
Loving my enemy

Alexandra Smith is a girl who never gives up. When she was 5th grade boys teased her. She was born in a rich family. Her parents died in a car accident when she was in 7th grade. Now she has to be strong, even though her boss was a boy who teased her. Her best friend is always supporting her...

thecomicgirl · Urban
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A long time ago...

When I was in 5th grade, boys started teasing me. Hi, name is Alexandra Smith. I was born in a rich family. My parents died when I was in 7th grade, now I am a orphan. I am working in a company. There were two boys that I liked when I was young, their names were Jonathan and Gabe, they were the brothers who teased me in 5th grade. Now I know they are real jerks, I don't like them anymore. I am now trying to be strong in difficult times. The girl in the company that I don't like: Eliza Brown, she is always bullying me and other people. My best friend, Gina, likes the boss(CEO) of the company. Sadly, his name is Jonathan Brown, Eliza's brothers-in-law. There are many things in this world that are dangerous, I don't know, like Eliza and Jonathan Brown. Jonathan brown did not change, he still teases people. Gabe, his brother, is abroad. (10 days later). Alexandra is applied to be Jonathan's personal secretary. There's going to be a lot of trouble now.(The company calls Alex y she is going to be Jonathan's personal secretary)"Why would they apply me to be Jonathan's personal secretary, Gina!?" Alex said. "That's the best thing that could happen to me..." Gina said

dreamily. "THAT'S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN TO ME!!!!!" Alex said angrily. "Well, at least it's more money than a normal job." Gina said. "Yeah, I guess you're right." Alex said.

"But why don't you like Jonathan, he's sooo hot!"

"Because he is a real jerk."

"What happened between you two?"

"You were there!"

"I don't remember though."

"Well, he teased me, he called me death, and I hope he is mature now."

"Did you...have like a crush on him?"

"Do you want me to tell you the truth?"

"Yes please!"


"I've heard that he had a stepmom."

"How do you know this?"

"Well, here's the thing, my brother is his best friend."

"Does Jonathan find you annoying?"


"Ya lying?"

"Yes, in fact, he finds me VERY annoying."

"Do you want to go to the mall?"


Alex and Gina went to the mall, there they saw Eliza Brown. "Well, if it isn't my brother-in-law's new secretary." Eliza said. "Shut up!" Alex said.

"And what if I don't, oh wow, brother really has bad taste."

"WHO HAS BAD TASTE!" Jonathan demanded.


"Gina, we should go back."

"Alex, stay right where you are." Jonathan said.


"Come with me."

"You should go back." Alex said to Gina lightly.

"You should've not come here." Jonathan said.

"Why? Is it because of your sister?"

Well, yes, that's one, the other one is don't cause any more trouble."

"I'm going back."

Then she went home. She noticed it was night, so Gina should already be asleep.