
Loving The Dragon Lord CEO

{MATURE CONTENT! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.} Jade Nova Frost, heiress to the Frost Empire, a Mafia gang. During a family celebration, she had her full family and its supporters, murdered by a rival Mafia family. Escaping with her life, Jade moved to Star Cross City to lay low, changing her identity and plotting her revenge against her sworn enemy, Zale Anders. Jade meets Xander Warner, the all-time wealthy, handsome, intelligent CEO of the Warner Corporations, blessed with a mysterious power, in an unfortunate incident, where the latter tries to protect her, both unaware of each other’s true identity. Through revenge and chaos, both fell in love with each other, only to be faced with a shocking truth. Would she let her revenge take over and end all those who took her family from her or would she let her love for him rule out everything? What secrets lay in dark and what cruel destiny awaited her? ********* "Is that any way to treat the person who saved you thrice in one night, tigress?" "I didn't ask for your help. I could handle it myself," Jade protested. "Really? I wonder what you had done to them, for so many men to be chasing after you right now." His calm cool voice breezed into her ears, sending chills down her spine at how lovely his voice could be. "Not your business. Why do you keep coming after me? Who are you? I do not know you." She raised her head, so she could look at his eyes to be sure he wasn't going to lie. A terrible mistake she made as her eyes came in contact with those sexy lips that would capture a girl's heart at once. His eyes melted a little at the sight that captivated him. Taking his gaze back up, he took in what he could of her beauty and felt he was been drowned in. "So pretty." "Huh?" The next thing he did, left her wide-eyed and blinking uncontrollably, trying to process what was happening. Xander had leaned in and captured her lips in a sensual, breathtaking kiss, closing his eyes and enjoying the feel of her lips on his. --------- Cover not mine, all credit goes to the original owner. Discord server: http//discord.gg/BH666ZK Instagram: baevidaa Discord: BaeVida#7167

BaeVida · Fantasy
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385 Chs

Bored Big Sharks

"By the way, where is the way upstairs... you know the top floor?" Jade asked. She suddenly became interested in the big sharks' lair.

"Oh... is someone itching to ditch the small sharks and dine with the big sharks already?" Macy teased her friend, arching her brows at her several times in a row.

Jade nudged her arm and smiled. "Stop it, Macy. You know I am just curious. I do not see any staircase leading up that's why. Besides, from outside, the top floor was completely dark. It looked like no one inhabited the place."

"True, I thought it was built and designed like that. There is a secret door leading up. Only the richest go there. That was why I told you they wouldn't come down here, but if you are eager to check things out yourself, I can get us in."

Macy blinked twice at her friend while displaying her charming 'I got this babe,' smile.

"No, thanks. I am cool here. It's good this way. I won't have anything to worry about."

"Are you sure?"

Jade gave her a nod and replied, "I'm okay. Now let's enjoy our party shall we?"

"Oh yeah!"

With that issue settled, they were inside the second club in no time.

As they entered the room, they were greeted with a darker room than the first floor, with less booming music than the first and more booths but each looked exquisite and with better taste than the ones they had on the first floor, indicating the class of these youngsters.

Jade took note of her surroundings the instant their feet touched the floor of the bar. Her eyes scanned her environment closely and in turn, she got several stares from young handsome guys.

Some went as far as whistling at her and others winked.

In no time,Macy found them a seat close to a booth and after some time, she got up to order their drinks, leaving Jade alone.

"Hey girl, I will be right back. Let me just get us something sweet and okay to drink, alright?"

"No worries. You can go Macy, I not a baby chick that needs protecting from an owl, shuu... "

Jade shooed her friend away with her hands, a small smile graced her lips at her own comments.

"Sigh! Even though you are not a chick, Jade, the small sharks would still want you."

"Ease up baby girl. I will be fine. Let them come. Don't you trust my capabilities in handling them?"

Macy mused at her friend's words and shook her head lightly,"Alright, if you say so. I won't be long."

"Go mother hen, haha..."

'Naughty Jade.' Macy thought and moved towards the bar with her small purse in her hand.

Like Jade, she was dressed in a blue sleeveless shimmering, thigh high short dress with the back cut low to her waist, exposing her flawless skin.

She had her hair fall loosely at her back, with small locks cascading at her front. Her blue heels clicked on the tiles with each step she took, turning all attention to her as her hips swayed to the light music in the background.

Oh yes, that was Macy, the elegant successful young businesswoman.


At another part of the club, three men sat idly in their personal space separate from where the other young business tycoons' heirs sat.

The first had a glass of blue colored drink in his glass and he twirled it without the slightest bit of emotion or interest as his eyes scanned the place they were in.

This was the place for the rich of the rich. The money speaking men, the young heirs and heiresses of the city's business men and women.

But for some unknown reason, it wasn't as lively as it used to be.

"Remind me why I agreed to come here again?" One of the men in a black and gold six piece suit said. His face was blank and expressionless.

"Ahem! I am sorry about this Xan. The day you decide to venture unto a club after a month of working your ass off, it became dead boring." It was Jay who spoke up in an apologizing tone.

He could feel the boredom himself. The whole place felt like a cold water was poured on a once raging fire, quenching his fury.

"Look on the bright side, something spectacular can happen. Besides, we are here together as friends, hasn't it been a while?" Jay tried to be optimistic about their situation.

"Sigh, I heard the other floors are better than this when it comes to having fun. If only it could be as hot here as well," Sky said in a low voice.

"Tsk. I am going to the second floor. No matter what, it is bound to be better than this. Maybe I will see a little fish to play with since the night is young."


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