
Loving a Rororal Lord

LOVING A RORORAL LORD Copyright 2023. Lilian Anyadike All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author’s imagination. Being locked in a world of fantasy and falling in love with a Lord who everyone despise, Lisa finds herself tangled in the web of love between two people but must end up with just one.... only one.

Blaliy · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Lisa stood by the balcony of the beautiful mansion they were made to live, how could Lord Saga ask her not to do anything, she didn't know much about the kingdom but she knew very certainly that injustice was done on his side and she would put a stop to it, as long as she was with him, she would never let him suffer.

Lady Aurelia walked gracefully when Lisa saw her.

"Lady Aurelia" she whispered and made to move to her when she bumped heavily into someone who fell to the ground.

"Watch where you're going Lady Gorra" scolded Queen Lela standing to her feet.

Lisa frowned. "Sorry" she apologized

"You've got some nerve giving me such a look, I'll teach you some lesson" she snapped and raised her hand to hit Lisa but suddenly slumped on the ground.

"My queen!" Panicked the servants who hurriedly rushed to her...

Lisa sat beside the queen who laid unconscious on the bed, the servants were made to wait outside while she was allowed in, she was a Lady and jew bearer anyway.

Queen Lela groaned slightly before opening her eyes.

Lisa scoffed, "How exactly did you become the queen, you're too fragile"

Queen Lela laughed. "The same way you became a Lady don't forget where we came from, we cleaned the ground together"

"I find it hard to believe that story. How do you feel?"

"Feverish, weak. Wait what do you care, why are you even here?" She asked

"Did you forget?, You collapsed right in front of me.."

"Typical you won't care, you could just walk away"

"Guess that's the difference between us, you will I won't, I have some humanity in me don't you think?" She asked.

Queen Lela gazed at her. "I am surprised, so much have changed about you, you..you used to hate me alot"

"I still do" said Lisa and she laughed.

"You don't understand what I mean by hate me but I'm grateful you've changed" she said and Lisa smiled.

The nurse then walked to them. "My queen you're awake?, Hello Lady Gorra"


"When am I leaving nurse I'm so tired" graoned Queen Lela

"You shouldn't go yet, you should rest..."

"If I want to rest it'll be in my chambers not here" she replied observing the place obviously disgusted.

"You do love rich things don't you?" Asked Lisa

"I do, don't you my Lady?" She asked

"My queen..." The nurse interrupted making both eyes move to her. "What's happened to you isn't just something small, my lady you've got to start taking care of yourself from now on"

"I take care of myself nurse Adline"

"I mean special care, you're with child"

Both Lisa and the queen gasped.

"With child?"

"Yes my queen and if it's a boy then the King has an heir" she beamed

Queen Lela looked at Lisa

"Lady Gorra, I'm with child... I'm with child" she wept before hugging her to her surprise.

Lisa gently pat her bag, "Congratulations my queen"

"Now I hope you understand what I mean by taking special care of yourself, you should disclose this to the king....he will be so happy"

"I will, just wait till I leave here"

"Once you leave here, please go back to your chamber and rest, you need it"

"Thank you nurse Adline, Lady Gorra will take it from here".

"Huh?" Asked Lisa

"Help me up Lady Gorra and be gentle, I'm with child" she laughed.

Lisa smiled before helping her up.

King Rahl sat quietly in the carriage as it rode, he was close to his destination when a bright light struck from the sky to the ground stopping them. He laughed, 'Riaug just didn't welcome visitors', he got down from the carriage and walked forward.

"You've got to be more friendlier Riaug if you want to have friends"

"Is that my King" a voice hoovered and he laughed.

"Show yourself Riaug, the King is treating you dinner in the mansion, come along"

A Whooshing sound came and a tall man with little beard appeared, he held a staff.

"That meal I dare not miss" he chimed.

"My old friend" laughed the King walking towards him before they hugged each other.

"It's so good to see you again, you came for the carnival"

"Yes, so I decided to pay you a visit, come my friend let's ride together like in the good old days"

"Lead the way my King" he said.

Both men got into the mansion talking together.

"Alot seems to have changed since you began reigning" said Riaug

"Yes, positive don't you think, you never showed up after my coronation"

"Ahh, I'm a busy man my King, I go places" he said

"It's good you're here, we will spend time together before you travel anywhere, it's always good to be around old friends who are connected to your success" he said and Riaug laughed

"Very certainly, very certainly my King".

A door opened and their eyes moved to it seeing Queen Lela walk out, she saw them and smiled walking towards them.

"My King" she beamed to the King before bowing, he took her hand and kissed the back.

"Riaug meet queen Lela my wife" he introduced and Riaug smiled before taking her hand and kissing it.

"You look radiant my queen" he praised and she smiled before turning to the King.

"I will join you very soon my queen" he spoke and she blushed before bowing and leaving.

"Hmm, fair indeed. Did you know she's with child?" He asked and the King turned to him sharply


"I hear the heart beat of two"

"This is great news then" beamed the King.

"Indeed" he concorded before narrowing his eyes to the door and Lisa got out. "And who is that beautiful Lady?" He asked

"That's Lady Gorra the wife to the illegitimate son of King Isaak" answered the king

"Impressive. Lady Gorra!" He called and Lisa turned to him before walking and bowing before the King.

"My King" she greeted

"Get up Lady Gorra, this is Riaug a distant friend of mine"

Lisa turned to the man and bowed. "I'm most delighted to meet you Master Riaug".

"I am more than delighted to meet a lady so fair" he said and took her hand kissing it slightly. Lisa hurriedly took back her hand faking a smile.

"I shall be on my way my King" she said and the King nodded before she walked away.

"Wife to the illegitimate son of the King" repeated Riaug and the King faced him.


"Why should you give someone like that to an illegitimate son?"

"She's the Jew bearer and we know many of them are dangerous, she'll just be one of the many and that alliance was made by my father.."

"That girl isn't dangerous, giving her to such a man created room for your defeat" he said

"What?" Asked the King

"Your wife is with child my Lord, a female child. The queen has a line of female children, you will never have a male child with her, Lady Catherine has a daughter and the birth wasn't an easy one so she might not be having any soon, Lady Aurelia is void of making kids but that lady, she has a line of sons, heirs"

The King gasped in fear, "Oh no".

"If Lord Saga lays with her...that is if he hasn't already and she comes up with child... it'll be a boy and when you can't produce a male child to succeed your throne, then he will attack your kingdom and take it back or he'll just wait because he's the only one with a male child so automatically the throne will belong to his son"

The King quivered. "What should I do?, What can I do?" He panicked.

"I would have asked you kill the Lady but that will be too fast and too extreme, it will equally require some strong accusations so I'll suggest you take another wife, take as many wives as you can in the hunt for a a male child and keep an eye on that Lady, once you hear she's with child and none of your wives are.....then you implement the second plan which is to kill"

The King inhaled deeply. "I don't know what I do without you"

"Don't worry my King, I won't leave your side until you've succeeded with your plans" he assured

"Thank you Riaug".