
loving his mate is alpha's job

Infinity De-croix and Zodiac were fated mate. They were chosen by goddess Luna to be together forever, but Infinity being a Succubus would not be accepted by the werewolf clan. There are also mad scientist with their aim to create a hybrid more powerful than any other species, psychopath who wants the blood of his Target flood his altar, betrayals from family and close one. Despite all this they are willing to take a gamble for the sake of their fate that is so powerful that no other power could stand on their way when they are together.

ApurvaB16 · Urban
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Ch 8

Next morning things were pretty uneventful except for another dream of being chased in the jungle, I was thinking that I should join wilderness class maybe it can help my dreams.

Just then Prerna turned " huh, I thought you said something".

Startled I replied "nothing much I think we should join some activities this weekend like wilderness activities or some physically challenging one, what do you say".

Prerna exclaimed " ooohh nice we can join trekking class I can gain material for my witchy stuff".

Nodding we looked for the weekend activity and joined the Mountain trekking activity with online group.

I looked at Prerna " I just received a message morning class is cancelled, we have free time on our hands right now".

Checking her cell she nodded then jumped " then let's start our detective work ' what happened one summer' ".

I chuckled " actually it was winter time of the year, we need to update our tag line ".

Prerna poured " but all cool things happen in summer like boys in beach shirts and did I say naked boys in beach shirts".

Chuckling we left the dorm to second year building, standing outside we were firm to confront Beth and as soon as she came out, and before Prerna could approach her I pulled her to the side " she is with Verna right now we will waste our opportunity if we confront her now".

Prerna nodded then smiled, " if we can't confront we will follow her, Stalking our prey is first step in hunting and her talking with Verna Knight is a glaring clue on its own".

Nodding we kept a safe distance we followed the girls who entered the club as we also sneaking entered inside.

Standing in the corner we saw them enjoying the dance when group of boys joined them.But it was quiet noticable that Verna was centre of attraction while Beth and others were just accessories.

" I just need five minutes with her, I want to know what happened that night while I was asleep". I mumbled.

Prerna pulled out two green vials, pointing to them she said " make Verna and Beth drink this, this is narcissistic juice collected from the piss of grooming monkey famous for narcissistic nature and tweaked to make people unaware of the surrounding for five minutes as they are engrossed in themselves. I will occupy Verna you pull Beth out".

Finalizing our plans we quickly made our way to the nearest clothing store and brought two slutty dresses to mingle with crowd because anyone could notice her standing there in oversized hoodie.

Only size for me was bright red while Prerna opted for green on, she was full of excitement for the upcoming undercover job.

Entering the club we quickly took two drinks as Prerna first distracted Verna with a sudden collision and then she acted like a little fan saying she loved her reels in hootube. From then on it was easy as she made her drink the cocktail, while I sneakly stood beside Beth I passed her the drink praying she would not recognise me in this new outfit and thankfully she did not.

But it felt bad that the person who knew you from childhood would not recognise you after just a change in the dress.

I starting making Beth move in opposite direction as Beth kept on dancing. I forced Beth to look me " Beth, what happened last year on our first day of college".

But it was hard to bring Beth to the topic who complained about Verna stealing all the attention and how no one payed attention to her.

Finny continued to bring her to herself " Finny, would have been your good friend right, sad what happened to her".

Beth mumbled " should have kept watch on her as Uncle Rowan told me to do".( Father of Infinity)

Finny was surprised" why did my dad call you Beth, but she kept mumbling " should have kept eyes on her it was full moon that was important".

Listening to this I had a feeling that maybe my father was involved in some way as he could have directly talked with Finny or discussed with Beth keeping her in loop but what she felt weird was full moon.

On every full moon her father made her quadruple the dosage and she remembered she did not do it that night.

Feeling puzzled I signalled Prerna to leave as we started walking back to the door when we were stopped on our way out.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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