
Lovers Or Friends?

lisday_dobby · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: What are you?

"ugh....men are jerks" mumbled the lady as she took a sip of her tequila. She was both raged and saddened which is the very reason why she came to the bar.

"I just don't get it....men are cunny little deceiving scumbags...I mean, I should know cuz I have dated five different guys but it just didn't work out" said the lady

"Tell me why it's so hard to find true love. Why can't it be like fairy tales? Why can't I have my own 'prince charming' who will kiss me on the hand" said the lady with tears in her eyes

Life at this stage felt meaningless, she felt so used up... She couldn't find one decent guy who wouldn't use her for her money. She looked at her glass and back at the door, thinking and wondering if she is ever going to find love.

A few minutes later, a wave of emotions hit her and she began to cry and shout and then she blacked out...


The rays of the sun were distracting and therefore caused her to open her eyes. After blinking and getting out of bed to wash her eyes, she could properly see the room. The interior design, the paintings, and the checkers colored tiles...It was incredible. She couldn't believe her eyes. She directed her attention to a painting that was covered with a piece of cloth. This painting was not like the others. This painting was still on a canvas and the color palette was still stained so as the brush. Seeing this she knew that this particular painting was not for display. After all, she was in a museum or so she thought because of the various paintings.

She glanced at the door and it was still locked, so like the curious person she was, she took the cloth off. She felt weak to her knees. The picture on canvas wasn't completed but she got extremely scared.

"Oh...My.Gosh..the..is...is..Mr" she sputtered. Before she could finish her sentence the door swung open. She quickly covered the painting back. She was scared. She just stood in one spot with her eyes shut. Her mind was racing

'I'm so dead...' she thought. 'Oh God please I know I have sinned but please God save me and I promise you never to get drunk again. she prayed.

Soon the door closed and went back to its original position. She opened her eyes and exhaled. "Finally...". But her victory was short-lived. She turned back and shrieked. Standing before her was a man who was about 7'5 in height. She felt like a rat in his presence, she felt scared because this man could kill her in less than a minute. Keep in mind she was 4'7. But despite her fright, she stood proud and bold in front of this man. She looked at this man with straight eyes, she felt lost in those hazelnut eyes of his. After a few minutes of awkward silence between them, the man popped an odd question.

" What are you," he said without expressing his emotions. This caught the young girl off guard. She was confused. "what am I... is that the best question you can think of," she said in a slightly disappointed tone. The man felt slightly embarrassed because he too knew it was a stupid question.

"First of all, let's start with introducing ourselves," she said. "I'll go first...My name is Isabella... Isabella Wisteria and you are?" she said. "Wait...you don't know me?" the man replied.

"No....should I?" she answered. "No, um... I'm Harry George" he said. "Okay, well thank you for letting me stay here, here is a little something for you and I'll be taking my leave now, bye.." With that, she gives harry $1000 and left without hearing his response.

Harry just stood there clutching the money in his hands as he listens to even her Uber zoom off. He smirked. He took out his phone and dial an unknown number. "Find everything about her and don't let her know who I am," he said. "Yes sir.." replied the unidentified voice