
Loving The Dragon Lord CEO

{MATURE CONTENT! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.} Jade Nova Frost, heiress to the Frost Empire, a Mafia gang. During a family celebration, she had her full family and its supporters, murdered by a rival Mafia family. Escaping with her life, Jade moved to Star Cross City to lay low, changing her identity and plotting her revenge against her sworn enemy, Zale Anders. Jade meets Xander Warner, the all-time wealthy, handsome, intelligent CEO of the Warner Corporations, blessed with a mysterious power, in an unfortunate incident, where the latter tries to protect her, both unaware of each other’s true identity. Through revenge and chaos, both fell in love with each other, only to be faced with a shocking truth. Would she let her revenge take over and end all those who took her family from her or would she let her love for him rule out everything? What secrets lay in dark and what cruel destiny awaited her? ********* "Is that any way to treat the person who saved you thrice in one night, tigress?" "I didn't ask for your help. I could handle it myself," Jade protested. "Really? I wonder what you had done to them, for so many men to be chasing after you right now." His calm cool voice breezed into her ears, sending chills down her spine at how lovely his voice could be. "Not your business. Why do you keep coming after me? Who are you? I do not know you." She raised her head, so she could look at his eyes to be sure he wasn't going to lie. A terrible mistake she made as her eyes came in contact with those sexy lips that would capture a girl's heart at once. His eyes melted a little at the sight that captivated him. Taking his gaze back up, he took in what he could of her beauty and felt he was been drowned in. "So pretty." "Huh?" The next thing he did, left her wide-eyed and blinking uncontrollably, trying to process what was happening. Xander had leaned in and captured her lips in a sensual, breathtaking kiss, closing his eyes and enjoying the feel of her lips on his. --------- Cover not mine, all credit goes to the original owner. Discord server: http//discord.gg/BH666ZK Instagram: baevidaa Discord: BaeVida#7167

BaeVida · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
385 Chs

Same Old Tricks



"Okay, I hope you enjoy yourself and pick a nice shark to play with, Xan." Jay's voice was barely audible due to the beats of the music playing but his friends still heard him.

"No need, I think I've found what I am looking for."

From where he was seated, he could see Jade who was seated adjacent to their booth. He could see how much she was not enjoying her conversation with the guy and only smiled at her discomfort.

'Wait for me, tigress.'

At that same moment he peeled his eyes off of her and let them roam freely in the club to distract himself while he waited for the guy to enjoy his talk and make a fool of himself. 

From his little experience with Jade, he knew such a thing especially coming from a guy like that would never work. 

He was already a lost cause before he began. He knew she had taste and expectations in men and would not just fall for anyone based on charms alone. 

As he subconsciously took in what was happening in the bar, he saw a guy whisper something to one of the bartenders and the bartender nodded. 

He knew they were at it and shook his head for the girl who was going to fall prey to these cheap tricks. 

The next moment, the bartender took a substance from him, followed by a huge tip and kept both items in his pocket then left to get something. 

'Same old tricks. Just how gullible does he think girls are these days?' Xander clicked his tongue as he waited to see what was going to happen. 

To his side he saw Macy finally place her order and the other bartender got ready a certain pink drink and she pointed at Jade. 

When she was sure he got the location of where he was to drop off the drink, she turned around and walked towards the exit. 

She had felt a bit pressed and decided to relieve herself before the partying and drinking to celebrate their company's success started. 

As soon as she left, the bartender finished preparing her nice drink. 

At the same time, the other mischievous bartender prepared a drink similar to the one Macy ordered for herself and Jade. 

It was then that Xander peeled his eyes off them as they were taking too long to make their drinks and carry out their orders. 

He returned his gaze over to Jade and saw that she had successfully driven the other guy away and smiled to himself. 

'She doesn't need my help to dismiss that skunk.' Xander's smile broadened at the thought and prepared himself mentally for his encounter with her. 

He really hoped she would not reject him like last time and be gracious enough to allow him a seat and if possible, a drink with her before her friend returned. 

"Hey Xander, come on, check this girl out. Is she worthy of your time tonight?" Jay asked, pulling at Xander's arm to get his attention and oh he did just alright. 

Reluctantly, he peeled his eyes off Jade and her discomforting self for a minute to dismiss his naughty friend, jay. 

"Yes? Jay, do not disturb me."

"Come on, you were the one who said you wanted to play with some small sharks. Check this one out. She's got everything, the curves, right boobs size and her ass... Damn. Just your right spec if you ask me, not too slim or fat, just the right proportion." 

Jay tried his best in selecting what his friend wanted so as to enable him enjoy his night and make him agree to follow him to the club next time he asked. 

Xander followed Jay's line of sight and found a very cute girl sitting on her own in a booth. 

True to what Jay had said, she got all he would have wanted in a girl based on looks but now he wasn't interested. 

His eyes were set and locked on one girl and that was Jade. 

Every other girl was a counterfeit in his eyes. 

Boy was he more than glad he decided to come to the second floor. He could just be satisfied with staring at her all day but that was not his plan. 

He wanted more, wanted those lips. Wanted to know how they felt against his lips again. 

He admitted to himself that he missed her so much during these few days he did not see her. 

He removed Jay's hand on his shoulder and shook his head. 

"I am not interested in her, Jay."

Hearing his words, Jay's eyes shut open. Was he hearing clearly right now? 

Did Xander just dismiss a girl that if he walked up to, would fall into his arms with the snap of his fingers? 

"What!" Jay managed to let out after some seconds. 

"Yup. Not interested."

"This is not you, Xan. What is wrong?  Don't tell me you got cold feet after bringing us here?" Jay questioned. 

"Who said anything about cold feet when he got his eyes set on someone else."


  Hey guys... I am back... Would be releasing two chaps today. 

The second will come later as I am feeling sleepy and will complete it when I wake up. 

With that said, kindly support the author with your votes, reviews, comments and recommend this book to friends. 

Let us take her back up.

Thanks for the love and patience guys.

2 chaps alas a thanks from me to you.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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