
Chapter 2

[Tuesday, 1:26 PM]

Jake is really starting to help me open up more. I usually didn't like things like this but his enthusiasm is everything!

Jake: You ready for your close up?

John: (Laughing) Ahh, you're funny. Yes, I am.

As he takes pictures and I pose, I couldn't help but wonder, why me? Of all the people in the world he chose me to be his model.

Jake: Done! That's enough photo's for the day don't ya think?

I was more focused on him than the pictures.

John: Yeah, yeah, I think it is (caught up on jakes attire looking him up and down).

Jake: Wanna grab something to eat? My treat?

I wanted to say no, but strangely, this by had a pull on me that I couldn't explain.

John: Hell yeah! Where do you want to go?

Jake: There's an Italian restaurant not far from here! They have the best baggett and meatballs.

John: Alright, lets go!

We go to the restaurant, reserve our seats, and sit. Then the unthinkable happenes! A couple of girls in front of us noticed me from one of Jakes videos, he face lit up when she seen me!

Girl 1: OH MY GOD! Are you John from the video "He's great?"

John: Yes, that'd be me.

Girl 1: OMG! (She looks at Jake as he nervously looks at me) Are you-

John: He's my friend, my best friend.

Jake's look changed from nervous, to hurt. It's as if my statement hurt him.

Girl 1: Well my friend here would love your number

Girl 2: (Blushes) Oh stop it!

John: (Laughs) It's ok, here I'll give it to you.

Little did I know, as we were exchanging numbers, Jake was sinking more and more into his emotions. The girls walk away. I look at Jake.

John: Woo, that was a close one.

He didn't respond. He just played around with his spaghetti

John: Hey, you gonna eat that?

Jake: I want to go home.

John: Okayyy, did you want to take the spaghetti with you?

Jake: Can we just leave already?

He was sad and hurt as he said that. I got a to go box, got the spaghetti and we left. The car ride home was silent.

[The next day.. Wednesday]

I feel like Jake's been finding any way to avoid me. Any time I want to do something with him, he just finds an excuse to not do it..

John: Hey Jake, when are you free today? I was wondering if you'd want to-

Jake: I'm busy with ideas at the moment!

He was always unavailable when I tried talking to him, until it was the big day.

[The event day]

John: Hey Jake, where's the canvas at?

Jake: It's in my room, why?

He was getting himself ready and did anything I could to make him happy again.

John: Just wanting to know so I can put it up so it's ready for you.

Jake: Thanks!

We were both in a good mood today. He was going to be putting his art on display and I was going to just be around talking with him.

The event went well. Everything went to plan. Jake kept his identity safe by asking the judges who didn't know about his YouTube channel to keep his name disclosed. They did, and he won! We were both happy when we heard his name over the speaker. After the award ceremony, we found eachother and talked.

John: Good job Jake! You won!

Jake: Thank you! But if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have known what to draw.

John: You're a natural! A great artist! You can make a line into something inspirational! That's amazing!

Jake: (Lauging) Thank you!

He seemed to have been in a good mood for the time.

[Later that night]

Jake: Hey I'm gonna head out, you wanna join me?

John: Where you heading?

Jake: Out to get a drink as a celebration.

John: Ehh, I'm partied out, you go on ahead.

Again, he got hurt. I wish I said yes, but I was tired.

Jake: Ok, well I'll be back later.

John: Ok. Cya when you get back.

Inside I should have known something was wrong. He's been going out a lot more and seeing guys and modeling them. I was starting to feel like my old self again.