
CHAPTER 8 War zone

   Commander javest and I walked to the hospital where the injured soldiers resides. When we arrived he asked for a generals name and instructed a nurse to lead him to general Lukes ward. The nurse lead us to a room with more injured soldiers. It was hurrifying to look at. Some had no legs or one leg with no hands.

  "Do your work and arrest this man." commander javest said with a straight face. At first I thought he was talking to me but that's when I realized that they were some soldiers behind us. I wonder if they were following us all this while. Two soldiers came forward and held the man by his hands, lifting him up because he lost a leg and has only one now. The man seems to be a high ranked soldier. He wore a soldiers clothing but with barges on it and those barges clerified that he was a soldier. The man screamed and groaned at the same time probably because of the pain he felt.

  "javest you can't do this, you don't have the rights or any proof against me."

  "And why do you think so? General luck, they are charges against you and you are under arrest for giving false information and for being a traitor and a threat to the government."

  "let me go now."

   "why general luck? You have done a bad thing and deserves to be punished or will you tell me you didn't know the rules and regulations stand against traitors." He said with a smirk and came closer to the general and raised his right hand to hold unto the general jaw tightly.

 " it isn't me who is the traitor its... "

 " no, no general, anything you say now will be used against you in the court so save it for court." he said then signaled the soldiers to take the general away. He left the hospital and continued walking then stopped and stared at me.

 " soldier inform all your team mates to meet at the entrance of the hostel. " He said with a serious face and dismissed me. He makes me wonder if he ever smiles. I informed my mates and soon they were all gathered around the hostel. I saw Leo and then smiled at him when he looked back he returned the smile and winked.

  "As we all know we have being told to not let our guards down and be well prepared for the upcoming event on the field." He said and placed both of his arm behind him and walking back and forth.

  "General javest is telling you all to wake your sh**ty asses and be prepared for anything. We received information yesterday from other troops that the coast is clear and we are launching our attack in the next two days." All the soldiers were attentive and put on a serious face.

"Now everyone must apply the knowledge of what we as soldiers do, we kill or get killed. I will discuss the plan tomorrow, do I make my self clear?"

  "yes General." All in chorus

  "Aii General."