
Loving You Like No Other

Eleanor, the second princess of Water kingdom, needs to get the red gem to revive her parents. While Cameron, the king of Fire kingdom, aims to get the blue gem to get revenge for his father’s death. Indeed pain and suffering is truly inevitable. But what if there were secrets along the way that were no longer secrets? Would Cameron give up his revenge for the woman he loves? With all the conflicts and hatred going on, will their love last? "What kind of married couple doesn't sleep on the same bed?" She took a few steps back. "Your majesty, don't you think this is all going too fast?" "I've seen everything anyway. Why are you still shy?" "What-What are you talking about? I was just asking!" "You are now the queen of the Fire kingdom, which means you are suppose to sleep with me,” he said before kissing her again and again. A short message for readers: Dear readers, thank you so much for having time to check out my book in Webnovel! Since this is my first time, I’d like to hear your thoughts about it. This book is a fantasy, mystery, adventure and romance book. Also, note that the story and characters are based on my own imagination. I might have some grammatical errors, but feel free to tell me so that I’ll be able to learn from my mistakes. Thank you! Credits to Snowprincess2277 and Feng Niao for helping me with my story. Important notice: Note that the image used is not mine. Also, there are some quotes that I added to my story. The credit belongs to the person who made it. Thank you.

Heart59 · Fantasy
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140 Chs


(At Pali Village)

"Eleanor, come and have some snacks!" Olivia yelled.

"Okay!" Eleanor responded.

As Eleanor sat down and chewed her food, Olivia told her, "Eleanor, today is our last night in this village. Tomorrow morning, we are going straight to Fire kingdom. Remember all the things I told you. Joseph has already informed the head maid there that he will be sending us, but the maid doesn't know that we're from the Water kingdom. When we arrive and settle down, do not get the red gem immediately because it's too obvious. We should work first until they've trust us. We have to get to know about the place first. Got it?"

"You don't need to keep repeating everything. I'm not a child. Don't worry, I'll be extra cautious."

"We'll use the lamp that Licia gave us. Hope it works."

The next day...

"Get the things ready! I'll meet you outside!" Eleanor yelled.

After packing up, they rode their horses and headed to the Fire kingdom. When Olivia glanced at the lamp, she saw that it was lighting up, so she told Eleanor that they've arrived.

Before Eleanor could even say a word, a woman came out and greeted, "Hello! You must be Olive and Eva. I'm the head maid, and my name is Farah. Welcome to Fire kingdom! Let me lead you to your rooms."

Farah, the most talented maid of the Fire kingdom, was contacted by Albert a few days ago about Eleanor and Olive's arrival. She's strict at most times, but she has a big heart.

Eleanor and Olivia looked at each other in confusion. Olivia thought, "Eva and Olive? Why didn't he just give our real names?"

When they arrived at the room, Farah explained, "This will be your room. You will start your work tomorrow at eight in the morning. I'll tell you guys what to do tomorrow, but for now, get some rest."

After Farah left, Eleanor sat down on the bed and chuckled, "This room is quite big for a maid's quarters. Not bad. But Eva and Olive? Seriously?"

"Joseph must've have a reason for this. He probably didn't tell her our real names because we are trying to keep a low profile. Everyone knows the name of the princess of the Water kingdom. We can only call each other our real names when we're alone together," Olivia stated.

"You're right. By the way, I know that it's a shame that I'm asking you this question, but what does a maid do aside from serving it's master?"

"It depends on what your assigned to. Let's just hope that we aren't assigned to personally serve the king."

"Olivia, do you have any news about Mia? I really miss her. She's probably really troubled right now. I hope Sebastian is able to comfort her."

"I haven't heard from the first princess yet. Speaking of Your elder sister, Where's your Jade bracelet?"

Eleanor looked at her arm and found out that the jade bracelet was gone.

"Eleanor, I think you left it at Yali cave. The day when you passed out. At that time, I didn't even realized that your bracelet was gone. I was too worried," Olivia said.

"You must be right, but it's okay. My family and friends are more important than that bracelet. I'd give up all my riches for my family."

"I wish I had a loving family like yours. A few days ago, I told the story of my childhood, so would you mind sharing yours?"

Eleanor told her that there was nothing special about her childhood except her first love. Ten years ago, her mother hired a servant who had a son named Leo. When she was young, she was such a gloomy person which was why she didn't have much friends. Until Leo entered her life. He would always make her smile and because of that, they became best friends. Until one day, her mother told her that Leo and his father passed away due to an unknown reason. Of course, Eleanor cried. He was her first love and was her only true friend. She didn't eat for a week due to depression, but as days pass by, she was able to move on. She thought that even if Leo was gone, she should learn to move on. Leo wouldn't be happy seeing her like this, including her parents.

"Such an Inspiring story. At least he is now in a place where there is no pain and suffering. I'm glad you stayed strong. Sometimes you just meet people at unexpected places. I'm sure you'll be able to find your true love someday," Olivia assured.

Eleanor smiled. "I'm sure you will too. Thanks for listening to my story. It's getting late now. We should call it a night. Goodnight Olivia."



(At an unknown place)

"Sir, we've found her," a voice informed.

"Good. Inform Jack that they've arrived at the Fire kingdom," another voice responded.

"Looks like I've finally found one of my targets. I won't let you have your way this time," the voice mumbled.

For those who are confused, Eva and Eleanor is one person. Olivia and Olive is one person. They didn’t give their real name because they cannot reveal their true identity to people in the Fire kingdom.

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