doctor diagnosed him with a maximum of six months of inability to walk. But because of those medications, Aron still won't be able to walk," Ines, who had been silent until now, spoke up again. "I would be very grateful to see Aron's face while he's in pain," she said without remorse.

"And I would be even more grateful to see you both grovel at Aron's feet," Aleeza muttered inwardly.

"That's why you need to make sure Aron keeps taking those medications," Keiran added.

Aleeza nodded, her head bowed, hiding her face. Suddenly, her eyes welled up with tears, and her throat tightened.

"I should go see Aron right away. I don't want him to resent me even more," Aleeza murmured, holding back her tears.

Afterward, she looked up and excused herself. Apparently, Ines followed Aleeza.

Outside Keiran's room, Ines said, "Sin, do you still remember Mario?"

Aleeza furrowed her brow but didn't stop walking. "Your little brother, right?"


"Why are you asking as if I've met him before?"

Ines sighed. "I suspected you might have forgotten. Mario visited me during the holidays when we were studying abroad. It was for about a week, and we went out together a few times."

Aleeza tried to recall. For Aleeza, the college years were challenging. It marked the beginning of her career as a writer, and many things happened in her life during that time, most of which she had forgotten because her focus was on her novels.

"Ah, never mind. You really don't remember," Ines grumbled.

Aleeza grinned. "But why are you bringing this up? There must be a specific reason."

"There is," Ines said with a smirk.

"What is it?"

"Mario has a crush on you."

Aleeza stopped in her tracks and looked at Ines intently. "So, what's the problem if he had a crush on me three or four years ago?"

"Mario really likes you. The women in his life were just distractions. But you're the one he genuinely likes."

"Let's assume that's true. So what?"

"I haven't told him that you're married to Aron. Mario will be coming home soon, and if he finds out, I'm just warning you that you'll be caught between two stubborn and hot-tempered men."

Aleeza chuckled. "You sound like you're waiting for that moment to happen."


Aleeza gave Ines an annoyed look. "If your brother comes, just tell him I'm not interested in little boys."

After saying that, Aleeza quickly left Ines and headed to her room and Aron's room.

In the bedroom, Aron was already comfortably asleep on the bed. Aleeza locked the door and approached the bed. She crawled up and sat beside Aron.

Aron rarely took afternoon naps, especially at this time of the day. It must have been very tiring to move several times from a chair to the car and vice versa. Not to mention the conversations with so many people, which must have drained his energy.

Tears that Aleeza had been holding back finally fell. With the back of her fingers, Aleeza caressed Aron's cheek. He seemed undisturbed by Aleeza's touch.

Clearly, Ines didn't know Aron at all. Aleeza had never seen Aron with a bad temper. He could be very firm when disturbed, but he was also easy to yield, even after a heated argument.

Aleeza's gaze traveled across Aron's face, stopping at his lips. With her thumb, Aleeza wiped his lips, then slowly lowered her head and joined their lips.

Aleeza stayed in that position, motionless because her tears suddenly overflowed. Aleeza was about to lift her head when cries of sorrow escaped her lips. But her movement was restrained.

Aleeza blinked her eyes rapidly. Only after she could see more clearly did she realize that Aron's eyes were open, and his face was touched by Aleeza's tears. In addition, Aron's fingers were behind Aleeza's head. Although their lips were no longer touching, their faces were very close.

"I'm sorry for waking you up," Aleeza said while holding back her sobs.

Aron ignored Aleeza's apology. "What are you crying about this time?"

Instead of answering, Aleeza cried even harder, though not loudly enough to be heard from outside the room.

"Aron, you're mean," Aleeza said between sobs. "How many times have you made me cry since we got married?"

For the first time since they met, Aron smiled. Not an unconscious or restrained smile, but a genuinely sincere smile that he hadn't shown in a long time. Then, with his free hand, Aron wiped the tears from Aleeza's cheek.

"If you can't handle being with me, you can leave. Although—" Aron paused, but eventually, he chose to be honest. "Even though I'll feel very lost without you."

Aleeza was frozen, blinking her eyes several times. She never expected Aron to say that. "What does that mean? Are you starting to like me?"

Aleeza asked confidently.

"It doesn't mean anything at all," Aron whispered with a mischievous smile.

Aleeza was truly captivated by Aron's smile. "You're very handsome, my husband."

As usual, Aron's face turned red. But this time, he responded to Aleeza's teasing. "I am."

"But you still haven't admitted whether you like me or not."

"My earlier statement had nothing to do with liking. I would say the same if my servant left."

Aleeza pouted, her face still wet. "You're comparing me to a servant."

"You're the one who said you wanted to serve me. The term for someone who serves others is a servant."

"You're so annoying!"

"And you're beautiful."

Aleeza fell silent immediately, her face turning even redder.

Suddenly, Aron laughed. "It turns out you can blush too. You should look in the mirror now. Your face is exactly like a tomato – red from crying, plus red from embarrassment. It's a nice combination."

"Stop mocking me!" Aleeza said with a pout, wiping the tears from Aron's face.

Unexpectedly, Aron pulled Aleeza's head closer until their lips met again. Then, slowly, he savored Aleeza's luscious lips very gently.

Afterward, Aron moved his face away from hers and kissed Aleeza's forehead. "I'm still waiting for your explanation about the name 'Juliet,'" Aron said, his lips still on Aleeza's forehead. In truth, Aron was more interested in the reason for Aleeza's tears, but that could wait.

Aleeza, upon hearing Aron's words, froze. She thought Aron had already forgotten about that name. But apparently, he still remembered.

"Now move aside. I want to sit down," Aron said after their faces moved apart.

Aleeza quickly sat up. Once Aron was seated, Aleeza arranged some pillows at the head of the bed, and Aron shifted to lean against them.

"Does it hurt?" Aleeza asked with concern.

"No, and don't change the subject. Why do they call you Juliet?"

"It's because I used the name Juliet when I was a donor at the orphanage. And that's why the kids still know me by that name." Well, that explanation wasn't entirely false.

"Oh, so what's your connection with the writer named Juliet?" For some reason, in the depths of Aron's heart, he felt that Aleeza was actually Juliet, the novelist to whom Aron had once written a letter. But if that were true, there were still questions, especially how someone as famous as Juliet could be in his house.

"No connection at all. I only found out that our names are similar."

Aron sighed. "I thought you might be the same person. But my assumption was wrong. I guess you can't be Juliet. I've never seen you write. If you were Juliet, you'd be very busy right now because Juliet's latest novel is about to be released." Aron's words weren't just empty talk; he was one of the people eagerly awaiting the release of Juliet's latest novel.

"What's the date today?" Aleeza asked, trying to remember.

"It's October 29th."

"Oh my God! My deadline is so close!"

Unconsciously, Aleeza jumped off the bed and headed for the wardrobe where she kept her laptop. As usual, at the beginning of the new year, her novel had to be ready for marketing. So, she had to have it in the hands of the publisher by mid-next month for revisions and other processes before printing.

"As compensation for lying to me, I request a free first copy with your signature on every page," Aron said.

Aleeza bit her lip. While hugging her laptop bag, she turned back to face Aron. "I'm sorry for lying, but if there's my signature on every page, how will you read it?"

"I'll still buy your novel, just like before. But for the one earlier, it's free," Aron declared.

Aleeza sighed. Her novel this time was eight hundred pages thick. Aron didn't hold back with his punishment.

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