
Loving You Too Much

The first time he saw her, shooting a three-pointer at the high school basketball state tournament, Zhang Yu Han fell in love at first sight. When he tried to look for the girl, he found that she was not part of the school team or any other team. And just like that, his first love ended before it could even begin. Ten years later, Li Qin Yao was having a meal by herself after her friend stood her up. She eavesdropped to the others’ blind date, where the man was subtly trying to show that he was not interested, and the woman was trying her best to impress him. Anyway, that man did have the type of deep voice that she liked. However, as the man left, he accidentally mistook her phone as his. When the two met again, Zhang Yu Han was ecstatic upon meeting the girl he had fallen in love with years ago. The bad news was that: she was in a relationship. --- Author’s note: This is a slow romance with not too much drama surrounding the main couple’s relationship (hopefully!). Though the relationship progressed slowly, I can assure you that they will be better, and perhaps soon, fluffier? -- Cover Illustration: Kirinlukis -- Shared universe with: 1. A Lifetime with You 2. True Love and Other Lies 3. You're My Only Star 4. The Dragon Beside Me 5. Love So Sweet 6. Commander Qi's Runaway Wife 7. The Wedding Planner's Romance

zetsubouaichan · Urban
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450 Chs

It was Too Shameful

"Young lady," the old man had a polite smile on his face. "Have we met before?"

Li Qin Yao blinked. She tried to recall the last time she saw the old man. However, she could not think of anything. Slowly, Li Qin Yao shook her head. "Sorry. I don't think I can remember. Maybe we passed each other on the street before."

The old man nodded. Since he too could not figure out where he had last seen the young lady, he had no choice but to be satisfied with that reasoning.


Just as Li Qin Yao finished her words, she heard a familiar voice coming from behind her. Her hair stood up, and instinctively, Li Qin Yao sat up straight. When she turned around, Li Qin Yao was surprised to see that it was a familiar face.

"You, Why are you here?"

"Miss Li, Why are you here?"

The two of them spoke at the same time.

Zhang Yu Han glanced at his grandfather at the side. "I came to accompany my grandfather for his check-up."

Li Qin Yao looked at the old man again and suddenly recalled that she had seen the old man last night. She had initiated to breakup with Chen Hao. Just as she turned around to leave, Li Qin Yao saw Zhang Yu Han and his grandfather staring at her behind the glass.

Thinking about how Zhang Yu Han and his grandfather had seen her breakup scene, Li Qin Yao wanted to bury her head under the ground.

It was too shameful!

Fortunately, they were behind the glass. Or else, Zhang Yu Han might hear what they were arguing about as well.

With that thought, Li Qin Yao pulled her hair to cover her face.

"So, you're a friend of my son," the old man laughed. "Hello. I'm Zhang Jing. You can call me grandfather."

Zhang Yu Han shot his grandfather a warning look, but of course, his grandfather pretended that he did not see the look on his grandson's face.

Li Qin Yao laughed nervously at the old man and greeted the old man. "Grandfather. My name is Li Qin Yao."

"Good child," the smile on Zhang Jing's face widened. Of course, he was pleased to hear the young lady called him grandfather. He continued to look at the girl and nodded in satisfaction. Though he did not know much about her, from her temperament, Zhang Jing could guess that the girl was brought up in a good family.

He then recalled that the first time he had seen this girl was a few months ago. At that time, his grandson took him to eat at a Hainan restaurant. Zhang Jing remembered the look on his grandson's face when he saw the girl.

As someone who raised his grandson, of course, Zhang Jing could tell that his grandson liked the girl. Just as he was about to ask his grandson to introduce him to the girl, Zhang Yu Han had made an excuse, and he lost his chance to talk to the lady.

"Young lady, why are you here? Did you come to visit someone?" Zhang Jing asked.

Zhang Yu Han turned to look at Li Qin Yao. It was then that he noticed that something was not right. "Miss Li, you don't look too good. Are you unwell? Should I call the doctor?"

Li Qin Yao waved her hands in a hurry. "No need. No need. I've seen the doctor earlier."

On cue, the nurse came and called out Li Qin Yao's name. When the three people turned around, they saw the nurse pushing a wheelchair towards them. The nurse stopped before Li Qin Yao and smiled, "Miss Li Qin Yao, your room is ready."

Zhang Yu Han looked at Li Qin Yao with concern. "You're getting warded? Miss Li, you're unwell?"

Li Qin Yao forced a smile. "I got a stomachache, and the doctor recommended me to stay a night to observe my condition."

Of course, she was not about to say a word about her bad case of diarrhea, lest she embarrassed herself further.

Last night, Zhang Yu Han had witnessed how Li Qin Yao had argued with her boyfriend. Although he could not hear what they were arguing about, Zhang Yu Han knew that it did not end up well.

What could happen to her after the meeting that she had to get warded? For someone to get hospitalized over a stomachache, Zhang Yu Han could guess that her condition was not too good.

The thought that Li Qin Yao might be beaten by her boyfriend only turn his face darker.

Li Qin Yao noticed the frown on Zhang Yu Han's face was getting worse. Suddenly, she was suddenly afraid that Zhang Yu Han might get angry at her. So, she hurriedly said, "It's not that bad. Don't worry about me."

Zhang Yu Han was about to speak when he felt his grandfather tugging on his shirt. Once he saw the look on his grandfather's face, Zhang Yu Han took a deep breath, and his expression eased.

"Then, you should go with the nurse and rest," Zhang Yu Han said. "Miss Li, get well soon."

Li Qin Yao let out a breath of relief as she now had an excuse to escape from them. She stood up and smiled at the grandson and grandfather. "Then, I should get going first." She sat down in the wheelchair and let the nurse bring her to the ward.

Once Li Qin Yao had gone further from them, Zhang Jing smacked his hand on his grandson's arms.

Zhang Yu Han yelped in pain. "Grandfather! What's wrong with you?"

"You should look at your face just now," Zhang Jing pointed at his face. "You are too fierce. It's no wonder you have never found yourself a girlfriend!"

Zhang Yu Han can only watch his grandfather with a helplessly.

How was his look of concern turned fierce? Why did his grandfather bring up the matter about he who never had a girlfriend into this conversation?

Zhang Yu Han rubbed his arms and frowned. "I have completed your registration. Doctor Xia had emptied his schedule for you. You can come in whenever you're ready."

Zhang Jing's face brightened up as something crossed his mind. He stood up quickly and pulled at his grandson's hand. "Let's go. It's not nice to let the doctor wait for us for too long."

Thank you for reading~

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