
Chapter 27 : My everything

*Mr. Cary*

Checking my watch continuously, I couldn’t wait to get off work and head to James’ house. I texted Della throughout the day, hoping for a response from her, but got nothing. Anytime I was done with one meeting, I’d check my phone hoping to see her message, but got nothing. I knew something was off between us and I wanted to find out what.

I also strongly believed Evelyn could have said something to her to make her react this way, but I couldn’t confront her… not yet. I didn't know the whole story, and I had no evidence against her.

When it was 4 p.m., I began to pack my briefcase. I had three meetings for the day, and I believed that was enough. I could feel the weariness coming. Not because of the meetings alone, but because I needed to get to Della as soon as possible.

After packing the necessary things, I walked out of my office, heading to the elevator that led to the parking garage.

“Mr. Cary!” Evelyn called from behind me.