
Lover's Enchantment

It was a normal boring day until I met her. I saw her at the first sight I was mesmerized. I walked towards her, she looked at me confused so I lit the fuse and sat right next to her. I know I was acting different that day but it felt good. As I was with her. We talked the whole day and this was another step closer to my fall. Who would've thought it was all in vain. I made a move but it was too late. I started ignoring her and talked less. She knew I was hurt. But still stayed quiet. I moved away from her and I never came to know how they ended up together. But life isn't that easy, is it? Complications are always there. I'm not someone willing to give up so easily. No one else can be with her. NO ONE!

AkshatArpit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


After what just happened in the classroom, everybody was silent except for Nikhil who couldn't stop beaming.

"Why are you smiling this much? Did you forget that you barely escaped from the tiger's claw?"

"Oh well. You can call me a player, " He said in his forever flirty tone.

"I don't think you are, " I backed away.

"Come on! I just stood up for you few minutes ago. How come you not support me?" His smile dropped and his overly beamy face became pale and dull.

" Support?! Nikhil, you don't have any right to present someone's secrets before everyone. That was wrong."

"Aarvi," He held my hand tightly, " You matter a lot to me. I can't stand a guy making you cry for any reason. You're special to me. So if anybody does that again to you, I'd still do the same for you."

"Nikhil. I appreciate you for what you did for me. I'm extremely grateful for that. I don't think I would've ever done that for you. But what happened to Vihaan doesn't feel right. I feel like he needs you a lot, " I tried explaining to him. Just so he would realize his mistake. What Vihaan did to me was wrong, but I never wanted to devastate their friendship.

"If you think he needs me, I'll visit his house tomorrow." He smiled once again.

"Thank you, Nikhil"

"Anything for you. "

Ah! I never realized when my life became so complicated. I cross one hurdle only to end up at another one.

The more closer I get to the door, the more it seems to get far away. Sometimes, it feels like a maze. Like I'm going round and round, coming back at the same spot everyday.

I think I'm losing myself lately.


"Mom?" I hurried downstairs, entering the kitchen, overwhelmed, "Did you see my journal? I can't find it nowhere in my closet."

"Honey, I had no idea you were keeping a journal, " Mom sounded surprised.

"Ah! Right. It was just a normal journal. Everyday experience. Nothing special, mom. I'll go to my room now, " I said hesitantly and finally rushed back to my room.

After a futile attempt of two hours, I laid empty handed on my bed. Disappointed. Embarrassed. Anxious.

I had no idea where I could even drop it.

Maybe, at school...

Next morning,

After reaching the school, I creeped to my classroom, trying to hide my weary face. For I couldn't sleep at night after knowing the fact that my journal was lost. That too, somewhere in school. I was too embarrassed to face everybody with my journal on loose.

"Where are you going, slut?" Meghna stopped me on the classroom's entrance.

"What did you just call me, " I moved towards her.

"Oh my god. I never knew you are deaf as well. Until now, I thought you are dumb only."

"Look who's telling me, " I smirked.

"Alas! I changed my thought about your dumbness as soon as I got to know that you've been hitting on my boyfriend, " Her face turned into a scowl. Evil all over her face. Eyes as piercing as a sword. She wanted to kill me, for sure.

"Excuse me? Mind your tongue. And for God's sake, leave me alone."

"Look, someone's scared of me. Girls, I think we should teach this girl a lesson and show her her right place. "

"Too bad you have to call your worker bees to get your work done. I don't think you have the guts to face me alone, do you? And if it comes to your boyfriend, I'd love to know who told this bullshit to you. I'd never hit on him in my lifetime. I don't date cheaters, after all."

"Did you girls hear her? A cheater?! My vihaan? Back off, bitch. You're gonna regret this argument for your lifetime, " She charged towards me only to stop an inch before me. She was going to explode soon.

"I'm afraid you'd regret this argument. I'm not scared of you and your so called threats. Do what you can. I'm here only. Standing still with my neck up.

"Let me bring it down then."

With that being said, she pushed me hard towards the door.

I hit the door with too much force that I could feel my arm inflaming internally.

Just then, Nikhil came running and helped me away.

Before I could thank him, he charged at Meghna.

He was fuming red. I was afraid he might do something aggressive to get expelled.

"Stay away from her, Meghna, " Nikhil ordered.

"Oh really? Wait until I call my boyfriend here. You can't stand a minute in front of him, and this time this bitch wouldn't be able to save you! Maybe I'll get him to kick you out of the team as well." She said in her nasty tone.

" Your boyfriend, " Nikhil smirked, " He's suspended starting today. And if you harm Aarvi in any way. You'll be expelled sooner too. Make sure you don't even roam around her. Else, you know, I'm a man of my words. And as for the team, I'm the new Captain and I'm calling the shots now."

What?! Why was Vihaan the only one who got suspended? It's not good. Vihaan would be pissed now.

Nikhil hold my hand and escorted me to the restroom immediately. He pulled a bandage from the first aid box and tied it around my arm where I got deeply hurt.

"There's no need for that, Nikhil-"

"Shush!" he said coolly.

"Thanks again, nikhil." I didn't know what else to say. He had come to my rescue twice a day. To help me out.

I didn't know how to pay him back.

"Any time, Aarvi," He laughed, "Just make sure I'm around before falling in any sort of trouble".

I kicked his arm playfully and left for the library.

I always misinterpreted Nikhil. Maybe, he wasn't that bad. He loved Tesla just like me. He was good at academics just like me. And he was a griffindor just like me. He was totally like me. And there was no way we wouldn't get along well. Maybe it's a good thing, Vihaan got suspended. At least now I'll have time to get rid of my feelings I had for him.

Maybe, I wouldn't even see him again. He would remain alive just in my head. And my journal. For his memories were well contained. But, just like him, my journal had betrayed me as well.

With me being lost in his dreams, I didn't realize that the students were rushing everywhere. Whispering in each other's ears. I tried to eavesdrop their conversations only to find out that Vihaan was leaving our school, maybe he'll never come back. It meant he was not only leaving the school, but our football team as well.

I quickly ran towards the principal's office to steal a last glance at him.

There he was, standing with his mother, I guess. He wore an ivory shirt, his sleeves rolled up, paired with a classic jeans. He looked breathtaking. Remarkable as always. And smiling, like he couldn't have been happier. The coach was standing at the gate of principal's office, he looked at them, shook his head and went back inside.

Quite a few people were now gathering here, confused about what was going on. But now, he was no longer the school's beloved player, no longer every girl's crush, for he had become a threat, a rival to DPS.