
Loving with a Heavy Heart

Elle is a young woman who has always worked hard despite her father's indifference and his new family's disregard. Under a pen name, she poured all her heartache into an exceedingly popular story. Adam is the CEO of MK, a powerful company at the top of its industry. He is a man that can do anything perfectly and is known to be cold and unforgiving. By chance the two cross paths and touch each others hearts in unexpected ways. ~~~ Excerpt: Since it was a cold night the glass had fogged up, but Elle could still make out the muddled view of the city below them. The streetlights glowed dimly and cars could be seen driving back and forth in the busy streets. Elle's delicate fingers reached out to touch the cold glass, drawing a smiley face in the condensation. "Are you upset we couldn't go out?" Adam asked suddenly. Elle turned around to see him looking over at her. "You must have been looking forward to it. I think your favourite place in the world has become that park." Elle stepped away from the glass and went over to sit beside him; lacing her arm through his and resting her head on his strong shoulder. "You're wrong." She said gently. "My favourite place in the whole world is next to you."

S_B · Urban
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213 Chs

Is He Angry

"Mmmmm." Elle groaned as she awoke the next morning. She burrowed deeper into the sheets to try to keep out the chilly morning air.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

Elle opened her eyes and saw Adam standing across the room. He was already dressed in a white button up shirt and dark jeans.

"It's okay, you didn't wake me. Are you leaving already?"

"Yea, there's a lot to prepare before the banquet tonight. I need to make sure that production is finished setting up for their shooting before we leave tomorrow as well."

"Hmm." Elle hummed, still half asleep.

"Stay here and rest before the party." Adam instructed softly, as he came over to press a kiss to Elle's forehead. "I'll be off now. I'll see you tonight."

"Have a good day. Call me if you need me for anything." Elle offered as he left.

Elle continued to lounge in bed for a while longer but she was never one for sleeping in. After an hour or so she grew bored and finally got up.

She took a shower and ordered room service and by the time she was done eating it was early in the afternoon. She had initially intended to just rest in the room until it was time to get ready but now that she saw how much time she had to burn it seemed too dull to waste it away in a hotel room.

"Should I get some fresh air?" Elle wondered aloud. She quickly changed into her casual wear and headed down to the hotel lobby.

She wandered around town and enjoyed the scenic fall view. Elle stopped by the first filming set as well, to see how their set up was going.

"You're the second person to drop by. I feel the pressure to finish quickly." One of the camera men said with a laugh.

"Oh? Who was the first?"

"Mr. Hayes."

Elle blinked in surprise. He had mentioned the set up but she hadn't thought he would come all the way out here to see it for himself.

"In fact you just missed him. He left only a few minutes ago."

"Is that so? What a coincidence." Elle said with an innocent smile.

She continued to chat with the crew members for a while before heading back to the hotel. The sun was getting lower and lower in the sky, it was about time she head back and start getting ready.

Elle returned to the hotel and she made her way back up to her room she decided to pass by the hotel's banquet hall. She was hoping to catch a glimpse of Adam, but it seemed Elle was destined to have bad luck today.

She didn't see Adam but instead Elle bumped into three of the actresses with supporting roles. Quite literally bumped into them, as they all turned the corner at the same time.

The coffee one of them had been holding splashed out, staining Elle's white shirt.

"Oh, no!" The actress cried. "I'm so sorry."

"That's okay, thankfully it's just a small amount."

"It'll stain if you leave it in for too long. There's a bathroom right down the hall, why don't we try to wash it out?"

"Sure." Elle followed their suggestion while the three girls followed her into the bathroom. With her back to them Elle couldn't see the smirks on their faces.

Fortunately, only the bottom of her shirt had gotten coffee on it. Elle turned on the tap and leant forward, tugging the end of her shirt under the running water.

"I'm so sorry." The girl apologized again.

"It's okay, it was an accident after all." Elle reassured her.

"What should we do? It looks like such a cheap material. I'm worried the stain won't come out of it." One of the girls said while hiding her snicker.

Elle continued to wear a smile. In truth, this incident reminded her of a similar one that happened long ago. Bumping into someone and something spilling onto her clothes on an autumn day.

"It's not coming out at all." Another said.

"I'm sorry. Let me at least pay for it in return. It seems like it barely costs anything anyway."

Elle looked at them, noticing for the first time that something was off. "Excuse me?"

"Ah, I didn't mean it in a bad way. I understand, you're just a writer. You don't have to worry about your appearance the way we do."

"Yes," another agreed, "you're just a writer."

"Ah, we're all going to be late if we don't start getting ready now. We'll leave first but I'll have my assistant bring you the money for the shirt later."

Elle watched them go with a blank look on her face. 'Was....was I just made fun of by them?' She wondered. 'Was that bullying?'

Elle wanted to laugh. What a pathetic attempt at bullying. Did people like that really exist outside of fiction? She wanted to laugh but she couldn't bring herself too.

Elle quickly left the bathroom and headed back up to her room. Unbeknownst to her, Adam followed close behind. They met each other in the elevator.

"What a coincidence to meet here." Elle said as they rode the elevator up together.

"You're right."

"Are all the preparations for tonight done?"


"You must be tired. Good work today."


They returned to their room together in silence. Adam had always been on more of the reserved side so Elle didn't notice anything strange in his quietness. She was too busy lost in her own thoughts.

Was this really an issue? She didn't care about three petty girls at all, but she shouldn't let them undermine her either. Not when it was work related. How should she deal with it? Elle wondered it all with a furrowed brow.

They entered their room and Elle headed straight for the shower while Adam began getting ready for tonight. When she emerged again Adam was already dressed in a fitted, classic black suit. He sat on the edge of the bed and fiddled with his watch as Elle went and sat in front of the vanity.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Adam finally asked.

Elle froze. She looked forward and their eyes met through the mirror. Could he tell something was upsetting her? Could it be that he noticed that quickly?

'It's not really a big deal.' Elle thought to herself. ' Is it better to just tell him about it after all? But if I tell him about it he'll surely take matters into his own hands, won't he. The truth is that this is something I need to resolve with my own hands, right?'

Adam watched as Elle considered the matter back and forth in her mind. After a moment he let out a sigh.

"If you don't want to say it that's fine." He spoke calmly, rising from the bed as he did, and leaving first. Elle watched him go without having the heart to call out and stop him.

She looked back to the mirror with bewilderment. "Is he angry ?" Elle wondered softly.

Did you know that November 5th will be the 2 year anniversary of this story? It's crazy how time flies. This actually all started one night because I had a fever and couldn't sleep. Out of boredom I wrote and published a single chapter that night. I hadn't planned out the storyline at all! I only had the idea of Elle. That chapter ended up doing pretty well and I was suddenly motivated to keep going. I could have never imagined back then that this story would have kept going so long or done so well. Thank you to my lovely readers for that!! I can't do a mass release right now, but to celebrate I'll post an extra chapter this week, on November 5th. Hope you guys enjoy!

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