
Loving You Is Not Easy

"Let's break up. We're through.” Kyle McKenny and Jason Graham were once lovers who broke up after being together for two years. Jason thought their future was perfect together and they would grow old together. However, their picture-perfect memories crumbled to pieces upon witnessing Kyle's betrayal. All he had left was a baby both he and Kyle had miraculously created. He swore to be the best single father for his only son and they were both happy without the "Sperm Donor" in the family picture. Unfortunately, their happiness could only last for so long… “You are required to marry him.” “I refuse! I’m no longer a part of the family!” “It’s either you do or I’m taking that brat away from you!” During the wedding night… “P-Please… Not tonight…” “Why not? It’s our wedding night and it’s your duty as my wife to satisfy me.” “I.. I know… But I can’t… I’m sorry…” He left and Jason silently shed his tears into the pillow. Four months later… “Who’s Jonah’s mother exactly? You can’t expect me to believe that kid only has a father but no mother.” “… I’m his mother—” “Don’t lie to me, Graham.” “I’m not lying.” “… Where’s his father then?” “… He never existed since he left us…” He lightly hummed before he stretched his hands out for Jason to pass Jonah to him. “If that’s the case… From today onwards, Jonah’s my son as much as he is yours. You’re not alone in this anymore.” A year later… “Jay…” “It’s Jason now, Mr. McKenny. How may I assist you today?” “I’m sorry, Jason. i just wanted to ask you regarding to the child you’re looking after—” “I apologise, but my lunch break has ended. So, please excuse me.” Jason quickly got up and Kyle stretched out his hand to grab onto Jason’s arm when suddenly, another hand caught him by his wrist. “I apologise, Mr. McKenny, but please refrain from touching my wife.” “And who are you exactly? Jay’s not married. He couldn’t be—” “Unfortunately, he is married to me. I’m his husband, Alexandre Marquis, and the child you speak of; is my son, Jonah Marquis.”

FirePhoe · LGBT+
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4 Chs


Chapter 3: Mother

A week later, the father-son pair was allowed to be discharged. However, both of them had to undergo a monthly routine of check-ups as prescribed by their doctor-in-charge. As Jason was paying the hospital bills, Jonah was left in the care of the nurses in the nursery room. He was signing the necessary documents when he saw a familiar blue head woman walking to his way.

Jason stood afroze as he numbly looked at her, "Mom?"

She was in her mid 40s and despite her old age, she looked remarkably young and healthy. Jason had inherited her blue hair genetics. Her body figure was petite, standing at 5 ft 4 and her body did not weigh much. Her face was covered with light foundation makeup and her lips painted pink. Her eyelashes were gently styled upwards, revealing her clear aquatic blue eyes. Her rosy-pale skin tone was glossy and her blue hair was long till it went past her shoulders. She was wearing a simple light blue dress with white laces and she wore a pair of white sandals with an iconic "H" cut-out.

Upon seeing her only child, she immediately rushed to him and embraced him tightly, "Thank goodness you're alright!"

Jason, who was in shock, quickly got over it as he pushed his mother lightly and stared at her in disbelief, "What are you doing here? How did you know I was here?"

"What do you mean? The hospital called me, saying you were in critical condition and about to give birth! Why didn't you call me and tell me you were pregnant?! I was worried sick and today happened to be my off day, so I decided to come over to visit you! And where's Kyle?! It's his baby! Why isn't he here?!" His mother asked urgently as she looked around for the man who was supposed to be responsible for her son's well-being.

Hearing the name of his ex-lover coming out of his mother's mouth has made his heart cold. Jason felt his heart twisted in knots upon remembering the past events that had led him to where he was right then. He forced himself not to cry in front of his mother. Instead, he took a deep breath before looking at her with a bitter smile.

"Kyle's no longer around anymore. We decided to split," Jason said slowly.

His mother stopped talking for a moment as she faced to look at him with an unreadable look. Jason was forced to turn away as he felt uncomfortable under his mother's gaze.

'Something must've happened between the two...' Seeing how her son would not talk about it any further from this point, she decided to drop it.

'He'll eventually come around and tell me about it someday.' She thought silently.

She grabbed her son's arm and wrapped her arms around his.

"So where's my grandchild? I can't wait to hold him!" His mother happily chirped and Jason sighed in relief. He was happy she changed the subject without pushing it any further.

"He's in the nursery room, resting—"

"Well, what are we waiting for? Come on. Let's go! I want to see him!" His mother pulled him forward and he complied by walking alongside with her.

As the duo walked, the mother of the pair noticed her son was fidgeting around. When she took his hand, she felt sweat forming underneath his fingers and palm. Jason immediately pulled his hand away, but it was too late.

"What's wrong, honey? Are you okay?" Asked the mother in a worried tone.

Jason was silent for a moment before he looked down and spoke quietly, "How are you not as surprised as me... when I find out I was pregnant...? Aren't I disgusting...? For giving birth to a child...?"

His mother frowned, "Now, why would you say that?"

The mother-son pair stopped walking as they faced each other. Without a word coming from each other, his mother took the initiative to walk forward and embraced her son warmly in her arms.

"You think I would just shun you out and make everything worse just because my son was able to get pregnant and give birth? I'm not that kind of mother. No matter what happens, I will still accept you as you and love you for you. Nothing can ever change that," his mother's voice was soft and filled with sincerity.

Jason trembled as he wrapped his arms around his mother tightly. He had forgotten the feeling of comfort till his mother came. Ever since he left, no one was there to comfort him. Now that his mother was here, he could finally let go of his burdens.

"I'm sorry... Mom... I'm sorry..." he silently sobbed in his mother's embrace as she hushed him silently and rubbed his back.

"Hush now, darling. You did nothing wrong. You did good by giving birth. Other people your age would most probably be choosing abortion as an easy-way-out. But, you did not. So, don't cry, my blueberry boy," his mother whispered quietly as she continued to calm him down.

After a while, they stopped hugging and Jason wiped away the tears staining on his face.

"I'm fine now... I'm sorry for—"

His mother shook her head as she placed both of her palms on the sides of her son's cheek and brushed away the remaining tears with her thumbs.

"It's fine, Jason. I'm your mother after all. You do know you can always talk to me about anything and everything, right?" Jason immediately nodded his head as his mother tiptoed and pecked his left cheek.

After Jason had calmed himself, his mother took the initiative to link their arms together once again, "You don't have to be sad anymore. I'm here now. Come on. Let's go get that baby of yours."

They headed towards the nursery room area and his mother talked along the way to ease the tension. Jason smiled softly as he listened to his mother. The tears had dried and he was smiling warmly.

Upon arriving at the nursery room, one of the nurses who had looked after Jason approached the mother-son pair.

"Hi, Mr Graham! Jonah's asleep now. Would you like to get him now or later?" The nurse asked politely.

His mother who had been standing beside Jason quietly upon arrival, looked up to him with a beaming smile, "Jonah? That's my grandson's name? What a sweet name."

Jason then motioned for the nurse to get Jonah in which the nurse complied. Few moments later, she came back with the bundle secured in her arms. Jason did not take the child from the nurse, instead he let his mother take the initiative for it.

"Careful, mom—"

"I know how to hold a baby, Jason," his mother interrupted. "I still remember how to do it."

His mother interjected him as she was holding the sleeping baby in her arms with the nurse to assist her.

When she could manage on her own, the nurse stepped away and left the family on their own. Jason looked at his mother holding his son. By then, she had tears falling from her lashes and Jason panicked.

"Mom, are you okay? What's wrong?" Asked Jason in a worried tone.

His mother shook her head as she leant down and pecked the baby's forehead before clumsily wiping her tears away with the use of her shoulders.

"He's so tiny... He reminded me of you..." his mother whispered-sob quietly.

Feeling that his sleep was disturbed, baby Jonah slowly opened his eyes and wailed aloud. Jason was about to grab ahold of his son when his mother stopped him.

"Hush now, Jonah. Your nana is here. Hush, my sweet bean," she whispered-sang quietly and hummed along to a soft tune as gently rocked her arms.

Soon, the baby calmed down but his mother never stopped singing till the end of the note. The baby was then lulled back to sleep once again. His mother looked up with a smile.

"Like father, like son. You liked the song back then too."

Jason did not deny it. He remembered his mother would sang the same song to him whenever he had night-terrors. He missed the song and hearing it once more, brought him good memories he had shared with his young mother.

Afterwards, the mother-son pair headed out of the hospital building with baby Jonah and they took a cab home.