
Loving My Mates In The Beast World

Sheea who was so immersed in the sorrow of the untimely end of her favourite novel with the premature deaths of her favourite characters, blamed the author for the lack of story setting, when suddenly a message popped on her screen: "If you don't like how it is, why don't you yourself remake it the way you want to?" With that there was a smiley emoji. And then again, when she reopened her eyes she was in her favourite novel. But unfortunately, she was a cannon fodder over there whose existence was never mentioned in the book. So guys, let's see how Sheea is going to change her fate along with the ones she love. The cover page is solely designed by me and no one else. All Rights deserved. __________________ Spoiler:~ "At last, I have a neat and clean place to stay! Ahh! I can't wait anymore to lie comfortably on my dear bed," Sheea exclaimed happily while yawning and stretching her bones and muscles. But her actions came to a sudden halt when she saw that her bed was already occupied by her mates and they all were giving her bone-chilling grins. "Wha-what's up with you all? Go to your respective rooms. I-I wanna sleep!" Sheea stammered a little as she tried her best to remain calm in that situation which could be dangerous to her any moment. "Baby, we all want to sleep...," said Kyle, her first mate with an extremely evil grin as he continued his sentence after walking towards her with small steps, "But before that we all want to have some heart to heart talk with you." "He-hey, listen to me.... Heyyyy!" And before Sheea could finish her sentence she was directly shoved on the bed by Kyle and soon she was in the arms of her mates who weren't only one or two or three in number but... but eight! "Is my kidney going to retire from work soon?" That was the last conscious thought of Sheea on that beautiful starry night as after that.... _____________________ To know what happens next, please support the book with lots of comments & votes.... :-)

GalaxyStars833 · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 51: Chaos In Cave Meeting 1

(Sheea's POV)


I don't know how to explain my present situation anymore. To be honest, it's really suffocating at the moment.

Earlier, Simon the wolf leader aka my father-in-law asked us, particularly me and Lisa, my mother-in-law to be present at the discussion.

Now, I'm standing at the centre of the cave as I'm deeply being scrutinised from all directions.

And even though I'm completely dressed, and my mates were standing beside me, I felt like I'm standing without clothes at the moment and that too at the centre of the zoo.

Just the minor change was that, I, a human was being watched by the anima... (ahem) beasts.

It would have been good if it was a family discussion as I knew the news that I had given about Tana, would surely brought me face to face, in front of the wolf leader.

But what's the meaning of this thing? Why in the world are the other three leaders present here?

It's not like I'm scared or anything. But, it's tiring. There should be some steps, right? How can one directly skip the first steps and go to the last one, huh?

In human world, we go to court. If the matter isn't solve there, then to high court. And still if it fails, then the supreme court.

But why there's directly supreme court here?

Hello? Can anyone explain that to me?

"Can you please elaborate everything from the start that you told my sons, Sheea?"

Simon's deep voice brought me back to the tiring reality.

And just like a obedient citizen I was, I started to say everything that I told to my mates and future mates to the four leaders.

Yes, the four leaders. Leaders of Wolf, lion, fox and leopard territories.

After I finished, I swiped my gaze at all the members present in the big cave. Some of them were looking down with their palms on their chins and others were still looking at me, making me feel truly, truly awkward!

I pursed my lips as I focused my attention back to the leaders. If I continue to care about those eyes from the side, I'll lose my self-control and sanity, and might really kick their b*lls.

Luckily, Kyle and others are standing on my either sides and would occasionally give a growl or two when the eyes would look at me for more than a minute.

"But how are you so sure of this matter? Looking at you, I don't think you're the type to go around and know such things! Much less protect yourself after knowing such a BIG thing," The reddish hair guy said, sitting at one of the four main 'thrones' on the stage-like thing. Without a doubt he's the leader of the lion territory, Hemza.

But the ironic thing was that, as soon as he finished speaking, he earned a lot of scoffs.

Hemza was baffled as he looked at the owner of the loudest scoff, "Simon, what was that? Are you picking a fight?"

"Heh! I'm picking on. So what?"

"You! Don't be childish at this serious moment!"

"You're the childish one," said a beautifully handsome guy with brownish hair. Without a doubt this is the charm of Anur, the fox leader.

"Wha-what?" Hemza lookef at him baffled.

"Your messengers have gotten too slow, Hemza. They ince used to be the fastest but now.... Look at this, you don't get the latest news at all. Aren't you the childish one here whose spouting non-sense? And even if so, is your brain malfunctioning already?"

"The h*ck you mean, Ethan! Not you too! What's the meaning of these puzzles?"

Oh! So here's this Ethan. The best of the bests in the Tetrad tribe.

After looking at Kevi's strength, I suddenly have the urge to invite him in a fight. It's told in the novel that This guy here doesn't fight often but when he does, he's bound to win.

I guess my gaze have been too deep and penetrating that resulted into the guy in question turn towards to me and... gave me a knowing smirk.

And Gosh! That was a challenging smirk! Not a playful one!

Then he shifted his attention back to the fuming lion who looked like he would erupt like a volcano in next second, "Well, well... If you're so curious, why don't we ask the sole member present in the cave at the moment who watched today's iconic show from the start to the end? And was even the subject of the show... Hmm? What say, Kyle?"

I felt Kyle flinched by my side as stiffened a litle and then relaxed after I squeezed his hands a little. But guess what...? Someone was really looking for a fight, you know?

"Oh my, my, just looked at the bonding. She's even consoling her Shan at the moment as if their roles were reversed! Hey, Shasha, are you sure you're a Shasha?"

My veins twitched abnormally as my hands and feet started to itch strongly.

"Wha- what the h*ll is going on? Can someone explain it to me?"

'The stupid lion king is adding fuel to the fire burning inside me!'

For a moment I even thought it was deliberate and this meeting was held to anger me!

"I'll explain it to you later. Let's continue with the subject at the ha-"

"Offo Anur! You're spoiling the fun," Ethan exclaimed dramatically as I exclaimed inside my head, 'You're spoiling my limit of patience!'

'Let me tell it to you, Hemza. You might haven't forget the day when we took in a weird-looking Shasha who appeared from shedded leaves, wearing strange animal skin, right?"

Lisa rolled her eyes, "You're the weird one. Don't give your credits to others!"

Hemza nodded as I saw the twinkles in Ethan's eyes ignoring Lisa, "So, let me introduce you to that Shasha again. There she is," he pointed at me as he continued, "Now standing in front of you after cleaning herself up. But look at her clothes, they are different yet the similar looking ones that she wore that day?"

For a moment, I felt too offended. Why was he making it sound like I'm something dirty and unhygenic who was homeless and was picked by him from the roadside in a whim?

He's just like how the novel had described him to be.... A leader who wants to get beaten badly whenever he opens that sh*tty mouth of his!

Just because he was till unmatched, his mouth became more sh*tty day by day.

"Bu-but, how can that be? Just after cleaning herself, she became such a beauty? Even my mate COULDN'T compare to her!" Hemza exlaimed in shock.

"I'll give you a chance to change your words, dear brother-in-law," Ethan exclaimed as for the first time his jaws were tightly clenched.

"Oh! Oh! Please Don't get it wrong! Calesha is always the most beautiful for me and my one and only. It's just that it's too hard to believe this sudden changes!"

I rolled my eyes on that. Oh yeah! This sh*tty guy here is a hopeless sis-con. His sister is his treasure and also his limit, who fell in love with Hemza and only took him as her mate.

And what's more... this guy had a strange possessiveness and desire on his sister. But even though it was normal in this world, his sister didn't take it as normal. So, when forced into a corner, she vowed witnessing the sky and nature that except for Hemza she wouldn't take anymore mates; making it impossible for Ethan to be with her.

But his love remained till the end of the story as Ethan never look at any other Shasha to be his mate.

In the novel, Sofia was touched by witnessing Ethan's such dedication of love and for the first time in her life, she had tried to take this guy in volunteeringly as the other Shashas did.

Yet, this guy went berserk and almost killed the female lead just after she confessed.

He's the typical psycho according to me. And my survival instincts always told me to stay away from this type of psychos.

No one knows when and how, what triggers what emotions on this type of guys.

But one mistake from my part... the moment I rolled my eyes, he made eye contact with me as a playful smirk made its way on his lips, as his eyes darted somewhere down in my body. And I clearly know the place where his eyes stopped.

My br*asts!

The itchiness in my hands grew instantly as my mind screamed, 'Just you wait, Ethan the leopard!'

"Okay! Okay! Now let's continue the topic please," Simon's voice echoed in the cave as I looked at him gratefully, 'Yes, yes, let's get back to topic and finish it asap so that I can go and rest. I'm getting hungry here.'

Simon who looked at me and coughed twice (probably understanding me or just embarrassed with my sparkling eyes, I guess), said "It's just not that much. The daughter-in-law you, three gave me is really the amazing one. Not only she treats my son with equal love and respect, she also knows how to fight and beat the Shans black and blue, right Kevi?"

Kevi stiffened as I felt a headache coming towards my way in a swift motion. Clearly, the news of hitting Kevi that day when he injured Kyle had reached the wolf leader's ears.

But am I hallucinating at the momemt? Why do I feel like he's proud of it instead of getting angry? And Lisa too? Why she's creepily smirking at me like that?