
Loving Asia's Multi-Talented Queen: The Path to Stardom

With the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry to the endless schemes and gossips, Xu Jia Li had to prove that she deserves what it takes to remain in the industry. With a man who longed for her love and promised of an undying love, she must first open her heart. Bound by her deep longing for revenge and the promise she made to her mother, Xu Jia Li was left with only two choices — let herself find true love or go ahead with her revenge. Love was a risk we must take. Only the bravest knew this. "I've always been crazy about you..." Xu Jia Li gazed at the man in front of her with eyes full of tears. The words left her speechless. She wanted to listen to that soft voice in the deepest part of her heart but what happened before hardened her heart... Things turned a different slope as it turned in shambles... All that's left was a seething pain and a longing for revenge... An original novel written by Bibliophile_Anna.

Bibliophile_Anna · General
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186 Chs

Rhythm of Love


A simple nod from Xu Jia Li made Si Weimin's body in fire. The passion burned him. He longed for her, dreamed of this time when they would be one, in body and in soul. He looked intently at Xu Jia Li, observing her reaction. He wanted to know if she really wanted it, too.

"Are you sure, love?" He asked breathlessly, fixing his gaze at the flushed Xu Jia Li. He saw her bit her lower lip which was very seductive and alluring. His breathing increased as he waited for her answer.

Not hearing any answer from her, he smiled thoughtfully, understanding her reluctance. He kissed her on the forehead as he quickly got off her. He was about to get her dress when her angelic voice stopped him on his track.

"I love you…"

Si Weimin froze when he heard Xu Jia Li. He slowly turned his gaze on her, his eyes misty. It was the first time she said those words and it was making him speechless.

"I love you, Si Weimin."

When Xu Jia Li repeated her words, he felt like his heart jumped out of his chest. He pulled her closer as he said emotionally, "I love you, Jia. I always do. I love you with all my heart."

"I know, honey… I do, too."

Hearing Xu Jia Li's words was all it took to unleash the burning desire that Si Weimin had inside. He caressed her face, kissed her eyes, her nose and her lips. He spoke passionately, his voice husky, "You're so beautiful, Jia."

He slowly unbuttoned his cotton top, not taking his eyes away from her. He was slightly stunned when Xu Jia Li sat up and spoke with a very sensual voice, "Let me do it, honey."


Xu Jia Li felt Si Weimin's hands all over her body after she took off his top. His lips made her gasp as he nibbled at her shoulder. She could hear his heavy breathing, replicating hers. She moved her head and held her long hair, giving him full access to her neck as he ran his tongue on her collar bone before he kissed her lightly on her nape. He brushed his lips on her ears before he whispered, "You're exquisite, love. I can't get enough of you."

Her heart leaped as she closed her eyes, basking in the passion he gave her. Then, Si Weimin slowly kissed her down to her back, sending thousands of electrifying pleasure inside her. His lips were marking its territory, nibbling and biting lightly on her skin. She felt an overwhelming desire that was brewing inside her. She grabbed the sheets as she savored the new emotions he brought to her.

When Si Weimin kissed her on her right hand, up to her neck, she slowly lay on her back, trusting him fully. Another moan escaped from her lips when his hands began to work their magic on her body. He kneaded her bumps, fondled her nipples, making her want for more.

"Ugh… hmmm… ahhh…"

It was so overpowering. His touch made her crave for something she couldn't point out. It awakened something in her, something she tried to ignore for a long time. But at that moment, all she could think was to give in to it. Wholeheartedly.

She grabbed his hair when he covered his mouth to hers. She responded eagerly, opening her mouth where his tongue met hers. Their tongues clashed, making her moan even more.

She kissed back with so much fervor like she depended on it. She dug her nails on his back when she felt his manhood poking her stomach. It was intimate and arousing. His scent was intoxicating her, making her lose any ounce of rationality and restraint in her.

He laced his fingers through hers, kissing her passionately. She was terribly excited especially when his lips travelled from her neck down to her navel. Teasing her mercilessly as his tongue sent shivers down her spine. She clutched his fingers tighter.

He brushed his lips on her belly before he slowly took off her underwear, causing her to shiver in delight. She gasped when his fingers traced her intimate part. She moaned in pleasure. She was drowned with excitement and fright at the same time. There was something inside her that he unravelled, a part he woke up that ach for his touch. Her sensitive part was wet with anticipation as he gently put his finger inside while his other hand kneaded her breast.

She was so aroused and what he was doing made her heart pounded fast. Her breathing became heavier as he pulled his finger in and out inside her. She grabbed his hair as she arched his body, feeling a strange feeling inside her. She felt like she couldn't take it anymore as she cried his name, "Ugh… mmm. .. Weimin…"


Si Weimin smiled when he heard her screamed his name. He kissed her down, his tongue licking and tasting her core. She tasted like nectar, sweet and divine. He wanted more of her. He dug deeper, receiving another moan from Xu Jia Li. He could feel her body tensed up as he lightly bit her down, stimulating her, making her feel good.

He could feel the sensation building up on her when she moved her body closer to his face. He felt a sense of happiness and fulfillment seeing her in ecstasy.


When Si Weimin whispered on her ears, she shivers involuntarily. She suddenly felt his shaft entering her. A sudden pain shot her as she bit her lips. Tears formed on the corner of her eyes.

"Did I hurt you? Oh, I'm sorry, love." Si Weimin kissed her gently as he stopped moving. The concern and worry on his face made her teared up even more.

"I'm so sorry, love. I didn't mean to hurt you. Oh, God!" Si Weimin caressed her face, wiping the tears from her face, "We don't have to do it, love. I'm sorry..."

Sensing the inhibition and fear from Si Weimin, she slowly moved her body, grabbed his face, kissed him as if telling him that it's okay to continue.

Soon, the pain vanished and was replaced by something enigmatic, something electrifying and powerful. The pain no longer present as it began to fade; replaced by the undeniable pleasure that Si Weimin was making her feel. The tears fell down her cheeks, no longer about the pain, but the tears of joy from being with the man he loved, "I love you, honey."

"Does it still hurt? Stop crying, love."

She smiled as she grinded her hips, answering his question. The spark in their eyes gave them warmth.

Overwhelming desire filled Xu Jia Li to the brink as she began to move her body desperately, matching his every thrust. Her legs wrapped in his waist. His every touch burned her, making her hot, fueling her desires.

She moaned even louder, calling his name. She no longer cared if she sounded desperate because she was really desperate for his touch, something she didn't know she would feel. At that moment, she felt even more connected to him, emotionally and physically. Her nails dug deeper on his back as she drowned in the pleasure brimming in her body.

They moved in a rhythm that only their heart and body could hear and feel. Both of them were panting as they climaxed together, shouting each other's name. She hugged him tight, her heart filled with emotions she was unable to contain, "I love you, Si Weimin…"

"And I love you, Xu Jia Li…"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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