
Loving Mr. Wrong

Jill Buenaventura is the typical rebel rich girl who gets whatever she wants from her mother to avoid any scandal that might taint the reputation of their business empire-a multinational mining corporation. What Jill wants, Jill gets but Trevor Scott has always been an exception. He loves someone else he could never have. In a bid to his heart, Jill goes on a dangerous mission. She offered herself to Trevor hoping she could change his heart and love her instead but to no avail. When a sexual relationship is all he could give to her, will it still be enough for her to stay? When everything is falling in the right place including Trevor's dream girl, will Jill be finally able to let go?

Jaguitar · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

"Hi! Is Trevor around?" I smiled at the attending girl outside Von's office. I presumed she is the secretary. I scanned her appearance. She looks just an average office girl so I have no reason to get jealous. Even her face is mediocre. I don't think she is someone Von would like to hook up to but then Sandy is also like her. I grimaced at the thought.


"Good morning ma'am. May I get your name please," she said politely.


"I'm Jill. Jill Buenaventura," I replied.


"Do you have any appointment with Mr. Trevor Scott ma'am?"


My eyes narrowed at her. I can feel my temper rising. "No. I don't have to. I'm Jill of the Buenaventura Group of Companies." I put a stress on my surname. A surprise expression crossed her face. 


"Wait a second ma'am." She reached for the telephone on her side and dialed. She must be calling Von.


I tapped my fingers on her desk to keep myself from barging into the door where Von's name is written on a golden plate. It says CEO.


After a minute or two of waiting, the girl looked at me not knowing what to say. She is stammering.


"What? Can I come in now?" I gauged her.


She frantically shakes her head and fidgeted. "Mr. Scott is currently in an important meeting right now ma'am. Her secretary informed me to cancel all his appointments this afternoon." She looked down after saying these.


I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms. Now I'm really irritated as hell. 


"Do you know me Ms. Assistant Secretary? Do you know who you're talking into?" My voice is louder than ever before. 


"I'm sorry Ms. Buenaventura but I can't let you in. I really can't ma'am." She bowed her head repeatedly.


I let out a sigh. "Okay then, let me tell you one thing I overlooked, one thing I forgot saying." I stared down at her in my most intimidating aura. "I am Von's girlfriend, okay? I'm his girlfriend. Now tell me again in my face the things you told me earlier," I coaxed her.


Her eyes widen and she looks sorry and regretful. "But please understand ma'am Jill that if I let you in then that means I'm going to be fired. Mr. Scott already issued a stern warning from me because there are also ten girls who came here claiming to be Sir Scott's girlfriend. I'm really sorry ma'am."


"What? Ten other girls? Shit! Now I have more reasons to talk to him!"


I marched my way into the door and held the knob.


"Ma'am, please." The girl ran to me.


But it's too late. I already opened the door and saw Von leaning on his swivel chair reading some papers with his eyeglasses on. He looked at me.


"Sir I'm sorry, I was not able to stop her." The girl apologized.


Von looked at me intently before answering. "No, it's okay Peachie. You can go back to work."


"See? I told you," I told the girl.


She just bowed her head and hurriedly went out. 


"I thought we've talked about it Jill? You are not supposed to call me more so visit me here in my office." Von looks everything but happy with my unannounced appearance.


Instead of answering him, I sported my most seductive smile and bite my lips.


"But honey I miss you. I want to see you that's why I'm here. Waiting for your call is like waiting for crow's feathers to turn white." I sat on his lap and put my arms around his neck. 


He sighed. "I'm busy can't you see? There is a problem on the shipment of our supplies. It has been delayed so our clients here are asking for delayed fee."


"I can help you. My mother has connections with the Bureau of Customs. I can ask them to expedite the process." I felt sad for Von and felt bad for myself for thinking the worst about him.


"No, no, no. I can handle this. Besides, what would your mother think of me? That I'm a weak businessman? No. I need your mother to see me in an equal footing to earn her respect. I'm planning to make a business deal with her. Besides, I don't want your mother knowing whatever is going on between us."


I felt a pang of pain in my chest. Aw, that really hurts. 


I smiled and teasingly bit the soft skin on his neck. "Let's not talk about my mother honey okay? Right now, it's just me and you in your silent office."


I kissed his lips in a wanton manner but to my utter dismay, he did not respond. I withdraw and looked at him, my eyes questioning.


"Why? What's wrong? Didn't you miss me?" 


He pulled away from my embrace and stood up. 


"You shouldn't be here Jill. You shouldn't have come here. I told you I'm busy and I cannot talk to you right now. Sandy is coming over. You really have to go."


My shoulders drooped down and my confidence is shattered again by none other than this guy.


"Sandy? Sandy again? Does she still have fever? I didn't know your office has become a hospital now," I said sarcastically.


"She is asking for help regarding my brother."


I laughed almost hysterically. "Wow, since when did you become a love guru? That girl is really insensitive. She knows you love her and yet here she is asking for your help with her relationship with your brother. What a bitch!"


Von did not like a bit of what I said. I can see it in the reddening of his face and the gritting of his teeth.


"Watch your mouth Jill. Don't you dare call Sandy like that!" He gasped for air to control himself.


"Oh, then what should I call her? Oh, I know, an insensitive bitch. Right! More fitting." I laughed.


Von crossed our distance and grabbed me in my arms. He is holding me so tight that I can almost feel his nails on my skin. 


"I warned you Jill. Say another word against her and I swear, you won't like what I will do to you."


A fear crept into my system right there and then. I have never seen Von like this. Sure, I knew him to be the impatient impulsive guy especially when we are in bed but this Von right now I'm experiencing is different from the Von of those times.


"H-hey, you're hurting me. L-let me go," I said in a small voice.


As if also shocked for what he had done, Von let me go and calmed himself. He brushed his hair with his hands and said something I could not understand. He went back to his seat after pacifying himself.


"Go. Just go Jill," he urged me. "You know what I hate the most in this world are people talking one's back," he added. 


I fought the tears from falling. No, I will never let you see me break down. I can't let you use that against me. I want you to be mine because of who I am who is the strong unapologetic me and not the weak Jill who is on the verge of crying at the moment.


I smirked. Pretending to be nonchalant and unaffected is what I am always good at. "You're kidding me Von darling. You don't exactly hate people who backstab others. You only hate those specific type of people who say bad things behind Sandy."


Von met my gaze. "Yes, you are right so why did you do it? What? To spite on me?" He is clearly mocking me.


Crossing our distance and sitting on the visitor's chair in front of his desk, I crossed my arms and legs while staring at the face of the man I love.


"No, of course not. Why would I do that? It was just a slip of my tongue. You know I'm having another bad day since the night you left me alone in your condo. I expected a simple text from you but obviously you did not even bother to send me one. Even an emoji or sticker will do." I let out a sigh. "Okay, I'm sorry for my words. It's a bit insensitive on my part. I know how much you treasured her." I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and smiled at him. I stood up and went behind his back. 


"Relax okay. I promise I won't say those things again, okay?" I said in my sweetest voice. I put my hands on his rigid shoulders and slowly massage them. Gosh, the feel of his hard muscular body is enough to turn me on. Crazy how minutes earlier we were quarrelling and now…


I bowed down my head and nibble his ear with my teeth. Sticking out my tongue and licking his neck, my other hand worked its way down to his chest. I unbuttoned his top and slip my hand inside feeling the ticklish small hair. A smile formed on my lips when I heard him moan. Ah, who said Von and I cannot agree on the same thing? We are more than agreeing now.


"You like that? Mhhh?" I whispered sliding my hand down even further until I reach his crotch where he is already growing livid and hard. My free hand also got busy touching his now bare chest. I angled my head to kiss him from behind. He immediately opens his mouth and our tongues meet. Von as the ever impatient man took over the kiss. He pulled me into his lap again and ravage my lips. Our kissing was so loud I am more than thankful that his office is sound proof. 


"I missed you so much," I said the moment I got the chance after Von momentarily gasped for air.


Our breathing was still ragged from making out when the door opened. I took my time before I stood up. Meanwhile, Von buttoned his top.


"I-I'm sorry. I must have interrupted something," said a soft sweet female voice. 


I do not need to turn around to know that it's Sandy, the innocent and pure woman according to Von.


Von cleared out his throat. "No, of course not. You're not interrupting us. Jill is just coming by and she is leaving now right Jill?" Von motioned for the door.


Another wave of daggers pierced my heart. How could this guy be so insensitive? How can she make me feel so precious and then treat me like a ragged doll seconds after?


I fixed my disheveled hair and my wrinkled dress and then I looked at Sandy who is still awkwardly standing on the doorway in a too conservative dress. Behind her is Von's secretary who cannot meet my eyes.


I thought he's busy huh.


I smiled seemingly unaffected by his outright dismissal. "Yeah, I really need to go now. You know, corporate stuff," I paused. "in someone's bed to make me feel all warm and fuzzy. Something Von refused to give me today because he needs to babysit."


Sandy looks scandalized while Von's face is contorted of anger. Why? Does he not want me fucking other guys?


I walked to the door. "Oh hi Sandy! I heard about your latest foundation for stray dogs and cats. How's it going?" I faked a smile.


Sandy returned the pleasantries and smiled to me. "It's running great. You can drop by anytime Jill. I'll tour you around," she offered.


"Great! I love that! I'll call you one day if I want to, would that be okay to you?"


"Sure! I'd be happy to assist you. It's not like all the time you get to have an heiress to be your visitor." She seems to be genuinely happy about what I said. Oh, wait till you hear the next.


"That's good. I'll bring my chef along."


"A chef? Why?" she is obviously confused.


"You know I'm into exotic dishes today. I want to be more adventurous so I thought why not try to look for good cat and dog meat quality. What do you say huh?" I grinned.


Her eyes grew big and her mouth opened in disbelief. "W-why? Y-you eat dogs and cats?" Her lips quivered in impending tears.


"Jill! Stop that!" Von's loud voice echoed through the room.


I just laughed. "Hey, I'm just kidding. Don't take it too personally okay?" I checked my watch. "I better go. Bye!" I waved my hands at them and walked out of the door.


My hands are trembling from all the frustration and pain I'm feeling inside. It hurts. Damn this love! Why did I love a man who loves another woman?


Tears rolled down my eyes.


No, I refused to surrender now. The game is just beginning. It's too early to concede defeat. What I need to do now is think of another way to lure Von to me.


Yes, that's what I will do now. 


That day, I left the building with a renewed heart believing the efficiency of the concocted plan.