

Doctors of emergency services get very less time to relax. In this time Ha Eun usually eat with her colleagues in the garden area of the hospital near the lake.

Today was same as other days. Ha Eun was doing mimicry of his rude senior Dr. Xiao

Suddenly a voice from back came and stroke all the doctors there,

"What are you guys are doing here? "

Ha Eun was frozen into ice, her heartbeat a stop for a second when she turn back.

She said, "Damn it ! " and accidentally slipped into the lake beside them when she took a step back in shock.

It was him Dr. Xiao.

Ha Eun doesn't know how to swim, she was drowning.

" SPLASH !! "

Within a second someone dive into the lake. Everyone was astonished because the person who dive was Dr. Xiao. He rescued Ha Eun.