
Loving Asia's Multi-Talented Queen: The Path to Stardom

With the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry to the endless schemes and gossips, Xu Jia Li had to prove that she deserves what it takes to remain in the industry. With a man who longed for her love and promised of an undying love, she must first open her heart. Bound by her deep longing for revenge and the promise she made to her mother, Xu Jia Li was left with only two choices — let herself find true love or go ahead with her revenge. Love was a risk we must take. Only the bravest knew this. "I've always been crazy about you..." Xu Jia Li gazed at the man in front of her with eyes full of tears. The words left her speechless. She wanted to listen to that soft voice in the deepest part of her heart but what happened before hardened her heart... Things turned a different slope as it turned in shambles... All that's left was a seething pain and a longing for revenge... An original novel written by Bibliophile_Anna.

Bibliophile_Anna · General
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186 Chs

Marry Me

Spring Valley

"Good morning, young master." One of the servants welcomed Si Weizhe inside the mansion.

"Thank you! Where's eldest brother?" Si Weizhe grinned as he walked inside the huge mansion. He could finally be free from the old man's prying. His eyes shone brightly as he sat on the soft couch.

"He seldom went here, young master."

"Huh? Why? Where is he staying?" The shock on Si Weizhe's face was evident. His voice came out loud than usual which made the servant jolted in surprise.

"I don't know, young master. Maybe Butler Ho knows." The servant smiled apologetically as she excused herself and proceeded to carry Si Weizhe's luggage upstairs.

"Damn! Where is he? Is he living with his girlfriend?" Si Weizhe slumped on the couch before a naughty smile flashed over his face, "Does that mean I can have this house all alone? Ha ha ha! How can I be so lucky! Yes!"

Si Weizhe raised his hand in victory. Now, he could truly be free – both from his grandfather and eldest brother.


Xu Jia Li woke up. Her body felt stiff. Without opening her eyes, she lethargically got up from bed. Her move made her flinch and the soreness all over her body especially down there, made her wince. She slowly opened her eyes only to close them again when she saw Si Weimin's naked body.

Did she really cause all those scratches on his body? Oh, God!

She bit her lower lip when she remembered what happened last night. She pulled the blanket and covered her head and body when she remembered that she was also naked. There were hickeys on her body. She immediately got flustered from the thought of the wild night they shared. Her face heated up from recalling the hot and passionate lovemaking of the past night.

She couldn't believe that she really enjoyed it. She didn't even recall when they decided to fall asleep. If she still got it right, they did it three times. Wait no, probably four times. Her lips curved into a naughty smile. She could still feel Si Weimin's warm touch on hers. She stifled a moan when his touch landed on her breast. She really enjoyed how great he made her feel when he massaged her there.

She slowly arched her back, taking in the pleasure. She was only recalling it but it felt so real. She smiled from the thought. Suddenly, a pleasurable pain from her nipple made her opened her eyes, 'Wait! This feels so real!'

She moved her gaze and saw Si Weimin inside the blanket. His face lighted up from seeing her, "Did I wake you up, sweetie?"

She blushed when Si Weimin's mouth found its way towards her bump. She moaned, feeling the electrifying pleasure crept all over her body, making her cried in ecstasy.

Si Weimin's warm kisses made its way on her body, leaving traces of his passion. The passionate love making they shared still made her feel tired but his touch still fueled the desire inside her.

When Si Weimin's lips brushed down there, she automatically grabbed his hair while her moan filled the room. His tongue made her feel really good. She cried out in pleasure when she had orgasm.

"Honey, stop. I really need to go out today." Her voice didn't sound like she really wanted him to stop.

"Okay. I'll prepare our breakfast but let's take a shower first."

She screamed when Si Weimin immediately carried her inside the bathroom. She felt relaxed when the warm water from the shower kissed her skin. Si Weimin began to put liquid soap on her. They both enjoyed scrubbing each other's body with some series of flirting from Si Weimin.

After coming out of the bathroom, Si Weimin prepared a sumptuous meal for them. They both ate at their hearts content. She couldn't contain the happiness inside her as she gazed at Si Weimin's handsome face. Just like her, she knew that he was happy. Seeing the spark in his eyes, the genuine smile on his lips, what happened last night was a big step on their relationship.

"Are you that attracted to me, Miss Vicious- Tongue Xu?"

She giggled when she saw him wink at her, "You're so full of yourself, Mr. Arrogant Si. Ha ha ha!"

"Don't hide it, love. It's clearly written on your face."

"Okay, Mr. Arrogant Si, whatever you say!"

Both of them laugh out loud before Si Weimin turned serious. She smiled when he suddenly hugged her.

"What's with you, Mr. Si?"

"Let's get married."

Xu Jia Li's body froze the moment she heard Si Weimin. Her heart skipped a beat as she stared blankly at him. Everything seemed to stop when she saw the diamond ring on his hand. She gasped, utter disbelief and shock filled her.

"I know it's too sudden but let me love you as your husband. I want to spend every waking hour with you. To see you smile, laugh and giggle. To take care of you. Marry me, Jia. Make me the happiest man and be my wife."

Tears fell down on Xu Jia Li's eyes as she looked straight into Si Weimin's eyes. She bit her lower lip, trying to refrain from crying. There was a lump on her throat, making her breathing heavier. She was in cloud nine. All she wanted was to be with him, to have him by her side no matter what happened. Together, she knew that they could do anything.

She held back her laugh when she saw the scared look on his face. She kissed him and said, "Yes. I'll marry you. I want to be your wife!"


Sun and Star Entertainment

"Xiao Li, the contract signing will be on November, after the shooting of Sweet Memories."

Xu Jia Li nodded from what Lan Meixu was saying, "Meixu-jie, do we have any news about the project under Jin Production?"

"Why are you-," Lan Meixu stopped talking as she gazed at Xu Jia Li, "Wait, why are you all covered up? It's warm inside the room."

Xu Jia Li coughed awkwardly upon hearing Lan Meixu's question. How would she explain that she had hickeys? Her face blushed as she cleared her throat when she answered, "I just feel cold today."

"Are you sick?"

"Oh, no. I am perfectly fine. Never felt this great. Ha Ha!"

"Okay. So, as I was saying, why are asking about that film? Do you like to join their cast?"

"Yes, Meixu-jie,"

"But why? I heard that the producer is the Zhou Corporation and the female lead is set to be Zhou Bingbing. The audition is only for formality."

"I don't plan to be the female lead. I will audition for the character of the villainous second lead."

"But what about the new movie you're going to shoot? Can you do both? It will be very taxing for you."

"We have to make some arrangements, Meixu-jie. I have to get that role."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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