
Loving you was a mistake- Steve Johnson and Margaret Smith

"Loving You Was a Mistake" is a captivating tale of love, revenge, and redemption that follows the tumultuous journey of Margaret Smith and Steve Johnson. Forced into a contract marriage orchestrated by Steve out of a misguided belief that Margaret was involved with his sister's husband, Margaret finds herself bewildered by Steve's sudden animosity towards her. The narrative unfolds from their wedding day, where Steve's plan to enact revenge on Margaret begins. As Steve deliberately orchestrates circumstances to make Margaret fall for him, his initial intentions blur as he witnesses Margaret's genuine affection. However, his resolve wavers, and he decides to abandon her, only to realize his true feelings too late. Through a series of flashbacks, the story delves into the origins of the misunderstanding, unraveling the intricate web of deceit and betrayal that led to their strained relationship. As Steve comes to terms with his mistakes, he embarks on a quest to win back Margaret's trust and affection. The novel explores themes of fake love, revenge, drama, and forgiveness as Margaret grapples with the decision to forgive Steve or sever ties with him permanently. Ultimately, "Loving You Was a Mistake" is a poignant tale of love's power to overcome even the deepest wounds, leaving readers questioning whether love can truly conquer all.

mehravatsala · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 20. "Chance Encounter"

Margaret's tears flowed uncontrollably as she gazed at the shattered remnants of her dreams. Steve's laughter echoed in the room, fueling her anguish. She cried out, her voice filled with pain and confusion, demanding answers from the man she once thought she knew.

"Why did you do this?" Margaret's voice wavered as she pleaded for an explanation. "What have I done to deserve this hatred from you? I didn't even know I was studying in your college when we met. Why punish me like this?"

But Steve's laughter only grew louder, mocking her pain. As he stood up, Margaret's anger surged, and she lashed out, hitting his chest in desperation. "Tell me what you want!" she cried out. "Why did you destroy my dreams? I worked so hard to become a doctor. Why punish me like this?"

Steve's smile remained cold and calculating as Margaret begged for mercy. "You want to punish me, punish me as you like," she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion. "But please, take back your decision. Let me study. Don't take away my dreams."

But Steve's expression hardened, his eyes glinting with malice as he looked down at her. The pain in Margaret's heart deepened as she realized that her pleas fell on deaf ears, and she sank to her knees, feeling utterly defeated.

Margaret shivered in fear as Steve's grip tightened on her face. His words cut through her like a knife, each one a reminder of her mistakes. She wished she could turn back time and undo her lies, but it was too late now. Steve's anger consumed him, and she was powerless to stop it.

As he pulled her hair, Margaret winced in pain, her heart racing with fear. She braced herself for the punishment she knew was coming, but to her surprise, Steve's smile sent chills down her spine. His words were like a cold slap in the face, a stark reminder of the power he held over her.

As he dragged her outside into the raging storm, Margaret felt a sense of helplessness wash over her. The rain pounded down on her, soaking her to the bone, while hailstones stung her skin like a thousand needles. She screamed out into the darkness, but her cries were drowned out by the howling wind.

Alone and vulnerable, Margaret huddled on the ground, her body shaking with cold and fear. She had disobeyed Steve, and now she was paying the price. As the storm raged on around her, she knew that she was at the mercy of a man who had no mercy left to give.

Steve leaned against the balcony railing, the cigarette dangling from his fingers as he watched Margaret's silhouette in the storm. Her screams pierced the air, but to him, they were like music to his ears—a symphony of her suffering that he relished.

His mind drifted back to the day when their paths first crossed, a memory etched into his mind like a vivid painting. Ten months ago, Steve was striding purposefully towards his cabin when suddenly, he collided with a girl. In that moment, time seemed to freeze as he caught her, his hands instinctively reaching out to steady her.

As he looked into her eyes, he was captivated by her beauty, her vulnerability stirring something deep within him. But before he could say a word, the girl, her eyes tightly shut in fear, pulled away from him and mumbled a hurried "thank you" before darting off towards the auditorium.

Steve couldn't help but smile at the girl's hasty departure. "What a mad girl," he muttered to himself, shaking his head in amusement as he continued on his way to his cabin. Little did he know that this chance encounter would set into motion a chain of events that would forever change both of their lives.