
Loving The Cruel Billionaire

"We had a deal, miss Miller. Your body for my time". Jason's raven eyes locked on hers and her lips parted to speak but closed almost immediately with a gulp. She’d impulsively agreed to his terms to avoid being kicked out, but was he truly serious about getting down to it? And here of all places?! “Mr. Timberlake”, she met his cold, stiff gaze with a hesitant smirk knowing well that stalling for time would be futile. A single trickle of sweat streaming down the side of her face as she carefully rephrased her next few words. “How about we change the terms slightly?”. “No”. He replied almost nonchalantly, getting up to trail around the glass desk to where the woman sat. The bulge in his pants only heightening his imposing appearance, causing Veronica’s heart to race. “Now get on your knees, or get out”. ______________ Veronica Miller, a twenty-five year old brunette who couldn't keep up with with her bills decides to do a one time stand-in job where she pretends to be someone else. Unfortunately, she the job wasn’t as simple as showing up as she was mistaken for a hired sex worker. She crosses paths with cold, merciless billionaire-Jason Timberlake whose the type to work someone to the bone till a debt is repaid. Trapped between her own fragile sanity and the need to get her life back on track, Veronica dances to his tune while trying to juggle her personal relationships. But just how much can she take before she breaks? _________ Jason Timberlake, the cold and distant heir to a vast business empire, was trained by his ruthless father to suppress personal emotions. However, everything changes when Veronica enters his life. Both haunted by their troubled pasts, an undeniable connection forms between them. Jason finds himself torn between the intense emotions he's begun to feel and the potential consequences of letting Veronica into his carefully constructed world. But then again, in the dangerous dance of love and desire, some rules are meant to be broken.

Weirdweirdo · Urban
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61 Chs

Wife Candidate


Jason let out a deep breath in an attempt to calm his nerves. "Remember, I now run a business, mother".

"Take a break once in a while, can't you see how much your little cousins miss you?", she smiled weakly, staring at her frowning son who had a five-year-old and a three-year-old on each shoulder. The seven-year-old and ten-year-old were running circles around him while laughing and he looked like he'd never regretted coming home as much as now.

"They really love Jay Jay, don't they?", an older woman sitting beside his mother smiled before sipping her tea.

"You're right mum, there was a time when they were so scared of him". Jason's mother reminded her mum.

"Ohh, I remember", the older woman laughed.

"Mother, Grandma, I'll be off now", Anthony descended the stairs before circling closer to kiss both women on their cheek. He sent Jason a light nod before leaving.

His grandmother seemed more pleased at the gesture while watching the boy leave through the front door. "Anthony is such a sweet child".

Mrs. Timberlake rolled her eyes, "Don't be fooled, he's twenty now. You should have seen how much of a rebel he was during his teenage years".

They both laughed heartily as Jason lowered the children and they scurried away laughing before something caught his eye on the television. It was a picture of Veronica which the police had found in her wallet. They'd asked that anyone who had information about the woman should contact them immediately. 'Seems the stray cat dropped her wallet at the crime scene'.

But why did he feel somewhat curious about whether or not she'd snitch on him? She didn't seem like the type that could handle being under pressure or interrogation without spilling the beans. And he could easily wipe out records of that night with a phone call since his family had connections within the police.

It was as easy as making it as though a criminal sentenced to death never existed.

But depending on how well she handled the situation, he could decide how exactly he wanted her to repay her debt to him.

With sweat...or with blood.

"Jay Jay, have you found a suitable wife?".

"Mum-". Mrs. Timberlake tried to cut in but the older woman flicked her tongue to make a clicking sound, stopping her from saying anything further.

"Your mother isn't getting any younger, you know", she smiled weakly, ignoring Jason's threatening glare. "She'd very much like to see her grandkids before she goes".

"You make it sound like she's dying", his tone was cold.

"She is, isn't she?".


"Stop it! Both of you!", Mrs. Timberlake raised her voice. She knew Jason didn't really like her mother, but she wanted to spend her time left with the people she loved.

"I've told you to be hard on your kids unless they won't listen, haven't I?". The old woman's eyes narrowed at Jason before gesturing for one of the maids to approach her. "I want to lie down, take me inside".

After she was out of earshot, Mrs. Timberlake raised her handkerchief to wipe her teary eyes before they could leak out and Jason watched in silence.

"What did the doctor say?". He adjusted his tie with a frown.

"I didn't want to worry you, but not long. Maybe a year or two", she forced a smile at her son who turned his back to her.

He was enraged.

"But your grandma is right, I would have loved to see my grandkids before I go, but you can't rush marriage", she watched three out of the four rascals run past them laughing and screaming.

"Kids are quite--annoying". He twisted his neck sideways to catch a glimpse of their retreating figures.

The woman nodded slowly with a light sniffle. "Do you remember when you were younger? So innocent and easily frightened?".

"Mum-", he tried to cut her off but she wasn't done talking.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop him from hurting you, Jason. Even now that he's gone-", she sniffled wiping her eyes. "He wasn't always like that you know? He was such a sweet man at first so don't hate him, please", her voice cracked with emotion from recalling all the times her husband would beat them and lock her up.

Jason had gone through the worst of it which left him with so many physical and mental scars.

His father, Wayde Timberlake wasn't always so cold. At first, he was such a sweet man when it was just him and his wife, Maria. But after having Jason, and shouldering the weight of so many family problems and the fall of his company--he'd grown frustrated.

Of course, it was no excuse to hurt your wife and children.

Jason, at the age of thirteen, shortly after Anthony was born had chosen to bear the weight alone. He'd promised to be an obedient dog for his father in order for his younger brother to be left out of it.

He might not act like the kindest person, but he still had a heart.

His father who was an alcoholic drowned his sorrows at the end of every hard day with a bottle or two. And now Jason was doing the same thing...

He made Jason take classes to learn to fight as well as work out from a young age. And if he ever made friends--his father would hurt them till Jason cut them off completely.

Gradually, Jason began to unconsciously take a step back from building relationships with people all because his father was bent on making him the perfect 'heir', who was not only capable mentally but physically. He said emotions like love were worthless and weak.

He wasn't sent to school abroad because he had to stay close to his old man.

So many times he considered taking his father's life--but that would make his mother feel even worse if she found out he was a murderer. She didn't even know about all the people he'd killed thus far.

"That's ancient history", Jason moved towards the front door before pausing as his hand fell on the handle. "I won't be coming home for some time. Oh, and I have a woman I'm seeing, maybe I'll introduce you to each other during the auction".

"That'll be sweet".

He walked out after that.

Unlike most people, he'd learned to accept his upbringing. If he wasn't forced to learn and do so many things during his younger days, who exactly would he have become?

At least because he'd chosen to carry the burden on his own, Anthony could live a carefree life without having to bother about which life-threatening job he could be sent on most nights--although their father always saw the younger boy as a backup in case Jason died.

And for some reason, the hatred he'd had for his father gradually subsided after the man died.

'Now as for that woman', his eyes narrowed recalling Veronica who was probably still at the police station. He needed to introduce a woman to his mother soon, and she was the most likely candidate.