
Are We Even Friends?

Her jaw clenched in frustration knowing that it would be hard to find another job so quickly since Augsburg was quite populated and the waiting list for a job vacancy was a couple of months without a proper reference letter.

"Why does my life suck so much". She cursed, pulling out a handkerchief from her breast pocket while getting up. After drying and dabbing her eyes and nostrils, Veronica tossed it into the trash bin beside the door before emerging outside to find that most eyes were watching her.

The overthinker in her made it as though they'd been mocking her after hearing the news. For a second, her eyes met Fabian's and he looked conflicted.

Veronica rushed out the main doorway and towards the general hallway leading to both the male and female restrooms. She flung the door open to find a man taking a piss, then she immediately closed it back before leaving the male section to the female one.

The shock and embarrassment almost overshadowed all other emotions she'd been feeling. 'Don't overthink it, Fabian knows I won't say that'. She tried to fake a smile in the mirror but her eyes showed her true feelings.

The door came open and she turned to see Fabian who closed the door behind him. "Ver...".

"What are you doing here?". She whispered, worried that someone might read the situation wrongly as she bent over to make sure no one was inside any of the toilet cuboids.

He was silent for a few seconds before quickly making his way over to embrace her. She stiffened but allowed her arms to wrap around his wide back. "I'm sorry".

She almost laughed at his choice of words. "Sorry for what? It's my fault for being a sloppy staff".

He pulled back abruptly with both arms still fixed on her shoulder as he shook her. "You're not! Well...you can be overly sarcastic at times but you're a good person at heart".

"Tchh", she rolled her eyes. "I don't think the company needs my good heart then". She gradually pulled back and began to pace the bathroom with a hand stroking her chin.

Noting that her mood had lightened, he smiled. "I mean...when the team leader said you were under observation over a week ago, I didn't know it meant you'd be getting dropped".

"What?". She quickly spun around to meet his eyes. "I was under observation? Why didn't you tell me?", she tangled her fingers between her hair.

"Pff...Trust me, I really wanted to", he raised both hands halfway into the air. "But the team leader made us promise not to tell you, especially me".

"But...but aren't we friends". Her tone was hurt. "You should have at least given me a heads up".

Fabian rubbed the back of his neck, averting his gaze from hers. "I thought about it, and I figured that everything would work out in the end since you've been here way longer than me".

"Ha...haha". She laughed before walking past him and towards the door.

He stopped her by the wrist. "I'm sorry, okay? I was worried about my job as well, nothing personal".

"Nothing personal?", she tugged her wrist away. "That sounds so convincing coming from someone who still has a freaking job".

"Don't overreact, Ver. I heard there's an opening in the sales department, you're making it sound like it's my fault you lost your job".

Her hand fell on the doorknob but Fabian used his body to block the door from opening so he could finish his words. "And don't act like you're completely innocent in the first place. We all heard what the team leader said about you being sloppy and rude and oh lord, he wasn't wrong about everything". His tone had turned harsh which was unusual. "And you thought he wouldn't tell us about the fact that you suggested the newbie should be fired in your stead? You're such a wonderful friend, Ver".

"Move out of the way", her voice was frighteningly calm although she could feel the anger brewing inside her.

"No. I won't be moving out of the way, because you can't always get what you want".

"Fabian, move out of the way", she was almost laughing now as her hand searched her pocket.

"Are you looking for that knife you always keep in your bag so you can stab me like that little boy?".

Veronica froze and her neck slowly turned to him.

"We all know Ver!", he shook his head. "About your criminal record and how you were locked up after killing someone. You act like everyone else is the problem when you're actually the problematic one".

She lowered her face as her body began to tremble from the accumulated rage. "Don't act like you know what happened...I-".

"Had a reason to stab him?", he snickered. "Just how I had a reason to listen to the team leader and keep it a secret. You claim that we're friends but you've never once treated us as such".

Someone twisted the door knob from outside which made Fabian finally move out of the way. The lady who seemed to be in a hurry to use the toilet looked at both individuals before pushing past them and rushing into one of the toilet cuboids.

Veronica walked out before Fabian could stop her.

Sure, they'd both been bad friends and although it was never that deep between them, she couldn't exactly blame him.

But bringing up her past was something she'd never expected him to do.

She returned to the office to continue her day, ignoring every glance thrown her way and the people who called Fabian over to ask questions about what went down in the restroom.

He didn't seem to entertain their invitations though and sat in silence poking at his keyboard till it was lunchtime.

They often shared lunch together but this time, she hurried out with her bag wanting to have lunch anywhere else.

Outside the building, she walked for about three minutes before reaching a cafe where she ordered two croissants and an expresso. She ate in angry silence staring out the glass window while thinking of what her next move could be in getting a new job since she lacked connections in the city.

The television was on, "After the sudden demise of Mr.Timberlake, his son, Jason Timberlake will be taking over his business empire". An outdoor reporter said and the camera turned to a man who was leaving a press conference with two bodyguards managing to block his face. "And here's what he had to say about it".

The video switched to when the man had been giving a speech. "Just like my father, I'll endeavour to keep the business going". He left after those short words, ignoring the echo of questions being sent his way.

"He's not a man of many words now, is he?", the female reporter laughed before the news channel switched to something entirely different.

Veronica dropped her expresso on recognizing the man's voice as the same one that had been in her hotel room the night before.

She quickly got up to leave, rushing into the road without warning and a black Rolls Royce stopped just before hitting her.

Onlookers gasped and Veronica blinked twice after seeing her life flash before her eyes, the moment her brain managed to process the situation, she ran off.

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