
First meet

At the center of the office glowing blue gems can be seen it looked beautiful like Sapphire diamonds shining at the tiniest bit of light. However one would never try to get close to those, for they knew that such beautiful things came with a price one wouldn't want to pay unless they were brave to get near it or they are stupid.....just plain stupid.

isabella swallowed the big lump on her throat and walked closer " Hey what are you doing here" Williams asked " i should be the one asking you",Isabella said bravely.Williams stood up from his chair and turn to look at the lady " Ain't you scared woman" he asked coldly but isabella sigh" why will I be scared of you, and by the way my name is Isabella and not woman" she replied

Williams couldn't believe his ears, a lady talking back at him " so brave" he thought. he turned the light on but Isabella didn't spare him a look instead she put coffee on the table neatly "my name is Williams and this is my company " Williams said irritated " i don't care about your name so don't border your self" she replied arrogantly " Then get out" his voice was cold and yet Isabella didn't budge " Dont you know how to talk to a lady Williams" she asked angrily making Williams to raise his eyebrow in amazement

" Do i look like someone who cares" william asked leaning forward " you will never care for anyone....your power and ego won't allow it"isabella said .

"..." for once in his life Williams was speechless he looked at the lady in front of him, slowly his dangerous aura disappeared . he could feel something warm moving inside of him and these foreign feelings can be seen in his eyes

"i will go straight to the point Mr Williams don't get the wrong idea that i am crushing on you....infact if i have knew you were here i will never have come here in the first place.....i hate you so much that i feel like punching you in the face" isabella said angrily

Williams didn't say anything instead he looked at her closely before she walked out of the office in a fast steps
