
New beginning

I woke up to find out I was not in my house anymore.where am I asked my self,knowing that no one will even kindnap someone who reads books all day,I thought to my self knowing I can't be actually kindnaped

 I got up from the bed that I found my self in and discovered that this is not a normal room because all of the furnitures are not normal every thing was made out of gold and I could not believe my eyes I walked up to the mirror to find out I am not in my original body anymore,all of sudden some strange girl wearing a maids uniform like some book nerd walk up to me and started calling lady jane and bowing to me in respect.

unknow girl: lady jane u are awake,are u hungry do u want to eat, should I bring the bathing tub for u to relax after what happened yesterday u most be tried

Jane:WHAT happened yesterday and were am I who are u and why are you calling me lady jane?

unknow girl: pls calm down lady jane,it seems u have lost ur memory from the fall and shock yesterday,please allow me to help u remember is that ok with u miss

Jane:it ok please tell me who u are where am I and why did u call me lady jane. 

unknow girl:first of all let me introduce my self my name is grace I am your personal maid and also ur advisor, secondly u are in u father palace and ur father's name is Duke Devon encantial,you are the only child of Duke Devon encantial and Duchess mary encantial who sadly have passed away may her soul Rest In Peace. And u are the next in line for the position of Duchess Jane encantial,you where supposed to ge marryed to the prince of the sun kingdom but he broke of the engagement proceeding in the shock that made u faint and lose your memory so I am sorry for what happened yesterday. 

Jane:oh what that happened to me,I am so sorry that I shouted at u I was just scared. 

grace:it ok lady jane no need for the apology. 

Jane: may I ask which kingdom are we in? 

grace: we are in the kingdom of the moon the most powerful of all five, in this planet we have five content to complete the world we have the kingdom of the sun which is known as the fire kingdom it is not that powerful but fear,then the kingdom of root known as the earth kingdom they can control the soil,the ground,the trees and any thing that have to do with the ground,then we have the kingdom of water which is know as the water kingdom they are really strong and can control blood because it liquid and can kill,then we have our kingdom of the moon which has to content joined together for 40 million years which,know as the blessed kingdom because we are the strongest and can control all elements including air and time we can change time but only one person can do that that person comes every 10,000 years they are called the choosing one that is not the only reason we are the strongest we are the strongest because the average person in our content can use at least two elements and ur family the grand Duke David ,wizard,mistical creature's,and the Royal family can use three.i hope this information satisfied ur questions lady jane?

Jane:yes it did satisfy my questions thank u 

 Wow I didn't now I was entered a book i all ways loved omg,but I think there is one problem I am the villainess and destinted to die my the ml hands,oh dear what can I do to advoid this horrible ending.

Next day 

What a Bueatiful day I wish I could never leave here I said to my self in a sleeply tune,oh my that girl has not come since yesterday I talked to her I have not seen her, thought today will be a great day but I was wrong 😑,I didn't know my father was going to get me married to 

Grand Duke David's son Derrick, I just lost my memory just yesterday and now I am getting married,(I shouted in anger) what did I ever do to u this man oh god I didn't know the plot will start know I am f*cking getting married today what should I do I am going to marry someone I don't even know. All of a sudden my father called me saying,

Duke Devon: Jane get ready for u 

 marriage u don't want to be late•

Jane:ok father I will be ready in a minute 

 I all of a sudden found my self at the wedding hall every one was staring at me with envy when I got to the main stage were my to be husband is oh my what have I done to get into the hell now I know the plot of the story I don't what to be a s*xual severant no that is not happening what should I do.

Hmmm it seems that he is trying to talk to me not to lie he is really handsome with his black hair and red,with muscular features any will fall in love with him. 

Derrick:hmmm I did not expect u to be this cute wow god really blessed me wow.

Jane: u are not to bad ur self u are really handsome to the extent that will faint ha.

Derrick: (smirks) u think I am handsome oh what a supprise I did not expect.


I did not expect that he was ok with the conversation wow what a sudden shock 

I never expected to get married to a handsome man at that but I know he will abandon me after he sees tha fl so I need to make friends with him so I will not die what a hard task. 

we finally prayed to the goddess of happiness fo the marrage will be started oh my what a shock how will I like with a beast like him even thou he is hand some I don't want to be a salve no I can't happen I will not like that at all.suddenly I felt a hand reaching out to be I thought it was a kidnapper so I used magic but it was my father. 

Duke Devon: jane u almost killed me !

Jane: I am sorry father(smirk's)

Duke Devon: I am so sorry for rushing u into this marriage I was trying to protect u I am so sorry Jane. 

Jane: you sold me to a tryant and you are telling me sorry, oh u think I am dumb do u think i am stupid, I just lost my memory yesterday and u a now getting me married the next day father I am just 19 and he is 23 how will I get me married when I. Am 19. 

Duke Devon: I...I... am.. sorry 

I turn around to go to my carrge where my new husband was waiting..... I was sure that we would not spend the night together but I was wrong and now I am going to sleep with him what should I do.

He came up to me in a hushed tone voice and said stay on the bed I am coming.then smirking 

My face is so red I almost looked like a tomato. 

I thought to my self how the fl. Lead looked like.she had blonde hair and blue eyes while I have whitish bule hair and light blue eyes while the three ml's look like,Derrick

Had black her and red eyes while mike had green hair and eyes and Jason had purple hair and gold eyes all of them are so hot tha fl is lucky to have ml's that are handsome smart rich. And love her so much. 

Derrick:I am back do u want to have some fun (smiles cheapishly) 

Jane:oh I forgot (blushes)

I am about to have a stormy night how will I get through this omg how some one pls save me,what will I do.