
Lover's Enchantment

It was a normal boring day until I met her. I saw her at the first sight I was mesmerized. I walked towards her, she looked at me confused so I lit the fuse and sat right next to her. I know I was acting different that day but it felt good. As I was with her. We talked the whole day and this was another step closer to my fall. Who would've thought it was all in vain. I made a move but it was too late. I started ignoring her and talked less. She knew I was hurt. But still stayed quiet. I moved away from her and I never came to know how they ended up together. But life isn't that easy, is it? Complications are always there. I'm not someone willing to give up so easily. No one else can be with her. NO ONE!

AkshatArpit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


"The hell are you so happy about?" I asked Nikhil when i saw him punching the air.

"Ah, my friend Vihaan, you see you're not the only one who has a girlfriend now." Nikhil smirked placing his right hand on my shoulder.

Was it really such a big deal? Looking past him, wasn't that the new girl running off in a distance?

"So you and the new girl huh?" I asked.

"Yup, and she has a name you know, it's Aarvi." He said acting as if he was upset or something.

"Okay, Aarvi, got it." It was a nice name, too bad she'll have to tolerate him of all people.

"What are you smiling about now?" a female's voice asked.

"Oh, hi Meghna!" said Nikhil greeting her.

She nodded at him and continued looking at me and then said, "Thinking about me I hope?" clinging to my left arm.

"Of course I was," and finished what i wanted to say in my mind, when you'll show up and start pestering me about this couple's party.

I shot a glare at Nikhil because it was one of his greatest ideas to celebrate the win and my relationship party together and so told everyone had to bring someone along with them. However Nikhil must have misinterpreted the situation and hurried off thinking maybe the couple wanted a moment alone.

"Saw your match today, you were brilliant as ever." She said resting her head on my shoulder as we walked along. "Was it because something good happened in the morning?"

"Yeah that's right." I said sarcastically.

"That's what I love about you," she said in a teasing voice, "by the way, when will you pick me up tonight?"

"Whenever you'll call me?" Wasn't that obvious?

"How thoughtful of you but still you should come to pick me up by... 6:30?"

"Alright and would you mind giving me a name for what we agreed on?" I asked to remind her about the names of the companies to invest in.

"Sure thing! See you later then, and don't forget to wear something black! It suits you." she said running off towards her car.

She's not that bad, i think.


"Ma, don't cook any dinner for me tonight."

"Why Vivu, are you going somewhere out?" My mother asked. Vivu was the name she always called me with. And i kind of liked it too.

"Yes Ma, I'm going out with friends for bowling and then I'll get something to eat later."

"With friends or girlfriend?" she asked with the sole purpose of teasing me.

"Both actually, by the way where is my black shirt, have you seen it?" I asked as i was rummaging through my clothes.

"She must be someone special it you're looking for your favorite shirt." her mind dead set to on teasing me.

"Yeah super important and special person." I decided to play along. "Found it!"

I was only going through the trouble so that Meghna won't be able to make any excuse while telling me the names of the companies. I had to do it, for Ma.


A text message from Meghna, it was her address. Time to leave I guess.

"Beta, take the car." my mom said handing me the keys.

"Nah, I'll just call an Uber. See you later."


Calling Meghna's house a house would have been the biggest understatement ever.

I knew she was rich but didn't expect her to be filthy rich.

The Uber came to a halt near the main gate and a guard after taking a confirmation escorted me into the living room.

"Meghna ma'am would be shortly with you. Please feel free to ask what you need meanwhile." after doing his job the guard left.

It was a fairly big room, having a fireplace and several life-size photos of her and her family.

"Like the pictures?" a familiar voice asked.

"Yeah they look good." I replied while turning back to face her. "WOW!" I didn't mean to say it out but somehow the words already managed to escape my mouth.

"Glad you liked it!" Meghna chirped and happily did a twirl to show me her entire outfit.

She was wearing a black crop top coordinated with blue palazzo pants highlighting her perfectly fine waist, similar to the black shirt and blue denim I was in.

"Shall we get going then? It's already 6:48 pm." she said.

"Just let me book an Uber and then we'll leave"

"Don't worry about Uber, my driver will drive us there."


"You guys are late! We were about to start without you." Neha, the girl with Shrey, one of our Defender shouted even before we got out of the car. "By the way you look as gorgeous as ever!"

"Aww, thanks Neha you look great as well." Meghna said and proceeded to hug her. Neha knew I didn't like being hugged so she waved at me instead.

The girls started chatting among themselves as we went inside, so I went to hangout with the guys and all the bowling lanes were occupied at the moment.

"Hey Vihaan! We were just talking about today's match." Shrey said.

"What's there to talk about, we knew we were gonna win. No one could've stopped Vihaan and Nikhil wasn't gonna let anybody score, we owned them!" said Nitin, who was the Mid fielder.

I just nodded and went to sit with Nikhil.

"You know you're really lucky." Nikhil said.

"Why's that?" I was puzzled.

"Your girlfriend is really into you, can't you see she got all dressed up for you?"

"You drunk or something?" I laughed. She was all dressed up for me? Nope, not even gonna think about it.

"I'm telling you. Look at my date, she wouldn't even let me touch her hand."

"Everyone has a sense for personal zone, don't rush it." I said, his date, Aarvi, was pretty new here so it's sensible that she wouldn't get close to anybody instantly, what was this idiot thinking?

"Hey guys, the lanes are open. Let's form three groups. Each group having four couples, sounds good?" Priyashi, Nitin's date said.

"Great idea. Then Vihaan, Nikhil, Nitin and Shrey, can form a group with us!" Meghna said.

It was my turn to bowl first, I've been good at bowling since I used to come here with dad pretty often, so I wasn't surprised when I got a strike in my first throw. Nikhil went next he knocked only six pins down in the first throw it was Aarvi's turn to throw the second.

She was wearing a classic white tank top with high waist denim with her hair tied in a messy bun, plain and simple just the way I preferred. She took a bowling bowl from the rack and positioned herself. Good stance, i thought. She threw the bowl, and easily got the rest of the pins. Nice. Nitin and Priyashi knocked eight ponder out of ten and Shrey and Neha got nine of the ten pins. Since I went first the last time so I thought Meghna should go first this time. She picked up a bowling ball and was about to throw it when she looked at me and said,

"Um Vihaan, could you help me with my posture please? I don't think I've got it right."

"Uh sure just a minute." I got up from my seat and grabbed her arm. "Just move your legs a bit forward and..."

"You smell really good" Meghna whispered.

"You just made up an excuse about the posture thing right?" I whispered back.


This girl!

"Focus on the game I don't plan on losing just because you're focused on how I smell."

"Yes, sir!" she said and threw the ball, and strike. And the pins went down. To others it might have seemed like I was an Excellent coach but Meghna already knew bowling much better than I did, regardless everyone started asking me for advices about posture, power, etc.

The game pretty much went without much happening until when Nikhil had to suddenly go back, and left in an instant. But before he left he gave me Aarvi's address and asked me if I could drop her off since she lived nearby my society. I agreed and the game went on.

I went to get a drink for Meghna, but then someone screamed at the top of her lungs, so I hurried back and saw Aarvi curled up clinging to her right ankle.

"What happened?" I said and rushed at her side.

"She was about to throw next but she slipped and maybe her ankle broke or something." Meghna replied, worried about Aarvi and was kneeling beside her.

"Let me take a look." I said gently taking her ankle in my hands. "Let me know if it hurts."

Aarvi nodded.

I slowly turned her ankle to the right. Nothing? Well it's not broken then. But as soon as I tried to turn it left side, she quickly grabbed my elbow.

"It hurts." she said, the pain was clear in her voice.

"Good news is it isn't broken, it's just a sprain." and everyone let out a sigh of relief, and I continued, "the bad news is, she can't play anymore. So I'll just go and drop her back. You guys continue."

"Just be careful and call me when you drop her off," Meghna said, "Take care both of you."

Everyone wanted to come and drop her off till the entrance but i said there wasn't a need to and told Aarvi to grab my shoulder and try not to put much weight on her right foot.

We exited the complex and I made her sit on a bench, while I booked an Uber.

"I'm pathetic." she said it out of nowhere.

"What?" I asked.

" I said, I'm PATHETIC." she yelled and tears started falling from her dove like eyes. " I ruined everyone's mood today." and continued to sob.

Just what is she thinking? She's the one in pain and still she's worried about how others would get upset about her getting hurt? After booking the Uber, I went and kneeled before her.

"Look at me." I said in the calmest voice I could. "No one is going to be upset because of what happened. You're one of us now. They're only worried about your well being and nothing else. So throw those useless thoughts of yours like you threw those bowling bowls, get that?"

"Y-you think s-so?" she asked as she looked up still tears running down her now crimson like cheeks.

"Everyone does."

Sitting on the bench under the fluorescent street light, one could see her child like demeanour, it felt kind of cute, and her eyes, now reflecting mine, looking at me like all she wanted was to never let me get out of her sight. Her light pink lips were about to say something but before they could, I moved a bit towards her, I didn't know what I was doing. It was as if my heart was now controlling my body.

I thought she would smack my head off my body but, instead she locked her eyes in mine and leaned in. A moment later, the shadow of two strangers became one under the fluorescent street light.