
Lover's Enchantment

It was a normal boring day until I met her. I saw her at the first sight I was mesmerized. I walked towards her, she looked at me confused so I lit the fuse and sat right next to her. I know I was acting different that day but it felt good. As I was with her. We talked the whole day and this was another step closer to my fall. Who would've thought it was all in vain. I made a move but it was too late. I started ignoring her and talked less. She knew I was hurt. But still stayed quiet. I moved away from her and I never came to know how they ended up together. But life isn't that easy, is it? Complications are always there. I'm not someone willing to give up so easily. No one else can be with her. NO ONE!

AkshatArpit · Fantasy
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7 Chs

CHAPTER TWO: Girlfriend

"Hey stro- I mean, stranger!" I waved.

The strong figure was shocked to see me waving. He turned around to swallow the fact and turned back at me.

At least, he didn't walk away like the last time.

"Hi. You're alright?"

"Oh. Definitely. Now and always."

"Good. Bye."

"Hey, wait! Do you know that we can be friends too?

Oh really. How's it possible? You're so down to earth but I sit on clouds. No possible. No?

"Ahm. Sorry for that."

"Sorry for what?"

"For being rude I suppose..." she said with an innocent look.

What's her deal? I thought.

"It's okay, you don't need to be sorry" trying my hardest not to laugh as she was looking at my shoes rather than looking at me.

She's weird, maybe not.

"So you forgave me?" she said, finally looking at me.

"I think i already did, didn't I?"

"Alright then! Can we be friends?" raising her hands for me to shake it.

Friends? They right, more like people who wouldn't hesitate for a second before stabbing you in the back. Just like what they did to dad.

"Sorry, I don't believe in friendship." I said turning back, "and neither should you. Now if you don't mind I have to go. "

"Umm, okay, see you in class I suppose. " She said in a confused voice.

Near the gymnasium entrance

"And there i thought you never bothered talking to anyone." said a familiar female voice.

Why is everyone so focused about my life?

I turned around, hoping it wasn't who i think it was, but has God ever listened to my prayers? No. And there she was standing in her basketball gear, Meghna.

I ignored her and kept walking towards the lockers.

"So you're just gonna ignore your girlfriend now? "

My WHAT now?

"What are you talking about? " I said, still trying to process what she just said.

"Well, I'm only stating what most of the school is taking about. Someone must have seen us yesterday," She said with a sly look on her face. "Not that I'd mind being your girlfriend."

" I know you wouldn't but I do. So no thanks. "

"Oh come on now, we are both famous in the campus, we would make a great couple don't you think? " Placing her arms on my shoulders, her face getting way closer to mine.

What the hell is her problem? She's crazy maybe that's what. I looked around if anyone was there and luckily it was still early and no one was going to show up for practice anytime soon.

"Try looking at the girl in front of you for once?"

I took her hands off me and stepped back. "What the hell is your problem? "

"You are my problem, Vihaan Malhotra!" Her usual cool collected voice was gone, it was like a pool of lava now.

"What now?"

"I said, you are my problem. No other guy would stop ogling at me, no matter where i am, in classroom, in food court anywhere, no guy would ever pass on such an opportunity. It makes me feel like I'm the Queen bee here, but YOU! You just ignore me like I don't even exist! Why do you do this to me? Am I not good enough? " She took my hands, putting them on her waist.

She was so close to me, closer than before, to the point i could practically count the freckles on her face. Her eyes reflecting mine.

Snap out of it idiot.

"You're a psycho, that's what i think," I said moving back, "Give me a reason why would I be in a relationship with someone like you?"

"So you want a reason, huh?" she snarled. "How about i give you the details of companies your family can invest in to go by? I figure money would be tight for your family right now."

"And how would you do that?"

"My dad's the head of the commerce cell, and he isn't good when it come to technology so I manage must of his accounts and stuff. So I could log into his laptop and get the details for you"

"And what's the catch? "

"Oh nothing really. You'll just have to become my boyfriend and do what I say. Although I promise I'll make you fall in love for me real soon. " she winked.

"Keep dreaming."

But what if she could really pull it off? It would help a ton and take some pressure of mom.

"Alright, I'll be your boyfriend."

"Woohoo!" she exclaimed punching in air.

"Listen! I'll be your boyfriend, only till i solve the issue, and i won't be your boy toy get that?"

"Oh we'll see about that soon enough," she said in a flirty smile. "you should go for your practice match now, I wouldn't want to be blamed if you couldn't focus on your game because of me."

What have I gotten myself into.

"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes.

She suddenly pulled me by my collar and kissed me on my cheeks.

"See you later babe!" she said waving at me.

Yup, she's a psychopath.

If only I knew what the Vihaan mean when he said that he doesn't believe in friendship.

By the look on his face, I could tell he had a secret untold. The anger and the pain flinching through his eyes at the same time like I hit the wrong spot. Could he be betrayed in past? Or maybe something worse that made him like this.

Just then, I wish I could help him out and make him go crazy with my super cool jokes.

After all, Aarvi carries fun vibes along.

"Hey!" jumped Nikhil in his gear.

"Hi. You're having a match or something?" I asked trying to cope up with his excitement.

"Yeah! In 30 minutes. You need to watch it. I could use some cheering," he winked at me.

"Sounds good. Sure! But you need to help me with science notes."

"I would love to!! See you, then. "

With Nikhil gone, I continued to the library to issue some books.

But as I saw the scene around the gymnasium entrance, my feet just couldn't move. Yeah, well, Vihaan was with Meghna, the most popular and richest girl in school. From rumours, I had heard that they both were a thing but I never believed. It just couldn't be. I knew he would never date such a girl.

For 5 minutes, they kept talking and I, being childish, decided to eavesdrop and find something about the strong figure. From tht distance, I could tell tht he wasn't enjoying her company and just then, tht smart girl placed his hands on her waist.

Keep your hands off him you bitch.

Luckily, I spoke it in my head and as expected, he withdrew his hands back.

'Hmph, that's right!"

But then, what the hell that bitch did now?

Meghna just kissed Vihaan on his cheek, Their conversation continued for 2 more minutes until Meghna walked off.

But as Meghna left, there was some sort of happiness reflecting on his face.

For the first time in a while, I felt like the strong figure wasn't very strong. He had some weaknesses he'd been trying forever to hide. I didn't want to sneak peak.

I just wished I could know it and help him with his way.


That was a practice match? It was the most competitive match I had ever seen! But Vihaan and Nikhil were both on the top of their game. While Vihaan scored a 2 out of 3 goals, Nikhil didn't let the opposition score a single goal. Much to the opponent's dismay.

"You gotta throw me a party now. My cheering literally helped you win, after all," I told Nikhil as we walked through the corridor after the match ended.

"I see. You're my lucky charm, I guess," he winked again.

Don't take me for a fool. I knew that he was flirting but i was helpless. He was my only friend in the school. If it wasn't him, I might've burned with the radiations others left.

"Don't change the topic, Nikhil. A party is what I asked for."

"Well then, would you like to be my date for tonight?" he said getting closer trying to make eye contact.

"What the hell, nikhil? Stop flirting." I blinked twice.

"I'm not flirting, Aarvi. Our team is having a winning party tonight and each of us is supposed to bring a date along. Everybody has one except me. "

"Everybody?! Vihaan too?" I swallowed expecting it to be a no.

"Yes! He's bringing Meghna. I think they're finally dating now."

So they are dating huh? But why do I care so much about it anyways?

"Ahm. I see. Cool. I'll come. Pick me up, would you? I'll text you the address."

"Absolutely. Thanks, Aarvi." he smiled.

"See you later then!"

I turned around and rushed to the washroom to hide the tears involuntarily rolling down my cheeks.

I didn't know why I was crying.
