
Loving Her Rogue Alpha

Before he turned 18, Daniel was the top teenage werewolf and the pride of his tribe. Even Daniel thought he would outperform his father, become the perfect Silver Wolf, and marry his childhood sweetheart—Barbara. His perfect dream was crushed on his 18th birthday when he failed to transform into his wolf form and became a joke of the tribe. “It’s a shame! You don’t deserve to be part of us!” Daniel’s father insulted. “I won’t accept an ‘incomplete werewolf’ to be my husband!” Barbara protested. “We can crush you with just one paw, useless sc*m!” scoffed Barbara’s father with a disdainful look. With a punch in Daniel’s stomach, Rogers—his best friend—spurned and ridiculed him. “Get away from me, dork!” He lost everything, even his secret hideout which his second-best friend—Charlie—burned down. Lost in despair, Daniel took refuge in the human world as he explore his chances of transformation. He wanted to prove to himself that he was the top werewolf even if he could not transform. “HELPPP!” A lady’s cry got Daniel to the scene and rescued her from the rapist—who was then stripped naked. After the rescue, Daniel instructed his assistant to send the lady to the hospital. His kindness was repaid with love when the lady fell for Daniel. Martina was her name and she was one of the illegitimate daughters in the tribe. Upon suffering from abuse by her stepmother, she escaped the tribe and met the man of her life. “I want to see your boss!” Martina picked up the courage to pursue her love… Neither of them knew that they were under the watchful eyes of the greedy devil and that their love would soon lead them to disaster.

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30 Chs

[Daniel's P.O.V.]

Donning a pure white silk shirt, a bow tie, and extremely well-ironed suit pants, I solemnly put on my last piece of attire to complete my look, my trusty tuxedo jacket.

The entire tuxedo was handmade to my size, revealing my muscular body.

Today was my 18th bar mitzvah, the day I turned into a wolf.

My father is the current alpha of the pack. When he was 18, his wolf form showed a handsome silver wolf with a ring of black fur around his neck. It was beautiful and unique.

Growing up, I was the best of the best in every aspect of the pack. When I was six years old, I killed a python in a swamp by myself.

Many of the elders in the council believed that I could turn into a silver wolf that would be even more heroic than my father. My father raised me as his heir, and everyone had high hopes for me.

Transforming into a wolf meant that I would get to start a family of my own. I already had a partner in mind — Barbara. She had grown up with me and we were very close. I promised her a long time ago that she would be my partner after my bar mitzvah.

I was sure that she was waiting for me in the first row of the square in my favorite red dress.

The whole thing was not much different than I had expected. My bar mitzvah was set up in the square, where a stage had been built up a few days earlier. I saw flags of all colors being hung around the stage, and beautiful flowers adorned the tiniest details on each lampost.

I happily waved to Barbara and shouted, "I'm going to marry you one day!"

The people below cheered with me, and Barbara covered her face with her hands. She looked cute being that shy.

Beside her stood my two best friends. The tall and handsome one was Rogers, who had turned into a wolf, and the relatively short one was Charlie, who would turn 18 in a few months.

My two friends were genuinely happy for me and jumped in joy to gain my attention, not being afraid of what others might think.

Under the overwhelming crowd, the respected elders came out to maintain order and peace, because the ceremony that belonged to me was about to begin.

According to the rules, an elder from the Council of Elders would place the Golden Wolf Medallion on my body. Due to me being the modal son, the alpha, which is my father, decided to personally participate in the process.

My father looked at me with approving eyes, personally gifting me the Golden Wolf Medallion that only adults could proudly have on their chest.

The completion of the ceremony meant that I could finally transform into a wolf.

I leaped to the center of the stage and let out a long howl. I opened my arms wide towards the sky and released all my strength to transform.

I was the pack's heir and the most dazzling youth. My wolf form was destined to be the strongest silver wolf.

Unexpectedly, my beautiful wolf form did not appear. I thought that maybe my posture was wrong and readjusted myself. I let out a long howl as I released all my strength yet again. I summoned my werewolf that was willed in my heart, telling him to come out quickly.

However, my werewolf will seem to be asleep. No matter how much I called for him, he did not appear.

I began to panic. If I could not summon my wolf form, it meant that I could not transform into a wolf. If I could not transform into a wolf, how could I be called a werewolf? I would be a complete waste, a disgrace to the entire pack.

Being at the bottom of the werewolf world meant that I would get stepped on.

After many tries, I still could not summon my wolf form. The mentality of the pack members below the stage changed from being filled with anticipation to being puzzled. Gradually, the puzzlement turned into realization.

"He can't transform into a wolf at all."

I did not know who was the first to shout this sentence. When this sentence was said, everyone in the pack quietly discussed what was happening. This included my happy Barbara, my best friend Rogers, and Charlie.

The emotions of the pack members became more and more agitated. Without a trace of hesitation, my father stood out and announced my death sentence to everyone with a booming voice.

"He doesn't have the ability to transform into a wolf and isn't worthy of being a werewolf. He should be expelled from the pack and never be allowed to return!"

"No, I can, I can transform into a wolf. Please give me another chance. Please don't just leave me out in the wild!"

I frantically pleaded with my father, the elder, and even all the members of the pack below the stage. I begged them to let me try again. I was the person with the most potential in the pack, the heir that everyone expected the most from, how could I be the only one that could not transform into a wolf?

"I've given you many chances." The elder mercilessly called for someone to drag me away. I struggled with all my might as I shouted, "I beg you, please, I can transform into a wolf. I'm not trash. Let me prove my worth!"

My sincere begging did not garner any response. After the person who dragged me transformed into a wolf, regardless of body shape or strength, I was unable to contend against them. My struggle was to no avail…

When one transforms into a wolf, one would also have a faster movement speed. In the blink of an eye, the pack was gone, all that was left was me, myself, and I.

The tears in my eyes were close to spilling as I wailed.

What was louder than the sound of my pain was what one of the elders said before he left, "Those who can't turn into wolves deserve to die!" The words directly burned into my mind.

The unwillingness to give me another chance, my father's merciless expulsion, the betrayal of all my people, the guilt for Barbara, the fear of death... these negative emotions filled my mind.

Alas, I could not do anything about it, I could only watch as the river closeby whispered to me, wanting to soothe my pain.

It was not until I sank into the raging river that the world quieted down.